2013-16 Executive Summary School Improvement Plan


2013-16 Executive Summary

School Improvement Plan

School Name: ______Johns Creek Elementary________

AdvancED Standards

Purpose and Direction

Governance and Leadership

Teaching and Assessing for Learning

Resources and Support Systems

Using Results for Continuous Improvement

FCS Departments

Educational Leadership

Facilities and Operations

Finance and Operations

Food and Nutrition Services

Human Resources

Public Information and Communications

School Safety and Discipline

Special Education

Student Support Services

Continuous Improvement Goals AdvancED Standards

Increase CCRPI score through analyzing student data and reflection on areas of strength and weakness.

Raising the rigor of ELA/Math instruction by using assessment data to formulate learning targets for instruction.

Improve reading and writing across the content areas in all grade levels.

Increase use of Performance Based


Increasing knowledge in and use of student growth percentiles and other data to support student growth analysis.

Increase instructional focus on integration of

Science and Social Studies across other content areas.

Relationships: Implementation of vertical houses to increase community celebration and recognition of student and staff successes and accomplishments.

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing For Learning

Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous



Teaching and Learning

Technology and Information Services


Support from FCS Department(s)

SLDS: SGP support/training for admin and teachers.

Continued professional learning opportunities for teachers and administrators related to Assessment For Learning, Data

Teams, Performance Based Assessment,

Guided Math//Differentiation, Number

Talks, and integration across content areas.

Professional learning opportunities on research-based best practices K-5, including strategies that specifically support ELL and

Special Ed students.

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(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Teaching and

Assessing for


Using Results for



Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)


Implementation of a balanced math program.

Introduction of Number Talks into math lessons.

Utilization of math journals.

Small group math instruction based on strengths/needs.

RTI math groups organized to meet the needs of students in math (enrich as well as support).

Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If students are formatively preassessed on a regular basis, then instructional groups can be tailored to meet the individual needs of students.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

On-going Resources: County pre/post assessments, Interim results, common formatives, teacher observations,

AIMS web data.

Teachers will utilize data on math preassessments to determine student needs. Students who demonstrate mastery of a math concept on preassessments will be given opportunities to delve deeper into the standard, while students who are in need of extra help will have the opportunity for small group instruction to help them move toward proficiency.

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(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Teaching and

Assessing for


Using Results for



Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)

Writing across the content areas:

Explicit teaching of writing skills to include: summarization and extracting evidence from text to support valid inferences and conclusions in reading, science, social studies and critical analysis of word problems in math.

Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If students participate in cross curricular writing through the use of reading response, interactive journals

(in science, math, social studies), then students will develop the ability to respond to higher order questioning.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

On-going Resources: Step Up to Writing (K-5), county writing rubrics for assessment

Teachers will assess progress through responses to essay questions and constructed response questions on content area assessments. They also assess formatively through interactive journals and reading response notebook responses.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.



(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Teaching and

Assessing for



Using Results for Continuous

Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)


Incorporating interactive reading journals, writing journals, and writing response journals.

Increased focus on vocabulary strategies.

Using itslearning to post resources for student review and reinforcement.

Small groups based on reading levels and strategy deficits for instruction.

Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

Students will develop the ability to read and write with better accuracy.

They will understand what they read as a result, and will have an expanded vocabulary. Grammar building activities will develop a better sense of appropriate grammar use when writing in context.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

On-going Resources: Journals, graphic organizers, and county assessments.

Teachers will gather student data to help form groups based on strategy deficits. They will also model for students how to respond to reading through their writing and formatively assess student understanding of grammar based on their writing and vocabulary incorporation.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.



(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Teaching and

Assessing for


Using Results for



Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)

Social Studies:

Direct instruction of nonfiction reading strategies during Social Studies content.

Incorporate graphic organizers and interactive notebooks.

Incorporating nonfiction leveled texts within guided reading groups.

Social Studies Weekly newspapers expose students to informational texts that are also used for cross-curricular purposes.

Grades 4-5 SS content is reviewed daily (vs alternating Sci/SS).


Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If we directly teach nonfiction reading comprehension strategies and utilize graphic organizers in content area reading, then students will increase their comprehension of informational texts.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

On-going Resources: K-5 Social Studies leveled texts, non-fiction texts, graphic organizers.

Teachers will assess progress through responses to essay questions and constructed response questions on common formative social studies assessments.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.



(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Teaching and

Assessing for


Using Results for



Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)

Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

Data Team Process:

Continuous and collaborative deconstruction/prioritizing of standards through reviewing assessment data.

Development of small group needs and

Learning Targets based on analysis of classroom assessment data.

If teachers use clear learning targets, then students can monitor their own progress of the intended target.

If teachers use clear learning targets, and create common formative assessments that reflect exactly what students are expected to learn, then they will more accurately gauge student mastery and make better instructional choices.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

On-going Review Professional Development on

Learning Targets

Professional Development on

Instructional Strategies and


(see School Improvement Professional

Learning Plan).

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.



(check all that apply)





Purpose and


Governance and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Resources and Support


Using Results for





Purpose and


Teaching and

Assessing for


Using Results for



Actions, Strategies and


(Includes Professional

Learning Plan)


Continuation of Vertical Houses to celebrate student/staff success and accomplishments.

Introduce the 7 Mindsets.

Annual School Improvement Plan

Continuous Improvement Goal: Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points.

SMART Goal: K-5 students will increase from an overall average of 81% to 85% expected or high growth as demonstrated on district SLO growth measures or state SGP measures during the

2014-15 school year.

School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School Year: 2014-2015

Impact on Student and Adult


(“If…then...” Statements)

If we celebrate student and staff success/accomplishments with positive reinforcement, then we will build a stronger community and staff productivity and student achievement will increase.


Resources Needed?

Who is Responsible?

One meeting per month

All students and staff involved in monthly house meetings. All teachers will play a role in the house meeting each month through small group activities and discussions with students. Core team of teachers (one from each house) will be part of planning and implementing celebration of success and team building activity each month.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.

2014-15 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Assessment, Differentiation of Instruction, Cross-Curriculum Integration and

Data Analysis

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2013-2016 Executive

Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score through analyzing student data.

Summer 2014

Date # Hours

3 days

Description of Learning Activities

Administrators, K-2 teachers, and paraprofessional teachers trained in SMART Phonics/Kendore Kingdom.

July 31


August 1


August 4


August 5


August 6


August 27

Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District)

September 26

Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School)

7 hours

7 hours

3 hours

4 hours

1 hour

2.5 hours

2 hours

Back to School Faculty Meeting/Mandated Reporter Training

Power Planning (K-‐5)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

SLO training-Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System Refresher Training (K-‐5 Teachers)

Focus on MSV: Meaning, Structure, and Visual data collection; Scoring student running records for MSV, what does each error mean; how can teachers support/instruct students more efficiently with regards to decoding errors. Settles Bridge Elementary

Induction Rotations for new teachers, grade level collaboration

Introduction of 7 Mindsets

Technology Update with Emily Dunlap (2 hours)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments. (2 hours)

Individual Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark assessment discussions and re-fresh trainings with each grade level


Data Teams (K-5)

Student Growth Analysis: What data do we use to measure student growth?

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.

Paraprofessional Guided Reading Training

Power Planning (K-5)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.

2014-15 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

Provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Assessment, Differentiation of Instruction, Cross-Curriculum Integration and

Data Analysis

October 6-21

October 17

October 23-31

November 3-11

November 13-21

December 1-9

December 11-19

1 hour

4 hours

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2013-2016 Executive

Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score through analyzing student data.

Data Teams (K-5)

Student Growth Analysis: What data do we use to measure student growth?

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.

District Collaboration Day on Feedback (3 hours)

LAC School Collaboration Lunch (1 hour)—job alike groups will meet and have Lunch and Learn time to discuss curriculum and instruction.

ILT – Focus TKES Standard 1and 2

1. Professional Knowledge The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.

2. Instructional Planning

The teacher plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

ITS - Focus TKES Standard 1and 2

1. Professional Knowledge The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.

2. Instructional Planning

The teacher plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

Power Planning (K-5)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

Data Teams (K-5)

Student Growth Analysis: What data do we use to measure student growth?

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.

ILT – Focus Standards 3 and 4

1. Professional Knowledge The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.

2. Instructional Planning

The teacher plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.

2014-15 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

Provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Assessment, Differentiation of Instruction, Cross-Curriculum Integration and

Data Analysis

January 5

Prof. Dev. Day (School)

3 hours

All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2013-2016 Executive

Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score through analyzing student data.

Clock Work Spelling with Kendore Kingdom

Admin Focus- TKES Standard 10: The teacher communicates effectively with students, parents or guardians, district and school personnel, and other stakeholders in ways that enhance student learning.

January 6- 15

January 16-27

January 29-February 6

February 9-19

February 16

Prof. Dev. Day (District and School)

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

2.5 hours

ITS – Focus Standards 3 and 4

1. Professional Knowledge The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.

2. Instructional Planning

The teacher plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

Power Planning (K-5)

Collaboration time (including special Ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

Data Teams (K-5)

Student Growth Analysis: What data do we use to measure student growth?

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Data Teams (K-5)

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.

ILT- Focus TKES Standard 5 and 6

5. Assessment Strategies The teacher systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and student population.

6. Assessment Uses

The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress, to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to both students and parents.

Admin focus – TKES Standards 9 and 10

9. Professionalism The teacher exhibits a commitment to professional ethics and the school’s mission, participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and contributes to the

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.

2014-15 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Assessment, Differentiation of Instruction, Cross-Curriculum Integration and

Data Analysis profession.

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2013-2016 Executive

Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score through analyzing student data.

February 20- March 3

March 3 – 12

March 13-24

March 26-April 13

April 14-May 5

May 7-15

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

1 hour

10. Communication The teacher communicates effectively with students, parents or guardians, district and school personnel, and other stakeholders in ways that enhance student learning.

ITS- Focus TKES Standard 5 and 6

5. Assessment Strategies The teacher systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and student population.

6. Assessment Uses

The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress, to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to both students and parents.

Power Planning (K-5)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

Data Teams (K-5)

Student Growth Analysis: What data do we use to measure student growth?

How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?

Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.

ILT-Focus TKES Standard 7 and 8

7. Positive Learning Environment The teacher provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and encourages respect for all.

8. Academically Challenging Environment The teacher creates a student-centered, academic environment in which teaching and learning occur at high levels and students are self-directed learners.

ITS-Focus TKES Standard 7 and 8

7. Positive Learning Environment The teacher provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and encourages respect for all.

8. Academically Challenging Environment The teacher creates a student-centered, academic environment in which teaching and learning occur at high levels and students are self-directed learners.

Power Plan in preparations for 2015-16 school year (K-5)

Collaboration time (including special ed, horizons, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and build common assessments.

© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.

2014-15 Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):

Provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Assessment, Differentiation of Instruction, Cross-Curriculum Integration and

Data Analysis

May 26



All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2013-2016 Executive

Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score through analyzing student data.

To be determined based on data and needs of staff

May 27


TBD To be determined based on data and needs of staff

Total Hours:

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