Self Esteem Procedure: 1. Take the strips of paper out of the envelope and alphabetize them A – P to ensure that you have all the pieces. Or cut them out into strips if you had to print out the self esteem card page. 2. Arrange the strips of paper so that the top statement describes you best and the bottom statement is the least true of you. 3. Write the order in Column 1. 4. Shuffle the strips. 5. Arrange the strips of paper for your ideal self. So that the top statement is what you wish best described you, and bottom statement is what you wish least true about yourself. 6. Finding the difference between the two columns. For example if you had letter ‘A’ ranked #1 in column 1 and in column 2 letter ‘A’ was ranked 7th, that would be difference of 6, so you would write 6 in the difference column. Once you have the difference column complete add all the numbers of that column together and that is your score. Data Form Ranking Column 1 Column 2 Difference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total of Differences Reaction: The “average” person usually shows a total difference between 45 – 55. A score of more than 70 indicates a rather low correspondence of “selves;” however, if you scored higher than 70, don’t jump to the conclusion that you have a personality problem, as this experience is rather informal and subject to extraneous variables. What conclusions can you draw from the results? Were you surprised? What factors, aside from self-esteem, may have influenced your findings? Explain these thoughts in your Psychography.