Grade 4- Lesson 1 Grade 4 – Lesson 2

Grade 4- Lesson 1
Grade 4 – Lesson 2
Grade 4- Lesson 3
Grade 4- Lesson 4
Grade 4- Lesson 5
pact- an agreement to do certain
queasy- a sick feeling in your
foisted- something is given to
you whether you want it or not
venture- a project that is exciting
and risky
annoyed- somewhat angry
depriving- keeping you away
from something
blabs- told a secret
crams- stuffed
jabs- pokes
legendary- special fame for
something done
muttered- said quietly so you
wouldn’t be heard
gaped- stared open-mouthed in
flinched- quickly moved away from
something dangerous or painful
snickering- laughing quietly in an
unkind way at what someone says
or does
glared- stared at a person in an
angry way
stunned- shocked and sometimes
even speechless
fluke- something unusual that
happens by accident
pile- up – several cars crash into
each other
staff- team of workers
laps- drive completely around a
surrender- stop fighting
particular- on specific thing
sparkling- shining, clear, and
clusters- small groups of things
close together
sizzles- very hot and makes a
hissing sound
stroll- walk in a slow relaxed way
poke- push with a finger
bank- land at the edge of a pond,
lake, or river
averted- looked away
fury- extremely strong anger
interrogation- intense
stern- very serious and strict
accusing- think someone is guilty
of something
solemnly- very serious
cringed- moved; flinched slightly
craned- stretched to help you
see or hear something better
disease- sickness
reveal- show something that was
secret or unknown
grim- serious and sad
culinary- anything related to
downcast- feeling sad or
consternation- feeling anxious or
worried about something
vivid- intensely bright
extensive- includes many details,
items, or ideas
serenely- calmly or quietly
reminiscent- brings back
pensive- deep in thought
recruit- get people to join
commencing- beginning
stumped- can’t figure it out
pact brand brick crop
broad tread film else
gram gum dread spend
past plot check split sting
strap task twin
cheese heel season boast chief
gape aim brain fluke crayon
eagle throw rose student goal
woke ripen cube rainbow
toil faucet boyhood boast
choice dawn awful foist
daughter flaw annoy royal allow
destroy blew spoon shampoo
brown renew wooden auction
burned chopped cracked begged
moving slipped sailing trimmed
shopping returned watching
pushed visited cringed screamed
scratching flapping
goal scrape choice allow
auction flaw daughter destroy
renew boyhood returned
chopped counting
tread broad split chief season
brain throw
Character Traits and
Character Traits and
Motivations- Setting can have an
Compare and Contrast-
Compare and Contrast
Make Judgments- Different
Traits- description of a person
Motivations- why a character acts
like he/ she does
effect on how a character feels and
acts in a story.
readers can make different
Character Traits and
Synonyms and Antonyms
Compare and Contrast
Making Judgements
Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms- words that mean about
the same
Antonyms- words that are opposites
Fluency 70-110 wpm
Fluency 70-110 wpm
Compare- show how things are alike
Contrast- show how things are
Make Judgments- When we
form our own idea or opinion about
something, we are making a
judgment. When we read, we use
details from the text, along with
what we know from our own
experiences, to make judgments
about the characters, events, and
setting of the story.
70-110 wpm
70-110 wpm
70-110 wpm
Grade 4- Lesson 6
Grade 4- Lesson 7
Grade 4- Lesson 8
Grade 4- Lesson 9
Grade 4- Lesson 10
responsible- can be trusted to do a
job on his/her own
darted- moved suddenly and quickly
in a particular direction
jostling- pushing or knocking
swerved- turned suddenly to avoid
hitting something
attentive- listens carefully or
watches carefully
pounced- jumped on something
eagerly in order to take it
contradicting- saying that what a
person has said is wrong
plodded- walk along in a slow ,tired
,heavy way
halted- stopped
gasped- took a breath and suddenly
made a sound because he/ she was
reluctant- does not want to do
rumpled- wrinkled or messy
surge- sudden, strong development
inspecting- looking at something
taut- stretched or pulled tightly
untangled- untied knots or
straightened out what was twisted
resounded- filled
lurked- waited somewhere quietly;
hidden before doing something bad
begged- showed that you wanted
something very much
peeked- took a quick little look
amazed- so surprised that one could
hardly believe it
slick- attractive
nimble- moves quickly and easily
impressed- admire someone or
cease- stop doing something
exist- a real thing that is present
in the world
fierce- angry, violent or ready to
bundles- little bunches or groups
appears- showed up
splendid- wonderful
unique- the only one of its kind
infest- something in large numbers that
can usually cause damage
delicate- great care taken so that nothing
is broken or hurt; easily broken
flexible- can bend or be bent easily
bond- a feeling or interest that can unite
two or more people or groups
intervals- repetition of something with a
certain amount of time in between
inspires- makes you feel excited about
doing something good
preserve- to keep something from being
harmed or changed
planks- boards
carted- carried away
shift- move from one position or place to
comprehend- understand
pliable- easy to move or bend without
solitary- to be alone most of the time
scan- to look carefully over the entire
area for something specific
vulnerable- weak and unprotected and
at risk of being harmed
exuberant- full of excitement, energy,
and happiness
mature- fully grown; behaves like an
lumbers- moves in a slow, clumsy way
encircle- surround
nurture- care for something while it is
growing and developing
moaning- a low sound that means
someone is sick or in pain
groaning- a deep, long sound that means
that someone is in pain or sad
peeping- a short, quiet, high sound
circle fable angle candle riddle
cradle icicle handle ladle sparkle
castle paddle jungle ruffle
tangle battle
Juggle marble ankle sizzle
letter ladder appear lesson
soccer classic hollow supper
accent pizza officer lettuce
better slipper bottom ribbon
summer college occur rabbit
history number hunger window
company welcome blanket
perhaps service subject thunder
furnish jersey mother secret
harvest winter problem chapter
monster complete hundred
kitchen sandwich surprise
applause although conflict
mattress purchase merchant
pumpkin angry Thursday ostrich
punctual chestnut luncheon
castle handle ruffle icicle fable
soccer appear hollow classic
college accent jersey mother
problem complete mattress
purchase luncheon service
Plot- Conflict/ Resolution-
Plot- Conflict/ Resolution
The plot generally contains a
problem, steps taken to solve a
problem, and a resolution. To
understand the plot, you need to
identify the problem, or conflict, and
the resolution, the way the problem
is fixed.
A story plot is made up of a conflict
and several events that lead to a
resolution. The conflict is the main
problem that the main character or
characters face. The resolution is
how the main character or
characters solve the problem. The
resolution may not be what the
character wanted or expected.
Author Purpose and
Perspective- An author writes with
Author Purpose and
a reason or purpose in mind. The
main purpose of writing nonfiction is
to inform. The purpose of writing
fiction is to entertain. An author
often has a certain point of view, or
perspective that shows in the
Authors write for different reasons, or
purposes. Nonfiction can be written to
inform or persuade the reader. Authors
might display their perspective, or
opinion about a subject.
Plot- Conflict/ Resolution
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
Author Purpose/ Perspective
Locate Information
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
Prefixes: dis, un, re, im, in, non, pre,
Suffixes- able, ible, less, ful, ist, ian,
ness, er, ous
Fluency 70-110 wpm
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
Fluency 70-110 wpm
Locate Information
A library data- base can be accessed
from a computer.
The data base lets a writer research a
library by author’s name, book title, call
number, or keyword.
A writer can also search for information
in a CD-ROM encyclopedia by topic or by
alphabet. Writers also find information
online magazines, and newspaper
Locate Information
70-110 wpm
70-110 wpm
70-110 wpm
Grade 4- Lesson 11
Grade 4- Lesson 13
Grade 4- Lesson 14
Grade 4- Lesson 15
obvious- easily seen or understood
that no one has to explain it
resemble- look similar to someone
or something
deceptive- tries to make you believe
something that is not true
predators – animals that kill and eat
other animals
traits- particular qualities or
characteristics of a person or thing
lure- makes you want to go to
something, even though it is
dangerous or could get you in
avoid- keep away from
mimic- try to act or look exactly like
a person or thing
*spotting- seeing
*vanish- disappear
*shed- lose
Grade 4 – Lesson 12
constant- happens regularly
without stopping
gradually- happens very slowly
over time
depths- deepest parts
immediate- happens right away
contract- get smaller by
revealed –hidden but can now
be seen
eruption- something bursts
through a surface
*predict- use clues to take an
educated guess
*duck- bend down and get under
*disaster- an event that causes a
lot of harm or damage
treacherous- dangerous and
drudgery – hard and unpleasant or
boring work
plunge - rush into something
smoldering- burning slowly from the
inside without flames
altered- changed
scoffed – spoke about in a mocking
or critical way
skeptically- express doubt about
whether something is true
discouraged- made you believe
things weren’t going to turn out as
you hoped
*grinding- sounded like two hard
things rubbed together
*relief- felt good ; no longer tense
and scared
hermit–person who lives alone,
often far from a community
fascinated- very interested in
something and pay close attention
to it
occasionally- happens once in a
timid – shy and unsure of oneself
peculiar – strange and unusual,
usually not in a good way
drab – dull and lacks color
trembling – shaking slightly
dashed- quickly and suddenly ran
*replied- said something to answer
a question
*spotted- saw something
intrepid – acts brave because he or
she has no fear
seasoned – has a lot of experience
guidance – provides help and advice
undoubtedly- will definitely happen
cherish- means a lot to you and you
care for it lovingly
hoist – raise something, often with
mechanical help
delectable – tastes very good
pristine- clean and untouched
fragile- easily broken or damaged
privilege – special advantage or right
that only certain people can have
*prowl – move slowly and quietly as
if they don’t want to be seen
*hike- a long walk
begin vanish bonus legal event
moment motive native suburb
mimic paper pilot raven rival
relish silent solar spider super
reuse restart retell resend
replace uncork unstuck
unannounced unpleasant unchain
unfit nonprofit nonmetal recall
nontoxic unwelcome reproduce
retrace uninvited reapply
likeable removable printable
adorable comfortable durable
usable invisible responsible
darkness tidiness silliness
excitement government
requirement loneliness harmless
hopeless fearless horrible
apron button crayon certain
chicken cardigan cotton dragon
even fountain gallon horizon
listen orphan pardon pollen
prison siren swollen driven
event rival solar moment
unannounced reuse retrace
unpleasant nonmetal likable
comfortable horrible invisible
loneliness requirement fearless
cotton listen fountain orphan
Text Structure: Cause/ Effect
Text Structure: Cause/ Effect
Reference Sources
Draw Conclusions
Predict Outcomes
Cause and effect is one way an
author can choose to organize ideas.
A cause is an action or event that
makes something else happen. An
effect is what happens as a result.
Certain clue words can help you
identify cause/ effect relationships.
Reference Sources
Fluency 80-120 wpm
Locate a place- atlas
Research a specific topicencyclopedia, internet, nonfiction
book, magazine
Locate specific facts or check current
facts- almanac
Find synonyms and antonymsthesaurus
Locate meanings and spellings of
words- dictionary
Fluency 80-120 wpm
Draw Conclusions
Authors do not always explain
everything when they write.
Readers must figure out some things
for themselves. First, they must
identify and use information in the
story. Then, they must recall what
they already know. Finally, they put
these things together to draw
conclusions about the story.
Predict Outcomes
Good readers often think about what
might happen next as they read.
Good readers look for story clues about
what might happen next.
Good readers think about what they
already know from real life.
Good readers use both the story clues
and what they already know to make
predictions about what might happen
Fluency 80-120 wpm
Fluency 80-120 wpm
Text Structure: Cause/ Effect
Draw Conclusions
Reference Sources
Predict Outcomes
Fluency 80-120 wpm