Viper Camp Presentation

Welcome to
Viper Camp!
What to Expect in Middle School
• How to support your child in this new
Welcome to
Viper Camp
Parent Communication & Involvement
Arrival, Dismissal & Attendance
Supporting the Middle School Child
Behavior Expectations
Welcome to
Viper Camp
Drew Hayes- Principal
Van Lewsader – Assistant Principal
Karen Ogline – Assistant Principal
Amy Ingram – Graduation Coach
Mandy Malcolm – Counselor -6th
Vicki Rawlins – Counselor – 7th
Sue Sabo – Counselor- 8th
•Common Core Georgia Performance Standards
•CCGPS for Reading, Language Arts and Math.
•All Subjects utilize CCGPS Literacy Standards
•State Assessment:
•GA Milestones EOGs for academic content classes
•Multiple choice and constructed response questions
•Teachers will be incorporating more constructed
response items in their class assessments to prepare
•5 Core Academics•Language Arts & Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies
•Critical Thinking –
•Less rote memorization; more application, problem
solving, analysis
•More Informational Reading•Nonfiction
•More Technical Writing –
•Explain and defend their thinking, based on the text
•Performance Tasks•Show what you know
•BYOT guidelines
•School equipment vs. Personal devices
•Check Handbook and website
•Cell phones
•Learning Management system
•Link on website
•Watch for up-coming Parent trainings
•Syllabus signature page – view syllabi on
each teacher’s itsLearning
7 period day – 55 minute periods
5 Academic classes + 2Connections
POWER Time (T/W/ TH)
A-B-C weekly rotation
9 week Connection classes
Resources posted in
Textbooks - class sets
Most textbooks are on-line
Textbooks can be checked
out by students, if needed
 Tuesday
 10:00-10:25
 25 minutes
 Purpose
 Prepare
 Organize
 Work
 Engage
 Read
Examples of POWER time activities: Remediation with teacher,
complete missed assignments, work on homework, study for
tests, organize notebooks, prepare for day or week, read.
•Student handbook is
the road map for students
and parents.
•Calendar to help students
keep up with assignments.
•Communication between
teachers and parents.
we believe that doing the
work equates to learning
and learning is not
•Refer to teachers’ syllabus and itsLearning pages
for morning help days.
•Students should speak to the teacher the day
ahead to ensure that the teacher will be present.
•Students should check board in cafe for teacher
arrival and inform teacher on duty of their need to
go to a classroom.
We want to invite you to be part of our school!
Please Volunteer
• Contact PTO- join a committee
Fall Film Festival
Cyber Safety Seminar
Veteran’s Day Assembly
Red Ribbon Week
Teacher treats/luncheons 
Copy Moms ( or Dads)
School store
• Club involvement- TSA, Science Olympiad
Let’s Keep in Touch….
Communication with school
• Classroom: e-mail or call teacher
• General Questions: call front office
• Counseling Support: e-mail or call counseling office
• Administration: contact Karen Ogline or Van Lewsader
ItsLearning- lessons, resources, testing schedules
Vickery Vantage Point
VCMS e-mail or phone blast
Like PTO on Facebook
Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Sandy Dickerhofe
and Michelle Hall
Vice President: Julie Smith
Treasurer: Cori Williams
Secretary: Lori Kneeburg
Parliamentarian: Meri Munce
Contact us:
School website-PTO is found on
the Parents and Partners Tab
Facebook- Vickery Creek Middle
School PTO
Please Volunteer!
PTO Committees
8th Grade Dance
Book Fair
Social Committee
Cyber Safety
Lost & Found
Red Ribbon Week
8th Grade Picnic
Box Tops/Labels for Education
Copy Parents
School Store
Veterans Day
Car Riders:
•Earliest arrival -7:45
•Dropped off at front door
•Report to the cafeteria
•Breakfast available starting at 8:20
•Prohibited items: fast food, energy drinks and coffee
Walkers & Bike Riders:
•Earliest arrival -7:45
•Bike rack to the right of the building
•Enter at the cafeteria entrance
•Prohibited items: fast food, energy drinks and coffee
Bus Riders:
•Dropped off at the gym entrance
•Prohibited items: fast food, energy drinks and coffee
•Bus rider will be picked-up and dropped-off ONLY
at the assigned stop.
•Students may not ride another bus or have a
friend ride home with them.
• Students cannot be released to parent during
mechanical break-down / delay in route.
•Dismissal Checkouts: no later than 4:00pm.
•Photo ID must match student’s parent portal list.
Walkers and Bike riders:
•Will be dismissed with Car Riders
•Must have required form on file, with parent permission to
walk or bike ride home
•Students should know if they are a bus rider, car rider,
walker/bike rider prior to the start of the school day.
•If plans change, text your student. Students may check for
a message after lunch and prior to dismissal.
•Must stay on the sidewalks (not ride on the grass)
Car Riders:
We strongly encourage all students to use the bus.
Car Line-Main Entrance
•Double file line.
•Pull-up as line moves.
•Merge to one lane as driveway turns in front of the school.
•Student will come to you.
•Minimal wait after 4:25pm
•Pick-up concludes at 4:30pm.
•Dismissal Checkouts: no later than 4:00pm.
•Photo ID must match student’s check-out card
Car Riders:
Elementary Lot
•Shared Parking Lot.
•Teachers supervises crosswalk.
•Go with flow of traffic.
•Exit with PATIENCE and CARE!
•After 4:30, students return to front entrance for pick-up.
•Dismissal Checkouts: no later than 4:00pm.
•Photo ID must match student’s parent portal list.
• Be at school everyday from 8:50 am-4:15pm.
• Student is marked tardy if not in class at 9:00am.
• Student agenda contains attendance information.
– E-mail by 10:00 am. -
– Excuse notes must be turned in within 5 days.
• Students will have 5 days to make-up missed assignments.
• After a combination of 10 excused and unexcused
absences, a doctor’s note may be required.
• Absence from school for the entire day or the last half of the
day means no after-school events for that day.
 Forgotten homework
 Lunch
 Fast-food
 Flowers, balloons, etc
 Nurse hours: 9 – 4
 Students may not have any
medication in their possession,
including Over the Counter
medicines like Tylenol, Midol, etc.
Please see nurse with questions.
 Medication forms must be
completed by parent for all
medicines. Must be in original
 Nurse will contact parents if the
situation is serious in nature or
frequent nurse visits.
Students must have a pass from a
teacher to visit the clinic.
It is a cell phone violation for a student
to contact their parents to ask to be
picked up prior to visiting the nurse.
The nurse will allow students to call
from her office if illness requires
student to leave school.
All medications (prescription and non-prescription)
must be brought to school by the parent or guardian
and Medication Form must be completed.
Contact nurse for “Medication” form if needed.
Due to the risk of Reye’s Syndrome, the school
requires a physician’s signature in order to give any
aspirin-containing medications including Aspirin,
Pepto-Bismol, and Excedrin.
Forsyth County Schools
Cumming, Georgia
Our Counseling Department is here to help!
Our office is located just off of the rotunda at the
front end of the 7th grade hallway.
6th Grade Counselor:
Mandy Malcolm
770-667-2580 ext. 230305
Please call anytime for any reason! 
Raising happy, healthy and successful students.
H.E.L.P: How to Enjoy Living with a Preadolescent
 The changes are inevitable; have a plan.
 Keep your sense of humor.
 Tap into your compassion.
 Tap into your patience.
 Listen to your child and try not to dismiss their feelings they are real.
Very NORMAL signs of
 Irritability
 Forgetfulness
 Power Plays
 Friendship Issues
 Worries
 Chores
Suggestions for Making it Through!
 Don’t Take it Personally
 Continue to Parent
 Appreciate Their Strengths
 Take Time When it is Available
 Talk with Other Parents
 Keep in Touch with the School
 Enjoy this time!
7 Mindsets
Helping students tap into their unlimited potential!
Everything is Possible – We are all capable of extraordinary lives!
Passion First-Find your unique genius and share it with others!
We are Connected-Everyone who comes into our lives can help us live
our dreams!
100% Accountable-Our lives are what we choose them to be at this
moment and each moment forward!
Attitude of Gratitude-Be positive- practice gratitude!
Live to Give- to receive love, respect, and financial security, one must
learn to give those things.
The Time is Now- Take purposeful action in the present to create your
ultimate life!
Be on time.
Be prepared.
Be attentive.
Give best effort.
Be respectful.
Be honest.
Forsyth County Schools
Cumming, Georgia
“As educators, our primary goal is
to educate, not punish.”
 We expect student conduct that
supports a safe and successful
learning environment
 Respect each other and school
district employees
VCMS School-Wide Behavior Expectations
Students will abide by the FCS Code of Conduct
 Students will walk in a quiet and orderly manner
through the hallways, especially when going to and
from lunch
 The use of electronic devices is not allowed during
school hours unless permission is granted by the
teacher or administration.
 Students will be respectful with their words by
refraining from name-calling, teasing or profanity
 Students will be respectful in their actions by refraining
from horseplay or inappropriate touching
“Off and put away” after 8:45 am
 Teacher assigned classroom use
 After lunch and the end of the day with teacher
permission to check for messages from parents
 Nurse asks students to call parents regarding
Not allowed:
 for forgotten items or assignments
 when ill (need to call from Nurses office) or
regarding discipline
 to text friends during school hours
Before you go shopping you
need to know…..
 See through, lace or mesh must have a dress-
code garment underneath to be allowed.
 Shirt “captions” should only include appropriate
Tank Tops / Halter Tops
 Tank tops and halter tops are not allowed.
 All tops must cover the abdomen, back, and shoulders
and must have a modest neck-line.
Skirts, Dresses, Shorts…
…must be fingertip length
Pants with holes
 Holes in pants must
be below fingertip
Form-fitting or extremely tight clothes
Form-fitting or
tight clothes
such as Tube
dresses or
skirts are not
Leggings/Jeggings are not Pants
 If leggings or Jeggings are
worn, a long shirt must be
worn as covering.
We want our students to dress
for success!
We are in the business
of learning.
Student changes clothes
Parent contact
VCMS Clubs- Handout for details
 Art Club
 Magic the Gathering Club
 Battle of the Books
 NFL Club
 Jr. Beta Club
 Chamber Choir
 Chess Club
 Drama club
 FCA (Fellowship of
Christian Athletes)
 Fiber Arts Club
 Green Group
 Photography Club
 Science Olympiad
 TST (Technology Students’
 Young Authors
Please see Club Brochure in main
hallway or our website for more
information. Remind your student to
watch the VCMS morning news each
day for updates.
We’ll have a great year!
Today’s Homeroom Handouts
 Attendance Policies and
 Updating Parent Portal
 Club Information
 Supply lists and Contact
 Student Accident
Insurance Plan
 State of the Schools
 Code Of Conduct
 Student and Parent
Signature Sheet (Pink)
 Walker & Biker
Permission (Only if
walking or riding a bike)
 Please join our PTO 
Registration at our PTO
 Please visit the cafeteria for
additional opportunities for
your children.