Warm Greetings to You! It is so nice to meet you at Lincoln School’s ELL Open House! Thank you for coming and for volunteering to educate us! I am SO pleased that you are thinking What does an International Display Case display look like? about signing up to create a display about your country to put in our school’s new International Display Case! The display case is located just outside my classroom #1228 in the hallway separating the lunchroom from the fifth grade classrooms. Please feel free to call, write a note, or e-mail me if you have concerns or questions about contributing your items to the International Display case When it’s time to put your display up, just stop in my classroom and I’ll help you get started! On (country): __________________ There are two six-foot-long shelves and lots of little hooks upon which to display your treasured items from your country. Although we have a very diverse community at Lincoln, many students have not have had the opportunity to travel outside the U.S. B R A Z I L YOUR display at Lincoln will teach all the students and faculty about your culture. Classes pass by the display each day and love to see what’s new! Communication Education is a partnership between home and school. We value parent involvement at every level and are so honored that you have chosen to help educate our community in this way! ETHIOPIA for the month of ______________. Pictured here, the featured country is Ethiopia (featured above). As you can see, it boasts lots of toys, household items, clothing, musical instruments and other items which are traditional to that country. Translations for this brochure are available at no cost in different languages. Please inform me if you would like to receive this in another language! Mrs. DeMarzo also just added an electrical outlet to the display case, so we can play music from each culture throughout the day. Kids LOVE it, and often dance past the display case! They all know that they should look, not touch, the items. This is quite a feat for hundreds of children! You may also send a note in your native language. We will make every effort to have it translated and respond as soon as possible. Jacki Lopushonsky Resource Teacher & International Display Case Facilitator Lincoln School, CUSD200 E-mail: Jacqueline.Lopushonsky@cusd200.org Phone: 630/682-2075, Room 1228 Welcome to Lincoln School’s “International Display Case” Community… where YOU are a valued member! Please sign up today! Visit Ms. Lopushonsky in Room 1228 or drop a line at… Jacqueline.Lopushonsky@cusd200.org NOW! Lincoln Elementary School 630 Dawes Wheaton, IL 60189 A Parent’s Guide to Creating an Exciting Cultural Display About your Country of Origin (630) 682-2075 Imagine how beautiful YOUR personal items from your country will look here! SUDAN Some Items You May Wish to Display: A little checklist to help you out: ___ a CD from your country (since an electrical outlet has now been installed in the display!) ___ traditional clothing & shoes ___ a map featuring your country ___ accessories (hats, scarves, jewelry, etc.) ___ sports/soccer clothing ___ household/decorative items ___ toys ___ native food ___ family pictures ___ artwork ___ pictures of the country and people ___ toys ___ books ___ table linen, crochet, etc. ___ musical instruments ___ colorful fabric, wall hangings, textiles ___ indigenous items: shells, etc. ___ handicrafts ___ traditional shoes ___ sports items ___ etc.