Chemical Compound Review

Chemical Compound Review
Hydrogen is an example of
a. compound.
b. organic compound.
c. molecule
d. element
Two or more elements combined
chemically is a(n)
a. compound
b. atom
c. element
d. amino acid
What is a molecule?
a. a substance that cannot be broken
down into simpler substances
b. smallest unit of an element
c. smallest unit of a compound
d. never contains carbon
An organic compound
a. does not contain carbon.
b. contains carbon.
c. is an element.
d. is an amino acid.
There are four types of organic
compounds. Which of the following is
NOT an organic compound?
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. water
d. proteins
Potatoes, noodles, rice, and bread are
all examples of
a. carbohydrates
b. proteins
c. lipids
d. nucleic acids
True (A) or False (B). Proteins store
energy and form parts of the cell
Small molecules that make up proteins
are called
a. atoms.
b. molecules.
c. enzymes.
d. amino acids.
What structure carries information
about an organism and is then passed
from parent to offspring?
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. nucleic acid
d. amino acid
 True (A) or False (B). Lipids are long
organic molecules that contain
instructions that a cell needs in order
to carry out all of the functions of life.