Shiloh Point ES 1 2015-18 Executive Summary AdvancED Standards (Check all that apply) Continuous Improvement Goal (Schools determine the number of goals) 1. Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of culture and community. x x Shiloh Point will actively engage as a community and continue to focus on culture. The amount of “strongly agree” and “agree” will remain consistent throughout the course of the year from 95% to 95% based on staff survey results. Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems x Using Results for Continuous Improvement 2. Increase SPES CCRPI score through professional growth and improvement to instruction. x Purpose and Direction (see Data Team SMART Goals below) x Teaching and Assessing for Learning x Resources and Support Systems x Using Results for Continuous Improvement x Purpose and Direction 3. Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of instruction of whole child. x x 100% of homeroom teachers will participate in classroom meetings weekly in order to build community and support the whole child. Governance and Leadership Governance and Leadership x Teaching and Assessing for Learning x Resources and Support Systems x Using Results for Continuous Improvement Support from FCS Depts.* (List all that apply) Student Support Services Human Resource Dept. Professional Learning (T & L Dept.) Mini-GAPSS feedback Continued support from T & L Department (specifically Steve Straughan for literacy support) Continued DCD topics in the area of differentiation and learning targets Student Support Services T & L Dept. Shiloh Point ES 2 * FCS Depts: Educational Leadership Facilities Finance & Operations Food & Nutrition Services Human Resources Public Inf. & Communications School Safety & Discipline Special Education Student Support Services Superintendent Teaching & Learning Technology & Inf. Services 2015-16 School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: 1. Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of culture and community. 2. Increase SPES CCRPI score through professional growth and improvement to instruction. 3. Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of instruction of whole child based on characteristics of the FCS Learner Profile. SMART Goal: The percent of male students reading on or above grade level will increase from the beginning of the year to the end of the year based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. 1. The percent of first grade male students reading on or above grade level will increase from 78% to 90% based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. 2. The percent of second grade male students reading on or above grade level will increase from 77% to 94% based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. 3. The percent of third grade male students reading on or above grade level will increase from 79% to 95% based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. 4. The percent of fourth grade male students reading on or above grade level will increase from 93% to 98% based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. 5. The percent of first grade male students reading on or above grade level will increase from 94% to 100% based on Fountas and Pinnell assessment data. Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) Timeline Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of culture and community. 1. Cultural Leadership will organize All activities have the intent of August 2015-May and lead opportunities for staff & building positive culture that 2016 community connection (book club, supports a vertical learning dress up day, work out club, knitting community that focuses on club, staff service projects) whole child learning in support 2. Intentional relationship building of the FCS Learner Profile. opportunities for staff at faculty meetings (Ball pit, Belief Statements, One Word Activity) 3. Staff-wide communication with built-in relationship connections (Daily Fin, Shark Bites) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? Cultural Leadership Team Shiloh Point ES 3 Increase SPES CCRPI score through professional growth and improvement to instruction. 1. Collect beginning, middle, and end F & PO data for grades k-5 1. Baseline data serves as a foundation for instructional decisions and monitoring growth. 2. Disaggregate/monitor multiple reading measures of reading achievement by gender 2. Monitor progress of male students 3. Data teams - analyze pre/post data and identify most effective strategies 4. Determine which literacy strategies to implement at a whole school level based on gender specific strategies 3. Reflection and adjustment instruction based on measurable growth toward goal. 1. Grade levels, classroom teachers All year(fall, winter, spring) assessments mapped to SLO district timeline 4. Professional knowledge will be gained and implemented in classrooms. 2. Instructional Leaders, Literacy leaders, Instructional Coaches, Media Specialist 3. Grade levels 4. Instructional Leaders, Literacy leaders, Instructional Coaches, Media Specialist, Classroom teachers Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of instruction of whole child based on characteristics of the FCS Learner Profile. 1. Familiarize all staff with the connections among Olweus, 7 Mindsets, and the responsive Morning Meeting models. 1. Schedule all meetings with established expectations and appointed leaders (7 mindsets) Cultural/Organizational LT 1. August Faculty Meeting Training in 7 Mindsets during Pre-planning 2. Develop a list of resources and lessons to support implementation 2. Align meetings across all grade levels with common mindset of month 2. August 2. Utilize continuous professional learning with 7 Mindset online curriculum 3. Assign Core Leadership to Vertical House meetings 3. August - May 3. Support vertical house meetings led by 7 Mindset team 3. Monitor and support implementation. Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: We will monitor the instructional goal by reviewing our data mid year as well as through data teams throughout the year. Shiloh Point ES 4 2015-16 Professional Learning Plan Professional Learning Goal(s): Teachers will increase the use of research based instructional strategies with support from the instructional coaching team (including instructional technology specialist.) The team will provide opportunities for teachers to observe peers, co-teach with coach, and observe coaches model a lesson. Teachers will use itsLearning to provide differentiated work for students and to communicate with parents and students. Teachers will develop a common understanding of learning targets and will be able to recognize if their students are able to identify it during the lesson. All staff will be trained in the full implementation of the 7 Mindsets and will support the students with “whole child” approach by supporting vertical house meetings and individual class meetings. Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): Increase SPES CCRPI score through professional growth and improvement to instruction. ● Teachers will develop a common understanding of learning targets and will be able to recognize if their students are able to identify it during the lesson. ● Teachers will use itsLearning to provide differentiated work for students and to communicate with parents and students. ● Teachers will increase the use of research based instructional strategies with support from the instructional coaching team. The team will provide opportunities for teachers to observe peers, co-teach with coach, and observe coaches model a lesson. Increase SPES CCRPI through the development of instruction of whole child based on characteristics of the FCS Learner Profile. ● All staff will be trained in the full implementation of the 7 Mindsets and will support the students with “whole child” approach by supporting vertical house meetings and individual class meetings. Date # Hours Description of Learning Activities July 30 Pre-Planning 4 July 31 Pre-Planning (District) August 3 Pre-Planning August 5 Pre-Planning 6 Community-building Activities – ball pit One Word/Belief Statement What’s new at Shiloh Point? itslearning training 1 itslearning training/setting up courses 3 7 Mindsets Staff Training Shiloh Point ES 5 August 24 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. September 2 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) September 9 September 16 September 21 District Prof. Dev. September 21 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. September 22 October 23 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) October 26 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. November 16 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. December 7 District Prof. Dev. December 14 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. January 4 Prof. Dev. Day (School) January 25 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. February 16 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) February 22 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. March 21 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. April 25 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. May 23 Faculty Meeting Prof. Dev. TOTAL HOURS: 1 3 Learning targets introduction of yearly plan Teachers set goals for where to start Data teams/RTI 1 1 1 Itslearning Training w/ ITS - Planner Class Flow Training w/ Jill Hobson itslearning training - online learning best practices 1 Learning targets Strategies for communicating targets to students Vertical Math Alignment Training w/ Brian Lack Learning targets/Differentiation 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 41 Learning targets Begin breaking unit standards into learning targets Learning targets Continue establishing unit learning targets itslearning training Learning targets Create learning map 7 Mindsets Training Learning targets Continue learning map Learning Targets/Differentiation Learning targets Continue learning map Learning targets Strategies to implement learning map Learning targets Reflection on learning map Learning targets Begin planning for 2016-2017