Exhibit 2.4.a.1.a Structure of the Unit Assessment System Alignment of Assessments with Professional, National, State and Institutional Standards Conceptual Framework Mission Vision Integrated Themes DRIVE Common Assessments of Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions EVALUATED BY Performance-Based Standards for Initial Preparation Common Scoring Guides (InTASC, MTTS, SPA, TEEB) UNIT DATA COLLECTED/COMPILED BY Standards for Continuing and Advanced Preparation (SPA, NBPTS, State Standards) Center for Professional Practice/ Graduate Program directors The left side of this graphic shows how the assessment system is aligned with the unit’s conceptual framework, initial and advanced preparation SPA standards. The right side of the graphic shows that the unit uses a common set of assessments of knowledge, skills and dispositions for all initial preparation programs, and that these assessments are evaluated by a common set of scoring guides. For example, all initial preparation interns are evaluated using the same internship evaluation instrument. Individual program evaluations differ from each other only due to the differences in SPA standards measured between programs. Graduate program directors are responsible for collecting their own set of data to complete the YASU/DAR process. Due to the highly content specific nature of the advanced certification programs, these programs follow their SPA’s advanced standards. Non-certification programs align their assessment activities with a set of national standards (such as the National Board standards).