2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous Improvement Goal AdvancED Standards


Daves Creek ES 1

2015-18 Executive Summary

Continuous Improvement Goal

(Schools determine the number of goals)

AdvancED Standards

(Check all that apply)

Support from FCS Depts.*

(List all that apply)

1. All teachers will provide their students with quality differentiated, flexible small group instruction in reading, writing, and math on a regular (weekly/daily) basis.

Differentiation through both process and product based on continual assessment

Increased use of non-fiction text

Increased integration of technology

Use of mentor texts across content areas

Continued use of Writing Workshop at all grade levels

X x

Purpose and Direction

Governance and Leadership

Teaching and Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for Continuous


Teaching and Learning:

-professional learning for math strategies

- Continued training in F &P assessment system for new staff

Technology and Information


-continue with itslearning training

Special Education

- additional personnel to handle specialized instructional needs

Student Support

-training on research-based interventions available at the county level (On Cloud 9 math, etc.)

2. All teachers and administrators will model appropriate use of itslearning as set forth by Forsyth County Schools expectations x

X x

Purpose and Direction

Governance and Leadership

Teaching and Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for Continuous


Technology and Information


-continue with itslearning training directed at the use of the planner feature and quality online instruction

* FCS Depts:

Educational Leadership Human Resources Student Support Services

Facilities Public Inf. & Communications Superintendent

Finance & Operations School Safety & Discipline Teaching & Learning

Food & Nutrition Services Special Education Technology & Inf. Services


2015-16 School Improvement Plan

Daves Creek ES 2

Continuous Improvement Goal:

All teachers will provide their students with quality differentiated, flexible small group instruction in reading, writing, and math on a regular (weekly/daily) basis.


The number of students scoring at or above grade level in reading will increase from 69% in August of 2015 to 89% in

May of 2016 as measured by the Fountas and Pinnell K-3 SLO.

Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)

Provide job-embedded professional learning on a monthly basis through

Munch-n-Learn sessions during teachers’ planning periods targeted at differentiation strategies through small group instruction and BYOT

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If educators have a deeper understanding of differentiation strategies, and can apply these strategies in their classrooms based on student need, then student engagement and achievement will increase.


Monthly, beginning

September 2,

2015 through

May, 2016.

Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

Literacy teacher,

Instructional Technology

Specialist, and additional teacher leaders will provide teaching/sharing sessions to grade levels on a monthly basis. Resources needed are determined by the specific munch-n-learn.

Teachers will provide differentiated, small group instruction in reading and math throughout the school day. Reading and

Math small group instruction will focus on guided groups based on students’ assessment levels.

If teachers differentiate instruction through process, product, content, and learning environment, then student achievement will increase.



-Fountas and Pinnell Leveling


-Anecdotal record/ informal assessment training

(provided at munch-n-learn session)

-Data Teams sessions (in grade levels)

Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:

Homeroom and student support teachers will monitor students’ F& P levels at various points throughout the year

(minimally at a December checkpoint).

Daves Creek ES 3

Continuous Improvement Goal:

All teachers and administrators will model appropriate use of itslearning as set forth by Forsyth County Schools expectations


The number of DCES teachers who maintain an updated planner for their appropriate courses in itslearning will remain at 100% for the 2015-16 school year.

Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)

Teachers will utilize itslearning for parent communication on a weekly basis via the “planner” feature in their courses, and will provide student differentiation in instruction through their courses.

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If teachers continuously utilize itslearning as a communication and differentiation tool, then teachers, students, and parents will become more comfortable utilizing itslearning as a resource for instruction and information.


Use of planner: weekly August

2015- May


Differentiation tool: ongoing

Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

Training by Jackie Aurisch on county expections of itslearning useage, instruction via munch-n-learn with Literacy Coach, Quality

Work Facilitator, and ITS on differentiation strategies through itslearning

The DCES Administrative team will complete one TKES walkthrough using itslearning for every teacher.

The DCES Administrative team will model appropriate use of the planner for professional learning opportunities.

If the Administrative team completes at least one TKES walkthrough online, then administrators and teachers will be encouraged to keep their information in their courses current and relevant.

If the Administrative team models appropriate use of the planner as a communication tool with staff via professional learning opportunities, then teachers will have a visual model of expectations to follow.

Second semester

(January- April


Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:


Faculty meetings, munch-nlearns

Administrators will monitor itslearning usage on a regular basis (monthly minimum).

Administrative Team

(Principal, Assistant

Principals, and Quality Work


Administrative Team

(Principal, Assistant

Principals, and Quality Work


2015-16 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Provide teachers with individualized professional learning to increase instructional capacity

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

As we continue to support teachers by providing them with additional instructional strategies, grouping strategies, and extension/remediation support to add to their “teacher toolbox”, teachers will build their own capacity

Date # Hours Description of Learning Activities

July 30


6 Teambuilding, master scheduling, technology updates, itslearning training (Planner expectations and responsibilities)

July 31

Pre-Planning (District)

August 3


August 5


September 2

Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District)

October 5

Munch-n-learn (Jackie Aurisch)

October 23

Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM)


Munch- N- Learn

November 17

Munch-N-Learn (Jackie Aurisch)

January 4

Prof. Dev. Day (School)

February 16

Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM)



May 31
















Daves Creek ES 4

ItsLearning (district session), grade level long-range planning

Safety Training, Technology Updates

Mandated Reporting, Code of Ethics, Universal Precautions,

Professional Learning overview

School Improvement Planning (Data Dig, setting grade level goals, specific strategies)

Online Learning/ Blended Learning best practices

Differentiation, Setting Learning Goals

Peer Observations (Focus on Differentiation strategies)

Online Learning Plan

Designing engaging online lessons, differentiation strategies

(focus on itslearning), SIP goal revisions as necessary

Differentiation (county content), differentiation in practice

(school content)

Peer Observations

Reflection on School Improvement Goals
