RHO KAPPA National Social Studies Honor Society…. “Social Studies In Action” November 19, 2015 Requirements: a) have completed four semesters of courses in the field of social studies and be prepared to complete at least six semesters. The minimum grade point average for these courses is an unweighted 3.5 or the numerical equivalent. Any Cs in your social studies classes will disqualify you from membership b) have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.00 or the numerical equivalent c) provide evidence of community service and leadership d) a recommendation from a current teacher e) volunteer for at least 2 Social Studies related service hours each school year f) pay a $15 induction fee g) attend 6 meetings (of 8 total) Today’s To Do: 1) Thank you for all of your efforts to make Veterans’ Day so meaningful for everyone involved! a) Are your thank you notes turned in yet???? 2) Bill of Rights Institute Essay Contest a) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) In 500-800 words, answer the following question: Founders believed in the sanctity/vital importance of the individual liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. To what extent (or in what ways) has our government compromised on these liberties in the name of security or the general welfare? b) Prizes of up to $5000! (15 prizes of $500 or more awarded!) c) See Mrs. Lotspeich for more information 12 Members for Equal Justice Under the Law, December 4th (Stay for brief meeting after we are done…) State Department Essay Contest - See Mrs. L a) Win $2500 b) Trip to Washington, DC c) Get to meet the Secretary of State! Have you paid your dues yet? Still need $15 dues from: Questions? Bridget Berry Allie Lorentsen Lizzie Flood Morgan Moxley See Mrs. Lotspeich in Room 902 Katerina Goga Kiersten Oslund Maeve Quinn Jessica Holder Julia Stephensen Sign Ups in January – League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on February 27th Public Protest and the First Amendment – John Marshall Law School on January 15, 2016 (No School that day) = Can register up to 4 students IL Youth Summit a) February 18, 2016– student advisory committee (SAC) meeting 1 (downtown Chicago) b) March 18, 2016 – student advisory committee (SAC) meeting 2 (downtown Chicago) c) April 29, 2016 - Summit (Dirksen Federal Building - Chicago) - (10 students) Go to http://goo.gl/forms/hrhY2KU9Pz or access the link on the Activities Homepage on the WN website Sign up for Remind Texts – Text @rkappa to 81010 Future Meeting dates - Dec 10; Jan 28; Feb 18; March 17; April 15; May 13 (official induction)