Exhibit 3.5.d: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice by Program Program Clinical Practice (Professional Year, Student Teaching, or Internship; as part of their professional year, all PDS interns begin Total Hours their Fall semester when teachers return to school for the pre-opening of the school year.) Field Experiences Initial Preparation Early Childhood Education Four progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences prior to professional year; total 30 hours ECED 103 Introduction to Early Childhood Education: 10 for hours. The students engage in structured observations of an early childhood setting. ECED 201 Child Development: 10 hours. The students are required to observe children of different age groups. They must maintain anecdotal records of observations that culminate with a “Case Study” of one child. Students have limited participation. ECED 315 Infancy and Toddler Development: 10 hours in an approved setting for infants or toddlers. Students plan and implement activities that are developmentally appropriate for the age group. ECED 343 Preprimary Internship: 130 hours. This internship requires observations and participation planning and implementing instruction for children in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. ECED 344 Primary Internship: 140 hours. Interns plan and implement instruction for students in grades 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Minimum hours: 940 ECED 351/ECED 352; Full-time Pre Primary and Primary Internships: Minimum of 640 hours. The internships requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher. Total: 780 Total: 160 Elementary Education 1-8 Three progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences prior to professional year ELED 363 4hrs/week X 12 weeks = 48 Observing/Teaching English/Language Arts in an elementary classroom SCIE 376, 4hrs/week X 12 weeks = 48 Teaching science in and elementary classroom; plan and implement one science lesson per week Two semester/professional year capstone Minimum experience in PDS placements (ELED Hours 311 and 312, ELED 468); 924 ELED 312 8hrs/week X 15 weeks = 120 Observing/Teaching in elementary classroom leading to a 3 day full time teaching session. ELED 468 Full-time Internship: Minimum of 640 hours. The internships requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor MATH 324 4hrs/week X 12 weeks = 48 teacher. 1 Observing/Teaching Math in an elementary classroom. Middle School Education Total = 780 Hours Total = 144 Hours MSED 342: Principles of Middle School Education -- observing, completing initial educational experiences in the two chosen content areas. Total: 15-20 hours Two consecutive semester professional Minimum 911 year internship and student teaching hours experience in one PDS placement. Courses are taught on site at the PDS site. The Fall courses include MSED 499; two methods courses (one in each subject area); and MSED 461. The students are in the PDS for 2 full days per week for 16 weeks. Total: 256 hours. Capstone Internship in both areas, MSED 462, MSED 401. The students are in the PDS for 5 full days per week for 16 weeks, total 640 hours. Requirements include assuming all full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher. The students are in the PDS for 5 full days per week for 16 weeks, total 640 hours. Secondary Education SCED 341 Principles Of Secondary Education (4) Philosophy and purposes of secondary education; nature of secondary education programs; principles of teaching and learning; basic techniques of instruction. A field experience of at least 20 hours to schools is required and will necessitate travel time before and after class. Total: min. 20 hours Total: 896 hours SCED 499 Internship In Secondary Minimum Education (6) & SCED 461 Teaching hours 885 Reading in the Secondary Content Areas (3) Clinical experience of at least 45 hours in a professional development school the term immediately prior to full time internship; focus on classroom management and discipline, technology utilization and reflective practices, focus on observation of and limited participation in a middle school and high school classroom. Capstone Internship. The students are in the PDS for 5 full days per week for 16 weeks, total 640 hours. Requirements include assuming all full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher. English SCED 383 French SCED 384 Geography SCED 385 German SCED 386 History SCED 389 Math MATH 426 Spanish SCED 394 Science SCIE 393 SCED 401 Analyzing Student Teaching (1) & SCED 462 Seminar in Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Areas 2 (1) A minimum of 640 hours spent in a middle school classroom (8 weeks) and in a high school classroom (8 weeks) at a professional development school. Interns engage in progressively more responsible teaching and classroom instructional activities. In addition, students engage in reflective discussions regarding their experiences in interactions with University faculty and the student’s school-based mentor. Total: 685 hours Special Education (all tracks) Two progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences prior to the professional year; SPED 491/496/497 and SPED 498; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher; minimum 112 days . Minimum 1076 hours SPED 413 Assistive Technology For Total: min 896 hours. Students With Disabilities K-12 – observation and participation; focus on assistive technologies to support students with disabilities and instructional technologies to provide all learners (including those with disabilities) with multiple means of representation, engagement, action, and expression; total – 6 hours SPED 430 Informal Tests and Measurements for Students with Disabilities –observation and participation; focus on identifying, critiquing, and implementing informal assessments and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities within the field placement setting; total – 30 hours. Additionally, field experiences occur in: MATH 324 (48 hours), SCIE 376 (48 hours), ELED 363 (48 hours) Total: 180 hours Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Integrated program Two progressively responsible participation field experiences prior to the professional year. – ECSE 316: Infant and Toddler Internship (Field Experience) is one full day per week in an infant/toddler placement (ages 0-3) for a total of 98 hours. Activities include going on home visits, implementing DAPs, attending IFSP meeting(s), observing a parent interaction, assisting in preparing 3 Two semester/professional year capstone Minimum experience divided equally between 1038 hours special education and general education settings: - ECSE 352: Field Placement in the Primary Inclusive Classroom is two full days per week hours. Activities include writing and implementing lesson plans, attending IEP meeting(s), observing parent interactions, implementing materials, etc. cooperative group activities, coECSE 342: Field Placement in the Preteaching with mentor, working onePrimary Inclusive Classroom (Field on-one with students, attending site Experience) is one full day per week in based meetings/PD/etc. Min. 196 an inclusive pre-primary setting (PreK/K hours – must include students with special needs) for a total of 98 hours. Candidates - ECSE 451: Internship in ECSE is are supervised by a special education five days per week in a general supervisor for 7 weeks and a general education placement (can be PreK, education supervisor for the other 7 K, or grades 1 – 3) and then a weeks. Activities include writing and special education placement. Min. implementing DAP and/or lessons, 490. for seven weeks (can be PreK, attending IFSP/IEP meeting(s), K, or grades 1 – 3) Activities observing parent interactions, include writing and implementing implementing cooperative group lesson plans, co-teaching with activities, co-teaching with mentor, mentor, working one-on-one with working one-on-one with students, students, implementing class-wide attending site based meetings/PD/etc. and small group activities, attending SPED 413 Assistive Technology For site-based meetings/PD, etc. Min. Students With Disabilities K-12 – 640 hours observation and participation; focus on assistive technologies to support students Total: 836 hours with disabilities and instructional technologies to provide all learners (including those with disabilities) with multiple means of representation, engagement, action, and expression; total – 6 hours Total – 202 hours Elementary Education/ Special Education Integrated program Four field experiences occur during the first year of the professional program. Experiences consist of observing, supporting hosting teacher and teaching of lessons approved by course instructor and hosting teacher. Field experiences occur in: MATH 324 (30 hours), SCIE 376 (36 hours), ELED 363 (36 hours) and SPED 413 (6 hours). Total: 108 hours MAT – Special Education SPED 637 Inclusion for the Classroom Teacher 6 hour observation with a supporting APA paper EDUC 730 Principles of Learning, Development and Diversity 6 hour observation and related assignment. SPED 601 Curriculum and Methods of Instruction for Secondary Transition 2 4 Two semester professional year capstone Minimum of experience in PDS general and special 1004 hours education placements. EESE 474 – consists of a two day, eight week placement in both the elementary education and special education disciplines (totaling 16 weeks, min. 256 hours). EESE 476 – consists of a five day, eight week placement in both the elementary education and special education disciplines (totaling 16 weeks). Requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher. Min. 640 hours. Total: minimum 896 hours. Fall, mini, and spring semesters/professional year capstone experience in PDS special education placements. EDUC 797, EDUC 798; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher. Minimum 820 – 904 hours hours observation of one student for case Total: minimum 800-884 hours. student and consultation with staff SPED 646: Using Tech to Diff Instruction (3) 6 hour observation with a related assignment. Total 20 Hours Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) – General Education: ECED, ELED, SCED Art Education, K-12 Students enrolled in the Extended Year MAT program are required to complete 6.5 hours of observation/participation in a public school placement for foundation level courses that are taken during the fall and spring semesters. EDUC 730: Principles of Learning, Development and Diversity – Observation focusing on student diversity and contextual factors influencing instruction EDUC 731: Curriculum and Assessment – Observation focusing on curriculum implementation and assessment of student learning EDUC 717: Children’s Literature and Other Materials for Teaching Reading – Observation focusing on the use of various texts and other materials used to support reading instruction MATH 621: Seminar in Teaching Elementary and Middle School Mathematics – Observation focusing on children’s perceptions of mathematics and approaches to solving non-routine problems ECED 604: Math/Science in the Early Childhood Education Program – Observation focusing on math and science instruction in early childhood classrooms SPED 637: Inclusion for the Classroom Teacher – Observation focusing on implementation of special education programs in the public school setting TOTAL HOURS Early Childhood – 32.5 Elementary – 32.5 Secondary – 19.5 Four progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences in elementary and secondary schools with limited participation (ARED 381, ARED 383 and in SCED 341) minimum of 52 hours. One elementary seven session field 5 Fall, mini and spring semesters/professional year capstone experience in PDS placements (EDUC 797, EDUC 798; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of the mentor teacher 820-916 hours Total: minimum 800-884 hours. ARED 481 Student Teaching in Minimum Elementary Education Art and ARED hours 748 483 Student Teaching in Secondary Education Art - two 8-week, full-time capstone student teaching placements; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of mentor teacher. experiences in a school setting where students are required to plan, teach and assess an age appropriate unit with extensive participation and one secondary seven session field experience where students are required to plan, teach and assess an age appropriate unit with extensive participation Total: minimum 640 hours. ARED 467, ARED 468; minimum of 56 hours. Total: 108 hours. Music Education, 25 progressively responsible observation K-12 and participation field experiences in vocal, choral, general, and instrumental music classes in P-12 instructional, elementary, and secondary schools: MUED 306, MUED 307, MUED 308, MUED 309, MUED 337, 200 hours, focus on observations and field experiences re. vocal, choral, general, and instrumental music classes in elementary and secondary schools; MUED 310, 18 hours, focus on observations and field experiences in music and special education P-12 instructional settings; MUED 307, 9 hours, additional focus on observations and field experiences in music and the related arts at the Towson University Student Day Care Center; Physical Education – Teacher Education (PETE; K-12) Total: Minimum 227 hours. Three progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences prior to professional year. These 3 courses comprise Phase II of the PETE Program). 1. KNES 324, Teaching Physical Education in the Elementary School: Internship I Experience at the Elementary Level Hours: Minimum 30 Focus: Progressive internship in the grade K-5 elementary level physical education classroom beginning with (a) Observation of mentor teacher, followed by (b) Assisting the mentor teacher, followed by (c) Mimicking activities and lessons 6 MUED 391 Student Teaching in Elementary School and MUED 392 Student Teaching in Secondary School two 8-week, full-time capstone student teaching placements; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of mentors. Minimum 827 hours Total: minimum 640 hours. Student Teaching/Internship II: One semester of student teaching (this semester is considered Phase III of the PETE Program); total minimum 640 hours 1. KNES 392, Student Teaching/Internship II Experience: Elementary School Hours: 5 full school days per week for 8 weeks. Focus: Eight-week professional experience in elementary (grades K-5) PDS placement site teaching physical education. Teacher candidates are required to assume full planning, instructional delivery, and assessment responsibilities of their mentor teacher, in addition to any other assigned duties Minimum 730 hours delivered by mentor teacher, and ending of the mentor teacher. with (d) Creation and implementation of 4 2. KNES 394, Student teacher candidate-designed lesson plans. Teaching/Internship II Experience: Secondary School (middle school or 2. KNES 325, Teaching Physical high school) Education in the Secondary School: Hours: 5 full school days per week for 8 Internship I Experience at the weeks) Secondary Level Focus: Eight-week professional experience in secondary (grades 6-12; Hours: Minimum 30 Focus: Progressive internship in the middle school or high school) PDS grades 6-12 secondary level (middle placement site teaching physical school or high school) physical education. Teacher candidates are education classroom required to assume full planning, beginning with instructional delivery, and assessment (a) Observation of mentor teacher, responsibilities of their mentor teacher, followed by in addition to any other assigned duties (b) Assisting the mentor teacher, of the mentor teacher. followed by (c) Mimicking activities and lessons Total: Minimum 640 hours delivered by mentor teacher, and ending with (d) Creation and implementation of 4 teacher candidate-designed lesson plans. 3. KNES 423, Adapted Physical Education: Internship Experience in K-12 Adapted Physical Education Hours: Minimum 30 Focus: Observe and assist in one or more settings where students (PreK through age 21) may receive services for adapted physical education. Note(s): (1) KNES 324 is the first course taken in Phase II of the PETE Program. (2) Following successful completion of KNES 324 (successful = grade of C or higher), teacher candidates may take (a) KNES 325 followed by KNES 423 the following semester or (b) KNES 325 and KNES 423 during the same semester. Total: minimum 90 hours. Dance Education DANC201: Developmental Movement DANC 391: Student Teaching elementary rotation 1. (6) hours of observation in 1. 8 weeks clinical teaching preschool private studio and experience at the elementary community dance, childcare level center, elementary school dance DANC 392: Student Teaching 7 Total: 707 programs. secondary rotation (4) hours of teaching assistance 2. 8 weeks clinical teaching with a qualified dance mentor experience at a high school in an early childhood and dance program elementary community dance program. Total: 640 3. (21) hours of teaching observation and assistance with a certified dance educator in preschool dance education in a private children's museum institution. TOTAL: 31 hours 2. DANC 251: Methods of Teaching Dance: Field Experiences 1. (2) hours of teaching and assistance in TU Community dance with a qualified instructor 2. (3) hours site visit and observation at a middle school dance program 3. (3) hours of observation at a high school dance program 4. (15) Hours of teaching and assistance in a middle school arts integration classroom teaching, science, math or language arts. Total: 21 Hours DANC 451: Dance Education and Public Policy 1. 15 hours pedagogy and community outreach experience. Placement on individual basis Total: 15 hours Health Education, 7-12 BS, Initial Total: 67 Two progressively responsible observation and participation field experiences in middle and secondary schools (SCED 341 focus on observation, HLTH 425 focus on observation , HLTH 430 focus on major participation of planning, implementation and evaluation). Total: 75 hours. HLTH 387 Student Teaching in Secondary Education: School Health – two 8-week, full-time capstone student teaching placements in two settings: middle and high school; requirements include assuming full duties and instruction of mentors classes. CPP attempts to make K-12 and Health student teaching placements in existing PDS. Total: min. 640 hours. 8 Minimum 675 hours Other School Personnel Reading Education, K-12 (M.Ed; advanced) School Library Media K-12 (M.S. Advanced) The field experiences in REED 609 Reading Assessment focus on the purposes and uses of a variety of literacy assessments appropriate for young children through grade 3. In the subsequent course, REED 621 Reading Disabilities, the foci are older students, struggling readers, and matching appropriate interventions/instruction with the needs of the child, adolescent, or adult. REED 626 Clinic Internship and REED Minimum 726 Advanced Clinic Internship are 105 hours supervised practica in which candidates work extensively with clients and their families. The focus of REED 626 is appropriate assessments linked to instruction. In REED 726, not only do candidates again work directly with clients, but they act as literacy coaches to their colleagues and provide parent workshops. Total minimum of 15 hours. ISTC 667, implementation of a collaborative unit of instruction. Total: minimum 90 hours. ISTC 789 Practicum and Portfolio in School Library Media - provides orientation and participation experience in the major aspects of library media program operations and services. Total: 3-6 hours Administrator I Certification Master of Arts in Psychology/Certi ficate of Advanced Study in School Psychology Two course-aligned, multi-level field experiences in schools and other professional settings (e.g., school-board meeting) (ILPD 781, ILPD 668); ILPD addresses ELCC Standard 2 and 7.1 through three peer observation cycles and professional development plan and ILPD 668 addresses ELCC standard 4, 5, and 6 through field experiences attending a school board meeting and developing a community partnership project. Total: 70 hours. School psychology candidates participate in two consecutive practicum experiences in a public school setting, under the supervision of a certified school psychologist (PSYC 771 and 773). Both semesters of practicum are completed before candidates begin their internships. Practica focus on understanding school systems and schools as organizations, conducting psychodiagnostic evaluations, providing consultation to teachers, providing counseling to K-12 students, and developing and implementing academic and behavioral interventions. 9 Minimum 113-226 hours Total: minimum 110-220 hours. ILPD 797 Internship in Educational Minimum Leadership - complete specified, 370 hours standards-based outcomes, create professional portfolio demonstrating proficiency as a leader based on state and national leadership technology standards, including ISLLC, ELCC, MILF and TSSA. Total: minimum 300 hours. Internship in school psychology (PSYC Practice: 794, 795, 796) is the culminating minimum experience of the graduate program in 300 hrs school psychology and occurs at the end of the formal training period (after the Internship: completion of at least 56 graduate credit minimum hours, including at least 300 supervised 1200 hrs practica hours in school settings). Its focus is on providing candidates with the opportunity to participate in the provision of a full range of psychological services in an educational setting with respect for unique familial or cultural variables. Specific foci include data-based decisionmaking; consultation and collaboration; family/professional collaboration; implementation and evaluation of academic and behavioral interventions; and prevention, crisis intervention and mental health services. Continuing Preparation Programs Candidates in continuing preparation for teachers use their own classrooms or schools for course assignment and/or assessment related field/clinical experiences that require them to apply course work in classroom settings, analyze P-12 student learning, and reflect on their practice in the context of theories on teaching and learning. The table below identifies the program-specific/course-required field experiences and/or capstone assessment requirements in which candidates undertake projects or case studies within their classrooms that allow them to apply the new knowledge and skill gained in their programs. By nature of their full-time role as classroom teachers, which impacts time allocation to assignments, the hours required are variable the program-specific/courserequired field experiences and/or capstone assessment requirements. Program Field Experience(s) ARED M.Ed. ARED 609 ARED 463/563 ARED 464/564 ECED M.Ed. ECED 609 Capstone Assessment ARED 797 ARED 880-881 ECED 773 (Graduate Professional Portfolio) ECED 619 ECED 607 ECED 610 ECED 611 ECED 665 ELED M.Ed. ELED 665 ELED 775 (Integrated Professional Practice Project) EDUC 660 HLTH M.S. ELED 647 No requirement HLTH 643 KNES M.S. KNES 642 KNES 734 KNES 723 KNES731 MATH M.S. KNES 732 MTED 605 Secondary: Math 625/ Middle School: MTED 605, 10 Math 626 (Lesson Planning Projects) MUED M.S. Math 627 MUED 601 MUED 661 or MUED 662 SCED M.Ed. SCED 647 MUED 695 MUSC 887 (Thesis) or MUSC 880 (Graduate Project) SCED 781 (Integrated Professional Practice Project) EDUC 660 SCED 741 SPED M.Ed., SPED 646 Autism SPED 605 SPED 628 (Leadership Colloquium) SPED 621 SPED 622 SPED 624 SPED 625 11