You need your book, journal, workbook and pencil. Tancie West 3 grade

You need your book, journal, workbook and pencil.
Tancie West
3rd grade
John S. Jones Elementary
Hey, bug!
Hey! Bug, stay!
Don’t run away,
I know a game that we can play.
I’ll hold my fingers very still
And you can climb a finger-hill.
No, no,
Don’t go.
Here’s a wall-a tower, too,
A tiny bug town, just for you.
I’ve a cookie. You have some.
Take this oatmeal cookie crumb.
Hey, bug, stay!
Hey, bug!
tu / ba
hab / it
V /CV (long)
VC/ V (short)
Nonsense words
lo / mat
tra/ tap
wap/ ent
pu/ dar
sil / ub
ri / nog
Find the words with the V /VC and VC/V
The baby tiger began to walk to the river.
baby tiger river
We will go to a cozy cabin in the desert on Friday.
cabin desert
 Good
 Make their voices sound like normal speech
 Emphasize important words by making their
voices higher or lower
 Make their voices go higher or lower to show
emotion or expression
 End questions with a slightly higher voice and
end statements with a slightly lower voice
 Turn to pg. 411 and listen.
 Let’s echo read this page.
P –persuade
I – inform
E – entertain
 Look at pg. 416.
 What information did the author give on this
 This page tells how the hole was made bigger
and how animals immediately moved in.
 Why do you think the author felt that this
information was important?
 It helps readers understand the life of a tree and
how animals use it.
 Turn to page 419.
 Why did the author include this information?
 To show that different animals used the same
hole during different times of the year.
Good readers use…
More than the main text
Do this…
Look at the pictures or maps
and determine what they
have to do with the words
on the page.
Read charts, graphs, and
captions with pictures.
If you are unsure of what you
are reading, check the
graphic aids for clues or
helpful information.
Look at pg. 412.
How does the bear sharpen
her claws?
She scratches the trunk.
Look at the picture on page
What do grubs look like?
Grubs look like tiny worms.
Look at the picture on page
Why does the word spear
describe how the
woodpecker gets the beetles?
The woodpecker’s beak is
long and sharp. The beak
could stab the beetles.
“Be a Birdwatcher”,
is nonfiction because
it presents
information or ideas
about real things.
 Nonfiction includes:
 Facts about real
things or events
 Instructions on how to
do or make something
 Graphic aids, such as
illustrations, or maps
 Listen
Notice the a lot information is in
nonfiction often have numbers or
round bullet marks to separate
This helps highlight the
important information and make
it stand out.
Nonfiction – helps us learn
What are some ways to tell
different kinds of birds apart?
Color, size, beak, movement,
Does “ Be a Birdwatcher’ give
facts or made- up information?
How is this different from
Nonfiction gives real
information; fiction is made up.
Turn to page 428-429.
How is the author’s purpose in “ One Small Place in a
Tree” like the author’s purpose in “ Be a Birdwatcher?”
How is it different?
The author’s purpose in both is to inform; One gives
information in story form, while the other gives
information in a list form.
tt – text to text
What do you think you will notice about the next tree you
I will notice whether birds are making a nest in the tree.
ts – text to self
Why is a tree important to its environment?
Animals use the tree throughout the tree’s life and after
its death.
tw - text to world
Have you ever planted seeds and waited for them to sprout? If so, what
type of seeds did you plant? How long did it take for them to sprout?
What do you think it is like to go out into cold, damp weather? How
would it feel?
What do you do with a damp towel?
What kind of transformation happens to a tadpole?
How do people act when they are living in harmony with one another?
What pets might not live in harmony with one another? Why?
Which makes more sense: to ask what you suppose you will have for
dinner tonight, or to ask what you suppose you had for dinner last night?
Does a hen roost, or does a hamster roost?
If an idea strikes you, does it come slowly or quickly?
If a ball strikes you, does it hit you or miss you?
Do you need a long, sharp stick or a short, fat stick to spear something?
If you wanted to spear a strawberry, would you use a toothpick or a
If you walked in the forest, what might you catch a glimpse of – a rabbit
or a lot of trees?
If you caught a glimpse of a person turning a corner, why might you not
be certain who the person is?
If a building is like a maze, is it easy or difficult for you to find your way
Do you think it would be fun to be in maze? Why or why not?
 Emma
studies birds. He has learned a lot
about bluebirds.
 He
 Let’s make a list of names you know.
 Now let’s think of a pronoun that will take
the place of the name.
Effect: a garden snake went into
the log to cool off
Cause: The tree
fell down.
Effect: a red
salamander laid its
eggs in the log
Effect: a spider made a web
 Cause
and Effect Paragraphs
 Include the cause or the effect in the first
 Use key words to show a relationship
between the cause and the effect
 May include several effects or several causes