Name: Part Two: During the Discussion

Part Two: During the Discussion
LT: I can participate in a discussion by responding to my peers (agreeing, disagreeing, adding additional
textual evidence, etc.)
How It Works:
At the beginning of class, please take 2 post-it notes. Place them on the back of your discussion question
packet. Circle 2-3 questions that you feel most confident responding to or contributing your thoughts
about. Each time you contribute to the discussion, move a post-it note from your sheet to your desk so
that Mrs. Pagel and Mrs. Sampson can see who is participating and who still needs to. You are
encouraged to participate AT LEAST 1 time throughout the class period. Mrs. Pagel and Mrs. Sampson
will help the group move through the discussion questions.
Please complete the following chart while listening to your peers:
Question #
Peer’s Type of Contribution:
agree with a peer; disagree
with a peer; bring up a new
idea or answer
My Thoughts:
Do I agree (GREEN) or
disagree (RED) with them?
Why? What can I add to their
For your participation grade you will be graded based on the quality of contribution in this discussion
combined with your active listening skills while your peers contribute.
15 Points Total
A : 14-15 Points: Verbal contribution 2+ times; High quality contribution (adds an original idea, refers to
textual evidence, agrees/disagrees and provides and explanation); Actively listening to their peers and
completing the “During the Discussion Chart” with effort
B: 12-13 Points: Verbal contribution 1-2 times; High quality contribution (adds an original idea, refers to
textual evidence, agrees/disagrees and provides and explanation); Actively listening to their peers and
completing the “During the Discussion Chart” with effort
C : 11 Points: No verbal contribution or contribution wasn’t of substance (non-original or not supported
by evidence); If they didn’t talk they are engaged in the conversation; Actively listening to their peers and
completing the “During the Discussion Chart” with effort
D: 9-10 Points: Missing any combination of the requirements.
Part Three: After the Discussion
LT: I can participate in a discussion by responding to my peers (agreeing, disagreeing, adding
additional textual evidence, etc.)
1. How often did I contribute to the group discussion?
I didn’t contribute
I contributed a couple of times
I contributed frequently
2. How engaged was I when my peers were talking?
Zoned Out
Just following along
Actively listening
3. Summarize one peer’s response. Who said it and what did they say?
4. Rate the effort you put forth when answering the Discussion Questions:
(Rushed but done)
(Tried my hardest!)
5. Rate the effort you put forth when trying to verbally participate in the discussion:
(No effort)
(Tried; Could have done more)
(Tried my hardest!)
6. One goal I have for our next discussion: