August 2015 Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We are delighted that your child is enrolled in Communication Studies, at Wheaton North High School, this semester. Communication Studies provides students with an important opportunity to develop essential skills to communicate effectively. Throughout the semester, students will participate in a variety of activities to extend their speaking and listening skills in preparation for college and career. A communication course is required for all students as part of a balanced high school education. Because this course is not an elective, it is important clarify the expectations of the department. In order to create a positive class climate, in which all students feel comfortable and valued, the department has outlined the following policies: Attendance and Participation Excessive absences and tardiness are disruptive and may affect the success of students. Preparation Preparation needs to be completed before students perform their speeches; if the preparation is not completed the student can’t give the speech. It is expected that students follow the due dates for outlines, forms and research; late work will result in a loss of points. Speech Performance Day Honoring commitments is an important life skill. This is particularly important for Communication Studies. In order for everyone to speak, a tight schedule needs to be followed. When students are absent, the schedule is disrupted. This can be very problematic. School policy states that students who are excused from class can make up missed work for full credit. Students who are unexcused do not receive full credit for missed work. This does not excuse the student from delivering the speech to an audience when he/she returns to school. Students who are not prepared on their speech performance day should be prepared to deliver their speech on the next school day for half credit. Students who are not prepared on their make-up speech day must deliver their speech but will receive no credit. In summary, in order to pass this course, students are required to deliver all speeches to an audience. If they cannot attend class on their assigned delivery day, they are expected to deliver the speech to an audience on the day they return to school. Students enrolled in this course must complete all core speeches/presentation/assignments in order to pass the course. Dress Code As part of their experience in this course, students are expected to wear appropriate speech attire to class on their assigned day. Time will not be given for students to change clothes before class. Appropriate speech attire includes the following: dress slacks, khakis, dress, skirt, sweater, blouse, shirt and tie, polo tucked in, and other clothing that would be worn to a professional interview. All clothing should be clean, and, if necessary, pressed. The following clothing is inappropriate on speech performance days: jeans, shorts, short skirts, flip flops, midriff tops, tank tops, sweat clothes and outerwear (coats, jackets, fleeces, etc.). Visible undergarments, logos, writing on clothing and large items of jewelry can be distracting. Appropriate attire is a grading factor for each speech and improper attire will be scored accordingly. We look forward to a successful semester. If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s teacher. Please sign and return to your child’s Communication Studies teacher by Monday, August 24th I have read and understand the policies for Communication Studies at Wheaton North High School. Legibly print Student Name __________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s) _______________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Parent, please list your preferred method of contact: ________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone number (s): _________________________________________________________