2013-16 Executive Summary School Improvement Plan

2013-16 Executive Summary
School Improvement Plan
School Name: _Big Creek Elementary School____________
AdvancED Standards
FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Academics & Accountability
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services
Continuous Improvement Goal
Writer’s Workshop Implementation Across
Curriculum and Grade Levels
 Mentor Texts
 Mini-Lessons
 Conferencing
 Peer Observations
 Common Vocabulary
 Anchor Papers
 Professional Learning Experiences (grade
level and vertical alignment)
Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
Student Support Services
AdvancED Standards
Indicator 1.2
The school leadership and staff commit to a culture
that is based on shared values and beliefs about
teaching and learning and supports challenging,
equitable educational programs and learning
experiences for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking, and life skills.
Indicator 3.5
Teachers participate in collaborative learning
communities to improve instruction and student
Technology and Information Services
Support from FCS Department(s)
We will continue to need support from Academics
& Accountability to develop anchor papers, locate
mentor texts, and modify rubrics to support the
implementation of Writer’s Workshop at all grade
We will continue to need support from Academics
& Accountability to support the professional
learning opportunities for our staff around this
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a continuous
program of professional learning.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
TKES Implementation
 Introduce teachers to new TAPS process
 Work to increase SGPs and SLOs
Indicator 2.6
Leadership and staff supervision and evaluation
processes result in improved professional practice
and student success.
Indicator 3.4
We will continue to need support from Human
Resources to guide our implementation of TKES
and provide opportunities for refining and
improving the process along the way.
School leaders monitor and support the
improvement of instructional practices of teachers
to ensure student success.
Indicator 5.2
Professional and support staff continuously collect,
analyze, and apply learning from
a range of data sources, including comparison and
trend data about student learning, instruction,
program evaluation, and organizational conditions.
Technology Integration and BYOT
 BYOT Walk-throughs
 Professional Learning Experiences
 Model Teachers
Indicator 3.3
Teachers engage students in their learning through
instructional strategies that ensure achievement of
learning expectations.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a continuous
program of professional learning.
Indicator 4.4
Students and school personnel use a range of
media and information resources to support the
school’s educational programs.
Indicator 4.5
The technology infrastructure supports the school’s
teaching, learning, and operational needs.
We will continue to need support from Technology
and Information Services to provide opportunities
for staff to participate in local BYOT tours and,
potentially, be part of an upcoming tour as a school
We will continue to need support from Technology
and Information Services to provide insight and
guidance to our ITS and other key staff in
developing lessons and strategies that integrate
technology in a transformational way with the
Common Core standards.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Indicator 1.2
The school leadership and staff
commit to a culture that is based on
shared values and beliefs about
teaching and learning and supports
challenging, equitable educational
programs and learning experiences
for all students that include
achievement of learning, thinking,
and life skills.
Indicator 3.5
Teachers participate in collaborative
learning communities to improve
instruction and student learning.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Goal 1: Begin to develop a school wide writing
plan that incorporates the use of Writer’s
*Year 1 Focus Goals:
1: Developing a school wide vocabulary associated
with writing.
2: Develop/modify rubrics that continuously build
on each other and are specific to each grade level.
3: Begin collecting anchor papers in each grade
level. Anchor papers should be of various rubric
4: Incorporate a writing time into every classroom
teacher’s schedule.
5: Introduction to Writer’s Workshop with partial
implementation in every classroom.
Goal 2: Develop a professional development
observation schedule for all certified teachers.
*Year 1 Focus Goals:
1. Determine expert teachers in a variety of
content areas.
Examples: Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s
Workshop, Guided Reading, Guided Writing,
Guided Math, Vocabulary instruction, writing in
the content areas.
2. Develop a schedule where teachers observe 3
classrooms in specific areas of interest. One
observation will be in a writing expert’s classroom.
Professional Development Calendar 2013-2014:
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If our instructional staff is engaging in
high quality professional learning both
in the Writer’s Workshop training, as
well as BYOT and CCGPS, their learning
will become job-embedded.
As a result of the job-embedded
practice of our PL goals, the students
will be more actively engaged in their
learning and be more positively
impacted by teacher instruction.
August 2013-May
Our PL steering committee
will be developing and
refining anchor papers,
rubrics and other documents
to support vertical
understanding of Writer’s
Workshop as an instructional
We will continue to need
support from Academics &
Accountability to develop
anchor papers, locate mentor
texts, and modify rubrics to
support the implementation
of Writer’s Workshop at all
grade levels.
We will continue to need
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
continuous program of professional
Indicator 2.6
Leadership and staff supervision and
evaluation processes result in
improved professional practice and
student success.
Indicator 3.4
School leaders monitor and support
the improvement of instructional
practices of teachers to ensure
student success.
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
*Introduction of the professional development
committee to the staff.
*Review goals/plans for the year.
*Open the committee to anyone interested in
joining. Teachers will make a yearlong
commitment to the committee.
*Inform teachers that they will be creating a
writing portfolio for every student in their class.
This portfolio will be a collection of writing in
every genre covered in the Common Core.
(Narrative, Informational/Research, and Opinion)
Committee Meeting:
*Determine expert teachers in specific areas
interested in welcoming teachers to observe their
*Prepare/Plan first school wide professional
development session on the Introduction to
Writer’s Workshop.
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
support from Academics &
Accountability to support the
professional learning
opportunities for our staff
around this topic.
We will continue to need
support from Technology and
Information Services to
provide opportunities for
staff to participate in local
BYOT tours and, potentially,
be part of an upcoming tour
as a school site.
Indicator 5.2
Professional and support staff
continuously collect, analyze, and
Committee Meeting:
*Committee members will bring detailed class
schedules from all members of their teams.
We will continue to need
support from Technology and
Information Services to
provide insight and guidance
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
apply learning from a range of data
sources, including comparison and
trend data about student learning,
instruction, program evaluation, and
organizational conditions.
Indicator 3.3
Teachers engage students in their
learning through instructional
strategies that ensure achievement of
learning expectations.
Indicator 3.11
All staff members participate in a
continuous program of professional
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
*Committee members will review all schedules to
determine classrooms that have a designated
writing time devoted to Writer’s Workshop with a
minimum of 30 minutes twice a week in grades K2 and a minimum of 50 minutes twice a week in
grades 3-5, and classrooms that do not have a
specific writing time or do not meet the 30 or 50
minute twice a week criteria.
(This time is specific writing instruction with a
focused lesson. This does not include independent
writing done during other content areas or Daily
*Committee members will help determine
possible writing times that can be implemented in
classrooms that do not currently have writing
*Heather, Jody, and Courtney will meet
individually with classroom teachers that do not
have schedules that incorporate the writing time
requirements and help those teachers work on a
schedule that will meet their needs and still
incorporate the writing requirements.
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
to our ITS and other key staff
in developing lessons and
strategies that integrate
technology in a
transformational way with
the Common Core standards.
We will continue to need
support from Human
Resources to guide our
implementation of TKES and
provide opportunities for
refining and improving the
process along the way.
*Committee will plan session 2 of The
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
AdvancED Standard(s)
Indicator 4.4
Students and school personnel use a
range of media and information
resources to support the school’s
educational programs.
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
Introduction to Writer’s Workshop.
*Committee member assignment: Have each
member of your grade level complete the
observation survey. This will determine the 2
areas they want to observe other teachers.
September Staff Professional Development:
Indicator 4.5
*Session 1 of the Introduction to Writer’s
The technology infrastructure
supports the school’s teaching,
learning, and operational needs.
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will begin to develop a school wide
vocabulary associated with writing along with
*Committee will determine which teachers will be
in the fall rotation for teacher observations and
the areas they will focus on.
*Heather will set up a fall rotation
schedule to begin after fall
conferences and will be completed
by Winter break. The rotation schedule will be
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
sent out to the committee for official review and
feedback before it is sent out to the entire staff.
*Committee will plan session 2 of the Introduction
to Writer’s Workshop.
October Staff Professional Development:
*Session 1 on the Introduction to Writer’s
Committee Meeting:
*The committee will share the 1st draft of the
vocabulary with staff members at the November
Professional Development meeting and staff will
be asked to give feedback on the vocabulary.
November Staff Professional Development:
*Teachers will work in mixed grade level groups
to review and give feedback on the vocabulary
draft that was created by the committee. Each
group will share their thoughts and feedback with
the entire staff. As a group we will try to develop a
second draft of the vocabulary words that will be
used in every classroom school wide.
Committee Meeting:
*Review the second draft and feedback that was
developed at the staff professional development
meeting. Decide as a committee if this will be the
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
final vocabulary draft.
*Committee will brainstorms ways that this
vocabulary can begin to circulate around the
school and ensure that all students and teachers
begin to use this vocabulary and become
associated with it.
*Committee members will plan the January staff
professional development. Writer’s Workshop
session 4.
*No staff professional development meeting this
January Staff Professional Development: Session 4
of Writer’s Workshop.
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will review the 5th grade Georgia
Writing Assessment rubric. Heather will go over all
of the parts/sections of the rubric to give teachers
a clear understanding of the areas covered on the
*The committee will determine if they want to use
the 5th grade rubric as a starting point to modify
and adjust in order to create a writing rubric for
each grade level. The rubric created for each
grade level will build on one another, incorporate
report card requirements, and incorporate
common core standards.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will determine teacher experts for
the 2nd rotation of teacher observations. The
rotations will begin in February and end in March.
*Heather will create the 2nd rotation schedule and
send it out for committee review before sending it
out to the staff.
*The committee will continue developing the
writing rubrics for grades K-5.
*Committee will plan the staff development
session 5 of The Introduction to Writer’s
February Staff Professional Development: Session
5 of the Introduction to Writer’s Workshop.
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will finalize the rubric drafts for each
grade level. These drafts will be presented to the
staff at the March professional development
*Committee will determine the final experts for
the 3rd rotation of teacher observations. The
rotations will begin in March and end in May.
(Limit the observations in grades 3-5 in April due
to CRCT. K-2 can observe as usual.)
March Staff Professional Development:
*Committee will show the rubrics to the staff and
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
Annual School Improvement Plan
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
go over them in detail.
*Teachers will be broken up into mixed grade
level groups and asked to provide feedback and
changes to the rubrics.
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will review the feedback given during
the March professional development. The
committee will make any changes to the rubric
and print final drafts.
April Staff Professional Development:
*No official meeting will be held after school.
Teachers will meet with their professional
development team member and Heather,
Courtney, or Jody to practice scoring anchor
papers with their grade levels new rubrics.
(Teachers will be asked to bring a variety of
anchor papers from the student portfolios they
have been collecting.)
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
Committee Meeting:
*Committee will create the plan and goals for year
2 of the Big Creek Professional Development
Writing Plan.
*Committee will work with their grade level and
Heather, Jody, or Courtney to pull anchor papers
they will use with their students next year. Each
grade level will pull a variety of different leveled
papers in each of the common core genres.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: To create an instructional environment that utilizes the best practices of
Writer’s Workshop and BYOT while deepening our understanding of CCGPS.
School Name: ________Big Creek Elementary____________ School Year: ___2013-14____
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
*All anchor papers are due to the committee by
May 16, 2014. The committee will remove all
names and create anchor paper binders for each
grade level.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
2013-14 Professional Learning Plan
for School Improvement Planning
School Name: _______Big Creek _____________________
Professional Learning Goal(s): To create an instructional environment
(K-5) centered around best practices within Writer’s Workshop.
Emphasis on increasing integrated use of technology in the classroom
through BYOT.
Continued emphasis on CCGPS and the continuation of instructional
alignment toward new standards.
# Hours
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): Standards 1 and 3:
Writer’s Workshop implementation across curriculum and grade
Description of Learning Activities
August 1
Pre-Planning (School)
Introduction to the school year with updates on general information both within the local school as well as at
the state and district level.
August 2
Pre-Planning (District)
August 5
District training on the new report card, rubrics and assessments. Teams returned to the local school to delve
further into the information via ITS LEARNING as both a communication platform and a repository for
instructional resources.
Grade level collaboration and planning for students and early study of student profiles via pink and blue
student information cards. Finalization of class lists and communication with community on class placement.
August 6
Collaborative planning among departments and teams to create instructional delivery schedule that is
customized toward meeting the needs of teachers with regard to writing.
August 7
Concurrent Learning sessions around ITS Learning, RTI and Fountas and Pinnell training. BYOT training on how
to incorporate high level technology usage and creation into core work.
August 28
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School)
September 18
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District)
January 6
Prof. Dev. Day (School)
Professional Learning Committee finalized three year plan for writing training and created a framework within
the building to redeliver information to all staff. Other staff members outside of the committee worked in
collaborative teams to BYOT training and sharing of iPad apps via iPad collaboration team. Incorporation plan
for BYOT to increase usage toward creating student-led learning environments.
Staff collaborated horizontally among schools and within the LAC group to discuss current instructional topics
including report cards, pacing, district common assessments, grading and unit design. Introduction of TKES
during this month as a learning experience. Continue emphasis on deepening knowledge of CCGPS.
Steering committee will review GWT Assessment rubric and create vertical grade level rubrics which are
vertically aligned. Staff will work within teams to design work around cross-content writing opportunities and
look at PBA tasks that involve writing instruction and assessment.
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
February 14
Prof. Dev. Day (District a.m.)
May 27
May 28
District training AM. School-based will target training opportunities for staff to participate in and discuss
regarding progression of Writer’s Workshop implementation. Writing rubrics and anchor papers will be
reviewed and scored.
Staff will collaborate to reflect on effectiveness of our Professional Learning plan. Vertical and horizontal
discussions will focus on components of the school-wide training that we can improve upon as well as areas
that were successful and became job-embedded. Analysis of work samples in the area of writing within
writing portfolios will be finalized.
Staff will participate in a school-wide presentation by collaborative teams which will target their PAC goal for
the year (Writing and CCGPS implementation). Summative data will be shared among teams which quantifies
growth in writing instruction training. Shared summarization of all learning initiatives.
Total Hours: 52.5
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.