1. Adjective, adjective noun (contained at the start of an independent... Your original example:

1. Adjective, adjective noun (contained at the start of an independent clause).
Her long, golden hair was brushed and neatly tied back into a braid.
Your original example:
2. Dependent clause*
, independent clause.
*Begin with an adverb:
Cautiously, the ornithologist approached the eagle’s nest.
*Begin with adjectives:
Exhausted and dirty, Jason collapsed in the armchair.
*Begin with a prepositional phrase (about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, because of, before, behind, below, beneath,
beside, between, by, beyond, despite, during,, from inside, in spite of, instead of, into ,like, near, of off, onto , outside, over, past, since, through,
toward, under, until, upon, within…)
After the attempt on his life, the pope did not restrict his travel.
*Begin with an infinitive phrase (an infinitive is the root of the verb preceded by “to”)
To please her mother, Maria went to sleep.
*Begin with a participial phrase (present participles that end in ---ing or past participles that end in ---ed and act as adjectives)
Worried that the manuscript might be stolen, the monks placed it in a secret vault.
Assuring herself that no blemish scarred her appearance, the fair maiden bathed and prepared for the
Your original examples:
3. Independent clause dependent clause*.
Thoughts raced through her head as she climbed the path to the castle.
Your original example:
4. Independent clause
independent clause.
The castle windows gleamed in the shining moonlight; the rays reflected onto the glistening pond.
Your original example:
5. Independent clause
, and/or/for/nor/yet/but/so independent clause.
A simple white gown adorned her slim frame, and golden sandals graced her tiny feet.
Your original example:
, non-essential , (commas contained within an
independent clause) .
The maiden, knowing the end was near, started to tremble.
Your original example:
--- non-essential --- (double dash contained within an
independent clause) .
The maiden---knowing the end was near---started to tremble.
Your original example:
1, 2, and/or 3 members of a series (contained within an
independent clause) .
The maiden, prince, and their entourage toured the celebratory reception.
Your original example:
9. Independent clause
; conjunctive adverb, independent clause.
The maiden joined the king, queen, and the royal court; therefore, the townspeople quickly assembled.
Your original example:
10. Independent clause (with a qualifier/number to signal a list) :
________________, ____________________, and _________________.
Now signaled the time for the biggest sacrifice the maiden would ever make: her freedom.
Your original example: