Rapid-Fire Presentation t

Complete the following information to submit your Rapid-Fire Presentation
By Friday March 2, 2012 to Rochelle Hayes at rhayes@icsi.org
Organization Name: ___________________________________________________________
Contact name: __________________________ Title: _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, and Zip Code: ______________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________
Email: _________________________________________
Proposed Rapid-Fire Presentation Title:
Write a brief description about the Proposed Rapid Fire Presentation that your
organization will present:
All Rapid-Fire Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes and are to address the following
questions in the following format:
1). Project Name
2). Project Goals and/or Strategies
3). Implementation Activities
4.) Challenges and outcomes
5.) Lessons learned and suggestions going forward
Content Delivery:
The presentation is intended to be informal. The use of PowerPoint slides is optional however is
not required. The presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of audience questions/comments.
Further Information:
If your proposed Rapid- Fire Presentation is accepted, you will be notified by March 12, 2012
about next steps in the process.
For further assistance or questions, contact Rochelle Hayes at rhayes@icsi.org, 952-814-7098.