Delivery: a combination of voice and body language that make up how the speech was presented. It is the mode or manner you use to transmit messages to your audience. DELIVERY Types of Delivery Types of Delivery: Manuscript Method For official records or conference proceedings Types of Delivery: Memorized Method Sometimes sounds just as mechanical a a manuscript Types of Delivery: Extemporaneous Method Types of Delivery: Impromptu Method Use the impromptu method when you give a short speech with little or no time for preparation. Even in an impromptu situation, pause to organize your speech. Focus on your main point, proof to support your main point, and a conclusion. Voice – the power source for speakers. Made up of vocal aspects (such as pauses), emphasis, volume, pitch, rate, articulation, and pronunciation. DELIVERY Delivery: Vocal Volume Volume is the loudness or softness of your voice An effective speaker uses a wide range of volume, as appropriate, from whisper to loud volume. Voice projection is related to volume Varying the volume alleviates vocal monotony Find a balance between TOO LOUD and too soft Volume: Practice Loud: Miss G is the best Speech teacher ever! Soft: North is way better than South! Project a whisper: Hey, what did you decide to do this weekend? Rate your “normal” volume. Rate Pace, or speed, at which you talk The rate of speech used to move through the content Unfilled pauses (silence)should be used effectively to monitor the speaker’s rate; Pause for effect Use slashes to mark pauses on manuscripts Fine line between not waiting at all – and waiting too long! Rate: Practice speechlegallyblonde.html (#1) speechhoosiersregionals.html (#2) speechrememberthetitans.html (#5) Pitch The vocal notes that you hit while speaking – the highs and lows of your voice Avoid being monotone (deliver all of your words at the same rate and pitch) The speaker should sound confident LEARNING TARGETS: I can use proper inflection, pitch and pronunciation I can use proper body language while speaking Pitch: Practice Vocal Emphasis or Vocal Inflection Altering your vocal tone or your pitch to stress important words or phrases The voice should be properly expressive in order to engage the audience and create interest Unfilled pauses (silence) should be used to create suspense and bring attention to an important point Vocal Emphasis or Vocal Inflection: Practice “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend” Articulation and Pronunciation Articulation, or enunciation, refers to the crispness, the distinctness, which we say the syllables in a word Avoid “mushmouth syndrome” Pronunciation refers to saying the sounds of a word properly and stress the correct syllable Articulation and Pronunciation Practice Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? D-A-T-A M-A-T-U-R-E M-A-R-T-I-N What other words that have multiple ways of pronouncing them? Additional Aspects of Vocal Delivery Pause Before Starting = Pause and gather yourself before starting the speech. Not pausing or pausing for a very short time can make the speaker appear nervous, eager, or unpolished. It is more effective to pause for 2-3 sections before starting. Avoid Fillers or Vocalized Pauses = The speaker should not utter vocalized pauses (Um, Ah, and You Know). Vocalized pauses are sounds or expressions used by many speakers to fill silence instead of using silent pauses. PRACTICE: Put it all together! (Simple, honest statement, or perhaps sarcasm.) "I appreciate the kindness you have shown me, and I hope to return the favor when I can." (Resentment, anger, unfriendliness) "Kindness! Do you call that kindness? I wouldn't treat a stray dog the way you've treated me! (Deep feeling of earnestness and conviction) "If we all show a little kindness, a little concern for others' need as well as our own, we can help make the word what it should be.“ Delivery Notes! Body Language – nonverbal communication that is expressed through eyes, limbs, posture, and face. DELIVERY Delivery: Body Language Eye Contact When the speaker looks at the audience Eye contact duration = how long the speaker hold eye contact Eye contact distribution = how the speaker looks at all members of the audience and all parts of the room Eye contact affects the speaker’s creditability and persuasiveness Eye Contact: Practice 1. Staring Contest: Find someone next to you. Go as long as possible without blinking. Crown a winner and a loser. 2. Have a conversation without looking at the person’s eyes. Posture Involves position and projection of the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and legs Posture relays confidence and bad postures can tarnish the speaker’s credibility Posture Practice 1. Create a stance or posture for the following character types: Innocent little kid, age 6, wanting ice cream Grouchy old man who always yells at kids to get off his lawn High school girl who is “too cool” Jock boy who was trying to be cool/tough but got turned down by the girl he just asked out 2. What emotions are the silhouettes conveying? Gestures Gestures are moving the hands, head, or other body limbs Gestures may be used to accentuate, exaggerate, or even replace verbal communication Effective speakers need to be aware of their arms and hands and avoid positions that may send negative messages or be distracting Match your gestures to your words! Gesture: Practice What gestures might be appropriate with these phrases? “This needs to happen right now!” “I don’t care. It wasn’t my fault.” “…and BAM, it hit the floor!” Facial Expressions: Learning target: I can use facial expression properly. Facial expressions involve the use of eye brows, cheeks, lips, and other facial muscles to convey emotion Smiling is considered the most important facial expression because it increases the speaker’s likeability and credibility Facial Expressions: Practice Warm up your face by trying to get your face as small/big as possible! You just ate a lemon You walk into a surprise party for your birthday You just got a full ride to the college of your dreams Stink eye / dirty look You have a question, but you are afraid to ask it Your parents are embarrassing you in front of your friends You walk into a crowded room and you scan the room until you friend your friends Additional Aspects of Delivery Avoid Distractions Speaker-created distractions are unintentional mannerisms or objects that can divert the attention of the audience Use of Notes Speakers often use outlines or index cards while speaking, don’t let them become a distraction Use of Lectern or Podium The podium should support and hide the speaker’s notes Effective speakers are aware of their hands even when using a lectern Appearance Appearance includes attire, personal grooming, and hygiene Appearance affects the speaker’s credibility PUT IT ALL TOGETHER! Planning your delivery: STEP 1: Read through your assigned speech. Decide where your volume should go up and when it should go down. Step 2: Plan out the pace (when should you pause) Step 3: Plan out eye contact (when should you look into the audience) Step 4: Plan out posture and gestures (when should your body language change: add at least 1 gesture) Step 5: Add 2 planned facial expressions. In green book, silently read 79-86 Define all the bolded terms Write down one new thing that you learned about nonverbal communication Write down one thing that surprised you. TED TALK: STACEY KRAMER Each row will be assigned one topic to look for. Will get in groups after and share notes. Then share out for a group analysis. gestures Body language Vocal variety (pitch volume) Rate and pacing Rhetorical devices (simile, metaphor)etc.