Figurative Language Study Guide

Figurative Language Study Guide
a comparison of two things usually not compared using the words “like” or
Metaphor – a comparison of two things usually not compared without using the words
“like” or “as”; one thing is said to be another
Personification - giving non-human things the qualities of a person
Antonym - words that are opposite in meaning
Synonym -words that are the same or similar in meaning
Proverb/Adage -a saying that is believed to be true; it is often short and is based on
people’s experiences over time; often used by people for a long time
to share wisdom
Idiom - a word or saying many people in a certain place or area say; the literal
meaning is different from the intended meaning.
Homograph - words that are spelled the same but may be pronounced differently and
mean different things
Homophone - words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean
different things