Unit 4 Writing Prompt: Argumentative Essay

Unit 4 Writing Prompt: Argumentative Essay
A style of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate
evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.
The claim should state an opinion, and the remainder of the essay should focus on supporting the
author’s beliefs with textual evidence
For this essay, you will be responding to the following prompt:
Which is more influential to our growth as people: Family or Community?
We have discussed the ways in which our family and our community influence us as we grow. Your job
on this essay is to decide which influence is more powerful, family or community. Once you have
established your position, please use textual support from at least 3 of the following sources:
“Widening the Circle of Family” by Elizabeth Lesser (Oprah article)
“Do Families on the Small Screen Reflect the Families of Today?” By Herb Scribner
“Pets Really Are Members of the Family” by Harris Interactive
“The Blind Side” by Michael Lewis
“Stone Soup” by Barbara Kingsolver
“The Slipover Sweater” by Jesse Stuart
“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst
Consider the following questions when developing your claim:
Are there specific ways that our family and our community shape us differently? How?
In what ways do our family and community influence who we become? In what ways do they help
us grow? In what ways do they hold us back?
In what ways do our interactions with family members and our community differ? How is that
good or bad?
Are there specific qualities or characteristics associated with being part of a family vs. being part
of a community?
Follow multi-paragraph essay format – intro, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
You need at least 3 pieces of evidence in your essay:
o At least 1 short story
o At least 1 article
o Type of your choice (short story, article, or personal example, as long as it supports your
claim based on the text).
Your essay must be MLA formatted and include a Works Cited page of your sources.
o You may use Noodle Tools to check your work. More info to follow.
Your essay must be written using formal language that is mechanically and grammatically correct.
o No personal pronouns (I, me, you, your, us, we, etc.) except in personal example & quotes
o Never use formulaic phrases like “I think,” “The evidence shows…” or “My paper is about”
o Write out all contractions (won’t, shouldn’t, etc.), except in quotes.
Attention Getter: (1-2 sentences)
Claim: Based on the texts ____________________________, ______________________________________, and
__________________________, it is clear that _______________________________________ is more influential to our
personal growth than ___________________________________________.
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence:
Background of evidence: article title, author, what it is about
Woven Quote/Citation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Analysis: (How does the evidence support your definition?)
Transition / Summary Statement
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence
Background of evidence: article title, author, what it is about
Woven Quote/Citation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Analysis: (How does the evidence support definition?)
Transition / Summary Statement
Body Paragraph #3
Topic Sentence
Background of evidence: article title, author, what it is about
Woven Quote/Citation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Analysis: (How does the evidence support definition?)
Transition / Summary Statement
Restate your claim:
Clincher: (Leave the reader with something to ponder)