Lesson 5 Day 5

Lesson 5
Day 5
Spelling/Phonics and Locate Information
Spelling Test
Locate Information: What is a caption?
What is a title?
Open your book to p. 126. Find a text
feature that tells what astronauts wear in
What do astronauts wear in space?
Look at p. 121. Write a caption for the
photo. Share it with your partner.
Using a Dictionary
 What information can you find in a dictionary?
 1. how to spell a word; 2. how to pronounce a
word; 3. what part of speech the word is; 4. the
meanings of words
 Play (plā) verb 1 to have fun; to amuse oneself.
Noun 2 a story performed on a stage.
 How many meanings does this word have?
 Which definition is a noun?
Please tell me the four different types of
What does each type of sentence do?
The cows eat grass.
What is the subject? (subject: who or what
the sentence is about)
What is the predicate? (what the subject
Grammar Practice
Paco passed the test! Emily passed the
Please rewrite the first two sentences into
one with a compound subject.
Did Mr. Martinez wash the car? Did Mr.
Martinez dry the car?
Please rewrite the next two sentences into
one with a compound predicate.