Curso: Profesora: Aula: Correo Electrónico: Español 3 Señora Nicole Cerqua 210 y 212 ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 3! Goals: To create a positive and caring learning environment where you can actively use the Spanish language in a variety of real-life activities and situations. To provide as many opportunities as possible to speak, hear, and see the Spanish language. To build upon your previous Spanish knowledge in order to create new and exciting “real life” scenarios and language possibilities. To acquire good habits, skills, and attitudes while interacting with others. To create an awareness and appreciation of all cultures and people and to eliminate stereotypes and intolerance of others. Grading Policy: Your grade is made up of 7 components based on a point system. Points are assigned according to value and difficulty of an assessment. A student’s semester grade is calculated by dividing the points earned by the total number of possible points. A student’s final grade is calculated by dividing the points earned for the entire year (all 4 quarters) by the total number of possible points for all 4 terms. 1. Written and Oral Tests: given after each chapter; sections include vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, culture, speaking and listening. 2. Written and Oral Quizzes: vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking components. A possible pop quiz may be given! 3. Homework: written homework assignments are given infrequently; each homework assignment is worth 5 points; LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! 4. Projects/Activities: at least 1 project will be given each marking period. 5. Daily Participation: Students will be awarded 2 participation points on a daily basis for being in class on time, arriving prepared, and for willingness/effort to participate. Students will lose a point(s) for not bringing appropriate materials to class (book, notebook, pencil, etc.) or for inappropriate behavior. If a student has an excused absence, he/she will be excused from the points for that day. 6. Bell Ringers: These are small activities given often to recap concepts learned from the day(s) before. Bell Ringer books will be collected at the end of each marking period for a grade. 7. Final Exam: accumulative assessment of all materials learned throughout the year given at the end of the year. Classroom Rules: 1. Be on time and prepared for class everyday! We start promptly! Please be in assigned seat before the bell rings! This is Bell Ringer Time! Refer to the Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures for tardiness. If you cut class or have an unexcused absence you will receive zeros for that day as well as disciplinary action from NASH administration. 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on by teacher. 3. No cell phones in class! No texting in class! The first offense I will take the phone for the period. The second offense I will turn the phone into the office. If you cannot resist your phone on your person, you are encouraged to put phone in basket at front of room at beginning of the period and pick it up at the end of class. 4. The teacher dismisses the class! 5. Pay attention and actively participate! I know that at first this is uncomfortable but the sooner you start participating, the easier it will be for you to continue to do so and start to enjoy it! 6. If at any time you start having problems, would like extra help/practice, just aren’t getting it, etc. – Please come and see me!! I am available so please see me before it gets too late --- I want you to succeed! My free periods will be shared with you today! 7. Use Spanish as much as possible! Students must be on task working on SPANISH 100% of the time. Other assignments will be taken off of you! 8. I do not allow any inappropriate behavior or language in my classroom. Respect yourself, fellow students, classroom guests, the language/culture you are studying, and your teacher. I will not allow students to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in my class. Again, please refer to the Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures with regards to these behaviors. 9. Bring your book, notebook/binder, bell ringer book, homework, workbook, etc. every day unless told otherwise! Book covers are required for your textbook. You must have them covered by specific date shared with you or you will lose participation points! 10. Please be respectful and mature when I am absent and a substitute is here in my place. Please be on your best behavior and make me proud. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures with regards to inappropriate behaviors with regards to substitutes. Make-up Work: It is YOUR responsibility to know what you are missing and/or will miss when you are absent from class. There are various class calendars as well as a handout folder for you to use as reference. If your absence is due to illness, you will have the number of days equal to the number of days you were absent in order to make up the work missed. If you need an extension, you must talk with me before the deadline expires. No make-up work will be accepted for an un-excused absence. If you are absent the day before an assessment and no additional information was presented, you must take the assessment the day you return to class. If you arrive late to school the day of an assessment, you are expected to see me upon your arrival to school. Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in an automatic “0”, a referral to the office and a phone call home. This includes the use of online translators for writing assignments, projects and homework. Materials Needed: Paso a Paso 3 textbook Notebook with pockets/folders OR 3 ring binder and extra folder Writing utensils Composition book for Bell Ringer Activities (provided by teacher!) Pocket/Small Spanish Dictionary** My Availability: