2014-17 Executive Summary

2014-17 Executive Summary
School Improvement Plan
School Name: ___ Big Creek Elementary School____
AdvancED Standards
FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services
Continuous Improvement
Differentiated Instruction Support
in Math and Reading
 Full implementation of PLCs based
on individual teacher preference
with regard to professional growth
or interest
 Continuation of teacher-led
Professional Learning steering
 Professional learning experiences
shall include lecture, individual and
small group planning, model
lessons, co-teaching and
professional reading tasks
 Integration of technology to
support standards-based learning
 Monthly Digital Learning meetings
to support goals of Professional
Learning Committee
Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
Support from FCS
AdvancED Standards
Indicator 1.3
The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement
process that provides clear direction for improving conditions
that support student learning.
We will continue to need support from:
Indicator 2.4
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the school’s
purpose and direction.
Indicator 3.3
Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional
strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a continuous program of
professional learning.
Indicator 4.4
Students and school personnel use a range of media and
information resources to support the school’s educational
Indicator 4.5
Student Support Services
Teaching and Learning
Technology and Information
Teaching and Learning to provide or
recommend resources that will
support differentiated instruction in
math and reading.
Special Education to share strategies
and accommodations to support
students with modified learning goals.
Student Support Services to provide or
recommend resources for intervention
and monitoring of struggling students.
Technology and Information Services
to provide insight and guidance to our
ITS and other key staff in developing
lessons and strategies that integrate
technology in a transformational way
with the Common Core standards.
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching,
learning, and operational needs.
© 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services
Writer’s Workshop Implementation Across
Curriculum and Grade Levels
 Mentor Texts
 Mini-Lessons
 Conferencing
 Peer Observations
 Peer editing and revising
 Common Vocabulary
 Development and use of Anchor
 Professional Learning Experiences
(grade level and vertically aligned)
Indicator 1.2
TKES Implementation
 Provide professional learning on the
new TAPS process and provide
ongoing familiarization
 Work to increase SGPs and SLOs
through focused attention on
student achievement data
Indicator 2.6
Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based
on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and
supports challenging, equitable educational programs and
learning experiences for all students that include achievement of
learning, thinking, and life skills.
We will continue to need support from:
Indicator 3.5
Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to
improve instruction and student learning.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a continuous program of
professional learning.
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation processes result
in improved professional practice and student success.
Indicator 5.2
Professional and support staff continuously collect, analyze, and
apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data
about student learning, instruction, program evaluation, and
organizational conditions.
Teaching and Learning to develop
anchor papers, locate mentor texts,
and modify rubrics to support the
implementation of Writer’s Workshop
at all grade levels. In addition, specific
guidance with common vocabulary,
key skills, and available resources for
support of ELA standards is needed.
Teaching and Learning to support the
professional learning opportunities for
our staff around this topic.
We will continue to need support from:
Indicator 3.4
School leaders monitor and support the improvement of
instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success.
Student Support Services
Teaching and Learning
Technology and Information
Human Resources to guide our
implementation of TKES and provide
opportunities for refining and
improving the process along the way.
Educational Leadership to gain
feedback on implementation and learn
new strategies to improve the process.
© 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and Assessing
for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
2014-15 School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
differentiated instruction and Writer’s Workshop to increase our school CCRPI score in the area of Student
Growth Percentiles (SGPs) and Student Learning Objectives (SLOs).
SMART Goal: 1) The percentage of K-3rd grade Big Creek students that demonstrate expected or high growth
will be greater than or equal to 80% as measured by the post-assessment of the FCS SLO: Grade K-3rd ELA
post-assessment administered in May 2015. 2) The percentage of 4th-5th grade Big Creek students that
demonstrate low growth will be less than 10% as measured by the Student Growth Percentiles utilizing CRCT
data from April 2014 and Georgia Milestones data from April 2015.
Actions, Strategies and
AdvancED Standard(s)
Indicator 1.3
The school’s leadership implements a continuous
improvement process that provides clear direction for
improving conditions that support student learning.
Indicator 2.4
Leadership and staff foster a culture consistent with the
school’s purpose and direction.
Indicator 3.3
Teachers engage students in their learning through
instructional strategies that ensure achievement of
learning expectations.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a continuous program
of professional learning.
Indicator 4.4
Students and school personnel use a range of media
and information resources to support the school’s
educational programs.
Indicator 4.5
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s
teaching, learning, and operational needs.
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Create Professional Learning Communities
that allow differentiated learning for staff
throughout the year, focused on the areas of
Guided Reading, Guided Math and Writer’s
Create a Professional Learning Community
steering committee that develops the yearlong professional learning plan and works to
implement this plan alongside
administration and is focused on data-driven
school improvement goals.
Develop a year-long PL Plan where staff are
engaged in a continuous improvement focus
within their classrooms that is vital and
personal and supported by our resources
and staff through whole-group sharing, small
group planning and individualized
implementation and reflection.
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Initial Implementation
will be the 2014-15
school year, but full
implementation will
incorporate the 201516 and 2016-17 school
Resources will be needed from:
 County Departments (e.g.,
Teaching and Learning, Special
Education, Student Support
Services, and Technology and
Information Services)
 The school (iReady, MobyMax,
RAZKids, Common Core
workbooks, etc.)
(“If…then...” Statements)
If Big Creek certified teachers are allowed
to work in PLCs focused on key areas of
learning that they are interested in, and are
provided sufficient time and resources,
then they will implement changes within
their classrooms and grow in their ability to
differentiate instruction for their students.
If Big Creek certified teachers are able to
interact directly with curriculum and
instructional specialists in a meaningful
manner and define the level and type of
support and intervention they need, then
real change will occur and professional
growth will be seen that has a positive
impact on student learning.
Responsible parties include:
 Big Creek Admin
 Big Creek PLC Steering
 Big Creek certified staff
© 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
2014-15 Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
To help our teachers create an instructional environment that allows for the successful
implementation of key components of Guided Reading, Guided Math, or Writer’s Workshop
into their existing classroom structure that will allow for more differentiated instruction for
their students.
To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of differentiated
instruction and Writer’s Workshop to increase our school CCRPI score in the area of Student
Growth Percentiles (SGPs) and Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
July 31
August 1
August 4
# Hours
General Faculty Meeting
 No formal PL meetings took place on this day
County District Collaboration Day – PBA Training
August 5
August 6
August 27
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District)
September 26
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School)
January 5
Prof. Dev. Day (School)
February 16
Prof. Dev. Day (District and School)
May 26
May 27
Description of Learning Activities
TKES Overview, State Assessment Update and Instructional Resources Overview; itsLearning updates;
Mandated Reporter, MV, and Ethics presentations
 Some whole group sessions and others were small group presentations on a rotation basis
Open House events
 No formal PL meetings took place on this day
SLO Training (County-directed)
 Whole group meeting for K-3 and support staff
Analyzing and Understanding 2014-15 School Data to Inform School Improvement Plans
 Individualized grade level meetings with differentiated handouts and presentations by audience
PLC Differentiated Training – Guided Reading/Math and Writer’s Workshop
 Whole group meeting with differentiated small group break-outs
PLC Differentiated Training – Guided Reading/Math and Writer’s Workshop
 Whole group meeting with differentiated small group break-outs
PLC Differentiated Training – Guided Reading/Math and Writer’s Workshop
 Whole group meeting with differentiated small group break-outs
Survey of Year-Long professional learning activities
 Sessions will be differentiated by grade level and content of PL
Final end-of-year activities
 No formal PL meetings will take place this day
Total Hours: 19 (many additional PL hours will take place during monthly faculty meetings, grade level meetings, and formal/informal meetings
between the PLC committee and small groups/individual staff members, that are not included within this plan)
© 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.