Notes for the Speaker Oratory Speaker: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ ID # _______________________________________________________________ Answer the following questions while listening to the speech. 1. Speech Selection: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Did the teaser “hook” you: YES NO 3. Did the introduction include the author, title and necessary background information: YES NO 4. Rank the introduction’s quality of memorization: (Read off manuscript) 1 2 3 (Partial memorization) 4 5 6 7 (Flawless) 8 9 10 5. Summarize the message/purpose of the speech: 6. Did the speaker attempt meaningful movement: YES NO 7. What NOTES do you have for the speaker to improve their vocal delivery? (Volume, Rate, Pitch, Vocal Emphasis / Inflection, Articulation and Pronunciation) 8. What NOTES do you have for the speaker to improve their physical delivery? (Eye Contact, Posture, Gestures, Facial Expressions) 9. Did the speaker do anything that was distracting to you as an audience member that they should be aware of? (Distractors, Excessive Filler Words, etc.) Guess the speech time: _________________________________