Exhibit R.3.4.a.1: Collaborative activities between unit and P-12 schools... the design, implementation, and evaluation of field experiences and clinical...

Exhibit R.3.4.a.1: Collaborative activities between unit and P-12 schools to support
the design, implementation, and evaluation of field experiences and clinical practice.
Unit: CPP
Representative Partners and Selected Contributions
Collaborated in the development of revised summative
internship evaluations to embed revised InTASC, new
SPA/national association standards, and revised Maryland
Institutional Performance Criteria based on The Redesign of
Teacher Education, Component IV: diversity performance
Central point of contact to facilitate all placements made with
TU’s twelve partner school systems.. Manages TIMS (Teacher
Intern Management System) database of full-time interns, and
maintains records of field experiences, mentor contracts, and
updated lists of key contacts in LSSs and TU.
Director chairs PDS Council (see below) and CPP Advisory
Board to review and update clinical field experience protocols
and materials, and develop professional development strategies
for PDS. CPP team meets with TU PDS Liaisons and
Supervisors quarterly to guide PDS implementation and
Supervision protocols. Meets with P-12 principals when a new
PDS site is in development and with PDS Principals when
requested. Facilitates formal meeting with all PDS principals
annually (“Principals’ Dinner”), with guest speaker and
opportunities for principals to exchange information with each
other and CPP. Meets with Site Coordinators twice a year to
receive input and exchange information impacting the PDS
Collects and disseminates performance data including intern
performance assessments by mentors and supervisors, and
intern program evaluation; disseminates periodic PDS Survey in
collaboration with programs. Analyzes above data in
collaboration with program faculty.
Manages budget for PDS network and all field experiences:
mentor stipends, Strategic Planning funds, PDS resources,
professional development expenses; mileage reimbursement.
Established MD Standards and Developmental Guidelines for
PDS and Implementation Manual; many unit representatives
served on the MSDE committees which developed the PDS
Standards and Guidelines, and Assessment Framework; full
partner with Towson University in all PDS work.
PDS Council
School System
School System
School Principal
PDS Site
Unit: University
(includes COE
and Math,
Science, Art,
Music, Dance, PE
and Health
The PDS Council is comprised of University faculty and K-12
personnel, including district-wide school personnel, PDS
principals and teachers. The purpose of the Council is to
strengthen our partnerships by providing input into decisions
that affect the PDS process (such as placement protocols, faculty
research, PDS models.) This group meets on a regular basis.
Designated system representative for all PDS issues; system
protocols, identification of new PDS, assessment, funding; serve
on PDS Council; direct LSS-specific PDS Coordinating Councils,
meets with the CPP to ensure smooth implementation, and plans
some professional development activities; participated in 2011
revision of Partnership MOUs.
Designated contact person for field experiences, professional
year and non-PDS (ex., P-12) clinical experience placements.
Provides the leadership critical to the success of the fully
functioning PDS collaboration and plays an integral role in
influencing the success of the PDS; is committed to the identity
and culture of the school as a PDS; observes interns, and serves
on the school’s PDS Steering Committee; some PDS Principals
serve on PDS Council
Designated site representative for the school principal;
collaborates with University personnel to plan and implement
the experience (e.g., including professional development);
provide ongoing feedback to PDS liaisons; coordinators meet as
a group with the CPP for implementation strategies and idea
Represents the unit and maintains continuing and regular
collaboration in PDS, including Summer PDS Strategic
Planning; collaborates with P-12 principal, site coordinator, and
mentors; supervises interns; directs portfolio development and
assessment. Meet quarterly with CPP to exchange PDS
implementation information.
Provides supervision and support for field and clinical
experiences; collaborates with mentor teacher and intern to
design experience; through observation and feedback, provides
formative and summative evaluation of candidate’s experience,
including dispositions and portfolio evaluation, supports PDS
activities in schools.
Mentor (e.g.,
Teacher, Media
In collaboration with University Coordinator/Supervisor, guides
intern to become competent in specific role; provides ongoing
formative assessment; collaborates with University Personnel in
summative intern evaluation; participates in formative and
summative portfolio development and assessment. (The design of
our portfolio and assessment was developed by PDS mentors and
IHE liaisons).
The catalyst in developing an effective PDS learning community;
completes minimum 100 days internship within PDS and is to be
a significant member of the learning community, participating
as a professional within the classroom, school, and community.