Spring 2013 Teacher Education Program Evaluation

Spring 2013 Teacher Education Program Evaluation
Message to interns: Congratulations on completing your final internship. This evaluation is an opportunity for you to
provide feedback to your teacher education program regarding your preparation. Your responses provide us with
important information for program improvement.
Required answers: 0
Allowed answers: 0
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q1 What was your program?
Undergraduate[Code = 1]
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)[Code = 2]
Master of Education (M.Ed.)[Code = 3]
Certification only/Post baccalaureate/Non-degree[Code = 4]
Q2 What was your major at TU?
ECED (Early Childhood Education)[Code = 1]
ELED (Elementary Education)[Code = 2]
EESE (Elementary Education & Special Education - Dual Certification)[Code = 3]
SPED (Special Education)[Code = 4]
ELEC (Elementary Education & Early Childhood Education - Dual Certification)[Code = 5]
ECSE (Early Childhood Education & Special Education - Dual Certification)[Code = 6]
Art Education[Code = 7]
Dance Education[Code = 8]
Music Education[Code = 9]
Physical Education[Code = 10]
Not applicable[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q3 What was your secondary education concentration?
Biology[Code = 1]
Chemistry[Code = 2]
English[Code = 3]
French[Code = 4]
Geography[Code = 5]
Health [Code = 6]
History/Social Studies[Code = 7]
Mathematics[Code = 8]
Earth-Space Science[Code = 9]
Spanish[Code = 10]
Chinese[Code = 11]
Not applicable[Code = 0] [N/A]
Q4 At what campus did you complete your professional education coursework?
Towson[Code = 1]
College of Southern Maryland (CSM)[Code = 2]
Universities at Shady Grove (USG)[Code = 3]
Higher Education and Applied Technology Center (HEAT) in Harford County[Code = 4]
Southern Maryland Higher Education Center (SMHEC) in St. Mary's County[Code = 5]
Laurel Center in Prince George's County[Code = 6]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Next Page: Sequential
Page - Part I. InTASC Standards
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Required answers: 0
Allowed answers: 0
Q5 InTASC 1: Learner Development
My teacher education program prepared me with the opportunity to learn how individual learners grow and develop, and
how to design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q6 InTASC 2: Learning Differences
My teacher education program prepared me with the opportunity to learn how to understand individual differences and
diverse cultures and communities, and how to differentiate instruction to address each student’s diverse learning
strengths and needs and create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q7 InTASC 3: Learning Environments
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to work with others to create an effective
learning environment that supports individual and collaborative learning, and that encourages positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q8 Q8 InTASC 4: Content Knowledge
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn the central concepts and tools of inquiry of the
discipline, and the knowledge to plan a variety of learning experiences that makes subject matter meaningful for all
learners to assure mastery of the content.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q9 Q9 InTASC 5: Application of Content
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to connect content-related concepts and
use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to
authentic local and global issues.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q10 InTASC 6: Assessment to Prove and Improve
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn multiple methods of formative and summative
assessment to prove student learning and to guide instructional decision making to improve student learning.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Next Page: Sequential
Page - 3
Q11 Q11 InTASC 7: Planning for Instruction
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to plan instruction that supports every
student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary
skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q12 InTASC 8: Instructional Strategies
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to use and apply a variety of instructional
strategies to help students develop a deep understanding of content knowledge, and to adapt instruction to the needs of
individuals and groups of learners.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q13 InTASC 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to engage in continued professional
development, and to continually evaluate and adapt my own professional practice to meet the needs of all learners.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q14 InTASC 10: Leadership and Collaboration
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to take appropriate leadership roles and
opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, and to foster collaboration among learners, families, and
colleagues to ensure learner growth and to advance the teaching profession.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q15 InTASC 11: Technology
My teacher education program provided me with the opportunity to learn how to use technology as a tool for effective
learning experiences for all learners and to integrate its use in all facets of professional practice.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Next Page: Sequential
Page - Part II: Internship Experiences
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Q16 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) prepared me to anticipate and
analyze problems I confronted in my final internship (student teaching).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q17 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) provided opportunities for me to
differentiate instruction and work effectively with learners from diverse backgrounds (e.g., socio-economic,
racial, ethnic, linguistic).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q18 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) provided opportunities for me to
differentiate instruction and work effectively with learners with special needs.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q19 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) provided opportunities for me to
differentiate instruction and work effectively with English Language Learners (ELL).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q20 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) provided opportunities for me to
differentiate instruction and work effectively with gifted and talented learners.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Q21 My field experiences prior to my final capstone internship (student teaching) provided opportunities for me to
collaboratively plan and/or teach with specialized resource personnel (e.g., guidance counselor, resource teacher,
special educator, reading specialist, media specialist, speech pathologist).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q22 My final, capstone internship (student teaching) experience provided opportunities for me to differentiate
instruction and work effectively with students from diverse backgrounds (e.g., socio-economic, racial, ethnic,
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q23 My final, capstone internship (student teaching) experience provided opportunities for me to differentiate
instruction and work effectively with learners with special needs.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q24 My final, capstone internship (student teaching) experience provided opportunities for me to differentiate
instruction and work effectively with English Language Learners (ELL).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q25 My final, capstone internship (student teaching) experience provided opportunities for me to differentiate
instruction and work effectively with gifted and talented learners.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q26 My final, capstone internship (student teaching) experience provided opportunities for me to collaboratively
plan and teach with specialized resource personnel (e.g., guidance counselor, resource teacher, special
educator, reading specialist, media specialist, speech pathologist).
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Next Page: Sequential
Page - Part III: Summary Items
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Q27 My teacher education program provided me with effective overall preparation for my first year of teaching.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Required answers: 1
Allowed answers: 1
Q28 My education advisor was a valuable resource.
Strongly agree[Code = 5]
Mildly agree[Code = 4]
Neutral[Code = 3]
Mildly disagree[Code = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1]
Q29 As part of our ongoing assessment efforts, the College of Education will be contacting you in the future to gauge
how well Towson University prepared you for your career as a teacher. To enable us to contact you, please provide us a
"permanent" (not @students.towson.edu) e-mail address that you regularly read:
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0
Allowed answers: 1
Required answers: 0
Allowed answers: 1
Q30 Please provide any comments you may have:
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Next Page: Sequential