Choreography Notes for Final Dance Project

Choreography Notes for Final Dance Project
Period: _____
Name of group members: ____________________________________________________
Lead Choreographer: ____________________________________________________________
Total Amount of Eight Counts of Choreography: _______________
*Using the space below and any additional pages, make notes on the choreography that you
have created. The notes need to include what is happening during each 8 count of each
section of the song. The notes do not have to be in a complete sentence. These notes may also
include drawings if that helps with remembering the choreography. You may choose to use this
sheet or any other type of paper for your notes. If you are unsure of a dance term or what to
call a certain move, write down what the dancers are doing during that 8 count. Below is a
sample of choreography notes on an 8 count.
Choreography Notes Sample:
All dancers are in a circle facing outward standing with feet hip distance
Counts 1-4=Roll Down to Floor
Counts 5-8=Jump out to Push up Position in a Ripple
*The above is just an example. You may decide to list your notes in a different way that makes
sense to you.