Lesson 7 Day 4 You will need your reading book, T174

Lesson 7 Day 4
You will need your reading book,
pencil, and paper. T174
Question of the Day
 Why do dogs make good friends for
many people?
 Dogs are our good friends because
Read Aloud
 You are going to read a selection about
 Why might you read or listen to a
nonfiction selection about dogs?
 to learn about dogs
 for enjoyment
 As I read listen for facts about dogs.
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Read Aloud
 From what animals were domestic dogs
 What fact from the selection did you find
most interesting?(TT-turn and talk)
 when
What consonant pattern do all three of
these words share?
 /(h)w/
This sound is like you are
blowing the w away. It is different from a
regular w sound.
Spelling/Phonics cont.
 Look at the underlined letters in each word and
tell me the sound they represent
 1. wheat
 2. cheap
 Notice that all these words have long vowel
sounds. Please name the vowel sounds and
the letters that represent them.
 3. Which ship will you catch?
 What sounds do each of the underlined
combinations represent?
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Spelling/Phonics cont.
 I want you to copy each of the following
sentences on your paper. Then I want you to
underline the /ch/, /sh/, and /(h)w/ letter
combinations. You will then read the sentences
to your partner.
 1. When did you make the bed with peach
 2. My teacher asked why I liked to draw.
 3. Where can we see the new chip machine?
Spelling/Phonics cont.
 chin
 Notice that in chin and sharp, the h and the
consonant before it stand for one sound.
 In where, the h is silent. Look at the word
wear. It is pronounced the same as where, but
it is spelled differently.
 ***Be careful when spelling /w/ words because
you cannot tell by sound which words use w
and which use wh. These are words you must
memorize in order to spell them correctly.
 Remember that good readers, like you, pay
attention to the way they read aloud so that
they sound natural, or like they are just talking.
 Natural pauses and breaks are necessary
when reading so that the listener knows when
one phrase ends and the next begins.
 Reading with appropriate phrasing means
 Paying attention to punctuation marks,
 Organizing words into natural phrases that make
meanings clear,
 And reading smoothly, clearly, and with expression.
Fluency cont.
 As I read page 202 of “Aero and Officer Mike”, I
will pay attention to the punctuation marks so I
know where the author intended that I pause. I’ll
read together words that make one idea.
It is very early in the morning. Everyone in the
house is still asleep. A large black-and-tan German
shepherd is lying on the floor by Officer Mike’s bed.
The alarm rings. Officer Mike reaches down to pet his
dog, Aero.
Aero is a police dog, also know as a K-9 officer.
When Officer Mike puts on his uniform with a silver
badge on his chest, Aero jumps up, ready to have his
wide black leather collar with a police badge on it
slipped over his head. He knows that this will be a
work day.
Fluency cont.
 Look back at the hyphens (-) between the words blackand-tan. These help the reader know to read these
three words together with the words German shepherd.
 Notice the commas in the second paragraph. Listen
closely as I model reading using the commas to guide
 Aero is a police dog, also known as a K-9 officer. When Officer
Mike puts on his uniform with a silver badge on his chest, Aero
jumps up, ready to have his wide black leather collar with a
police badge on it slipped over his head. He knows this will be
a work day.
Fact and Opinion
 I want you to explain to me the difference
between a fact and an opinion.
 A fact is a statement that you can see or prove.
An opinion tells beliefs, thoughts, or feelings
about a topic.
 Knowing the difference between facts and
opinions can help a reader figure out what is
true and what is not true in a selection. Facts
and opinions also help readers form their own
opinions about the topic.
Fact and Opinion
 I want you to read the following passage and
look for facts and opinions.
 When Shawna turned eight, her aunt gave her a cat
named Sugarcube. Shawna thought Sugarcube was
the best cat in the world, but her parents did not
agree. Sugarcube always jumped on the kitchen
table, where she was not supposed to be. She also
liked to sharpen her claws on the furniture. One day,
Sugarcube scratched a huge gash in the family’s
new couch. They told her that she needed to train
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Fact and Opinion cont.
Shawna got right to work. She took books out of the
library and looked on the Internet for tips about how to
train a cat. She read that scratching posts can help keep
cats from scratching furniture, so she bought one for
Sugarcube. Immediately, Sugarcube stopped scratching
the couch and started sharpening her claws on the new
post. Shawna’s research also told her that a spray bottle
of water can help make a cat behave. Most cats dislike
water, so squirting Sugarcube with the spray bottle kept
her off the table. Shawna’s parents were pleased with
the changes and now they love Sugarcube too.
 What is a fact in the passage?
 What is Shawna’s opinion of Sugarcube?
 Reread page 208 and tell me what Officer Mike’s opinion
is about how Aero does during training.
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Locate Information
 Let’s review the basic text features that we might find in
a book.
 Title page: gives the book title and the author’s and
illustrator’s names
 Copyright page: gives information about who published
the book and when and where it was published
 Table of contents: shows how a book is organized and
where chapters begin
 Glossary: lists words and definitions from a book.
 Index: lists important words, topics, or people in
alphabetical order and is found at the end of the book
 Captions: explain photographs, illustrations, or other
visual aids
 Headings: describe what information can be found in a
section of text.
 When you gather information from a book to write a
report, you will record the information from the title
page and copyright page.
Locate Information cont.
 Look at page 200. Notice that this
selection uses headings to break up the
text and to tell about different sections. I
want you to use the headings to answer
these questions:
 Which page talks about Aero’s training?
 Which page talks about how to properly
pet a police dog?
Speaking and Listening
 I would like to have some volunteers to read
the poems from “It’s About Dogs”. First,
though, I want to share some preparation tips
with you.
 Copy the poem and mark places where you should
pause (You can use / marks.).
 Use a different kind of mark to show where your
voice or tone should change.
 Read the poem to yourself three times, and ask
about any words you do not know how to
Listening and Speaking
 I also want you to practice the following
speaking strategies.
 Practice reading the poem to yourself at your desk
so that you feel comfortable with it.
 Pause at punctuation marks.
 Speak clearly when you read aloud.
 You should always make eye contact with your
audience before you start reading (Look at your
Speaking and Listening
 There are also some strategies for good
 Compare how each student reads the poem.
Think about how each person’s tone is like
other students’ and how it is different.
 Listen to what the reader is saying.
 Think about how the reader’s tone and
fluency help you understand the poem.
 Babble: I will name some people or things. If the
person or thing might babble, you will open and close
your mouth silently. If it would not babble, cover your
mouth with your hands.
 a truck
a baby
a person talking in his or her
a pizza
 Suspicious: I will name several facts about myself. If
you are suspicious that I am not telling the truth, stand
up. If you believe me, fold your hands on your desk.
I am a teacher.
I have three arms.
I like to read.
I like to eat pencils.
Vocabulary cont.
 Scent: What is a scent that reminds you of
 Wanders: Who is more likely to get lost:
someone who wanders off or someone who
uses a map? Explain.
 Whined: What might you do if your dog
 Demonstrate: What might a teacher
demonstrate to students?
Vocabulary cont.
 Obey: I will name some people. If you should
obey these people, nod your head “yes”. If you
should not always obey these people, shake
your head “no”.
 parents
circus clowns
 Patrol: I will name some places. If a police
officer might patrol there, hold your hands up
to your face like binoculars. If not, put your
head on your desk. a mall
a farm
a busy street
someone’s kitchen
Vocabulary cont.
 Accompany: Who might accompany a
police officer in a patrol car?
 Competent: Do you have to be a
competent chef to make a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich? Explain.
 Why does laura wander from her House
to Jen’s house?
 how did the cook demonstrate how to
make the sauce. ?^
 Remember that a common noun names any person, place, or
thing. A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing
and is capitalized.
 Jeff is from a city.
 What is the proper noun in the sentence?
 Jeff
 What common noun could we use in place of Jeff?
 He
 What is the common noun in the sentence?
 City
 What proper noun could we use in place of city?
 The name of any city
Grammar cont.
 I want you to write at least 4 sentences
describing what you do at PE. I want you
to use some common nouns and
proper nouns in your writing.
 When you have finished, trade papers
with your partner and let him or her
underline the common nouns and circle
the proper nouns.
 You will work on revising your how-to
paragraphs today. Make sure that you have
enough details for your reader to clearly
understand the steps for your activity. Your
paragraph should be clear so that any person
who reads it can follow the instructions and get
the same results.
 Let’s review the characteristics of how-to
Writing cont.
How-To Paragraphs
Include materials needed
Include a topic sentence
Include details that explain, in order, how to do a
specific activity
 Use words that show sequence, such as first, next, and
 May include measurements or dimensions as details
 Can be followed by more than one reader to achieve
the same results
Writing cont.
 I want you to work with your partner to
revise your writing. Check on each
other’s spelling, details, directions, and
grammar (capital letters, periods).
 Make sure that you could read your
partner’s paragraph and complete the
activity described.