By-laws for Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) Article I Authorization 1.1 2.1 The By-laws of the Towson University Staff Council (hereinafter referred to as TUSC) are adopted in accordance with the TUSC Constitution and are subject to amendments as provided therein from time to time. Article II Membership Representation is computed as follows for each job category and division: From 1-99 employees= (1) representative From 100-249 employees= (2) representatives From 250-499 employees= (3) representatives From 500+ employees= (4) representatives One contingent employee representative will be elected and their term will be determined by their contract/conversion status. All above-referenced TUSC members as subject to the conditions stated hereinafter.2.2 Term of office is typically three years. 2.3 Every two years, beginning in 1995, the Elections Committee (see Article VIII) shall obtain updated work force statistics from the Office of Human Resources for all division and job category areas represented and report its findings and the resultant changes in membership that may be required to remain in compliance with Article II section 2.1. Any necessary reappointment shall be reflected on the next election ballot and shall become effective at the start of the next new term, as provided for in Section 2.4. 2.4 If any TUSC member is absent without cause from three consecutive regular meetings or a total of four regular meetings, or resigns from TUSC for any reason, the Executive Committee (see Article V) shall select the replacement of such member. 2.5 No member may cast a proxy vote for an absent representative unless the TUSC has approved, by a simple majority of those present, a proxy procedure for a specific issue or decision. No member may carry a general proxy. 2.6 New members of TUSC will begin their terms at the meeting that follows the completion of the election. 1 Article III Election Process 3.1 3.2 Generally, elections will be conducted annually, providing there is at least one membership vacancy. Nominations: a. Nominations for the TUSC election may be made by any Towson University staff member. b. Nominations will only be accepted with the nominee’s knowledge and consent. c. Nominees can only be selected to represent their respective job category and/or division d. All nominees should be prepared to give a brief statement (3-4 sentences) describing why they wish to be a TUSC member. This information will be included on or accompanying the official election ballot. e. The nomination process should begin by March 1. Article IV Meetings 4.1 4.2 4.3 Regular Meetings: TUSC shall schedule at least one meeting each month of the calendar year. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the TUSC may be called in any of the following ways, with the matter(s) to be considered to be specified in the call as follows: (1) By the Executive Committee of TUSC (2) By the resolution of TUSC The notice of a special meeting shall include the issue(s) to be discussed and shall be sent to the members of TUSC as far in advance of the special meeting as possible. The Scheduling of a special meeting shall depend upon the urgency of the matters specified in the call, the requirement of reasonable notice, and the availability of the membership. Special meetings do not affect non-attendance as stated in section 2.4. Openness of Meetings and Floor Privileges: The meetings of TUSC shall be open to all members of the Towson University community, CUSS membership, or other interested parties, except when the meetings are being conducted in closed session. By simple majority vote of TUSC members present, TUSC may go into closed session. 2 4.4 Rules for Procedure: The most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order, as amended shall govern the conduct of TUSC meetings. The quorum for meetings shall be defined as a majority of TUSC members or by the decision of the Chairperson. Article V Officers 5.1 5.2 5.3 Officers of TUSC shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer elected at the first TUSC meeting of the Current-elected term. The term of office shall be one year. Officers may stand for re-election annually, but not to exceed that member’s elected term on the TUSC. Duties of the Officers: a. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the TUSC and be responsible for supervision and execution of its business. The Chairperson shall serve as the chief liaison to the President of Towson University. The Chairperson or a designated alternate shall attend all University Senate meetings. b. The Vice Chairperson shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and shall be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Chairperson. c. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of TUSC and assume other duties as delegated by the Chairperson. d. The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of TUSC and assume other duties as delegated by the Chairperson. e. Officers may enlist the assistance of one or more TUSC members in the execution of their duties. Article VI Executive Committee 6.1 6.2 Membership: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. The immediate past Chairperson of TUSC may be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Executive Committee. The term of office for the Executive Committee is one year or until a new Executive Committee is formed after each TUSC election. Duties of the Executive Committee shall include: 3 6.3 6.4 a. Facilitating the actions of the TUSC. b. Acting on behalf of TUSC as provided for and subject to the limitations stated in 6.3.a and 6.3.b. c. Reviewing and reporting to TUSC on administrative implementation of policies. d. Preparing the agenda for each TUSC meeting subject to limitations stated in Article 6.4. e. Serving as a channel through which non-faculty employee of the University may introduce matters for consideration by TUSC or its committees. f. Advising the University President about staff issues, events, and on-going efforts by submission of an Annual Report by the current Chairperson prior to the end of his/her term. g. Performing such other functions as may be given it in other provisions of the By-laws. h. The Executive Committee shall refer items to the appropriate standing committee(s). Rules Governing Executive Committee Action: a. Where time or availability of the membership precludes a meeting of TUSC, at the request of the University President the Executive Committee may act for TUSC. b. A report of all actions taken by the Executive Committee when acting for TUSC shall be forwarded, with supporting material, to members of TUSC with the agenda of the next regular meeting to TUSC. c. By request of any TUSC member, either in writing received by the Chairperson prior to a regular meeting or in the form of a motion with one second, any action of the Executive Committee may be placed on the agenda of the meeting as a special order. If any such item is not petitioned to the floor in one of these two ways, it shall stand as an approved action of TUSC. Rules Governing Preparation of the Agenda: a. The notice and agenda of all meetings shall be sent to the membership no later than five (5) working days prior to each regular meeting unless otherwise approved by the TUSC. b. The order of business for regular TUSC meetings shall be as follows: (1) Call to order (2) Approval of the minutes of the previous regular meeting and other intervening special meeting(s). (3) Committee work (4) Committee reports (5) Report of the Chairperson (6) Treasure’s Report (7) CUSS Report (8) Old business 4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 (9) New business (10) Adjournment c. For regular meetings, the Chairperson shall consider all submissions for inclusion on the agenda. The Chairperson may not alter an agenda submission, but may delay its inclusion, may include it on the agenda of a special meeting, may submit the material directly to a committee of TUSC, or may refuse to place it on the agenda if the material is inappropriate, incomplete, or unclear. d. The order of business for a special meeting shall be as follows: (1) Call to order (2) Statement by the Chairperson of the nature and origin of the call of the meeting (3) Discussion (4) Adjournment Meetings of the Executive Committee: A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be two voting members. Minutes shall be kept and submitted as part of the report of the Executive Committee at the next regular meeting of TUSC. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or by petition of two (2) voting members of the Executive Committee. The TUSC Budget: a. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing and administering the annual TUSC budget. b. The Treasurer shall submit a proposed annual budget to all TUSC members for review and approval at its October meeting. c. The Treasurer shall make monthly reports on any and all fund expenditures and receipts. d. Consent by a majority of TUSC members shall be required before any change in the budgeted use of funds involving more than ten percent of the total may be undertaken. e. Submit an end of the year budget report. In case of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, not including the Chairperson, the Chairperson will appoint a replacement. To the extent permitted by law and University System Policy, all records of TUSC shall be open. Article VII CUSS Membership 7.1 TUSC operates as an extension of the Council of University System Staff (CUSS). 5 7.2 7.3 Membership on CUSS is mandatory, and TUSC is expected to send representatives to every scheduled meeting of CUSS. CUSS Representatives: a. Three (3) TUSC members, one exempt, one non-exempt, and one (1) contingent shall be elected as CUSS representatives. b. If any of the three elected representatives cannot attend the CUSS meeting, the Chair of TUSC shall select an alternate for that particular meeting. c. At least one CUSS representative will be required to give a report at every regular TUSC meeting on the most recent CUSS meeting. CUSS Committees (Appendix i): a. All CUSS representatives are expected to participate in CUSS committee work. b. The Standing Committees of CUSS (1) Executive Committee (2) Benefits & Compensation Committee (3) Legislative Affairs (4) Communications Committee (5)Community Development Committee Article VIII Committees of TUSC 8.1 Standing Committees: TUSC shall establish, but is not limited to, the following standing committees: (1) Executive Committee (See Article VI) (2) Events & Public Relations Committee (3) Awards & Elections Committee (4) Staff Voice Committee 8.2 Basic Charge: In its area of responsibility each committee shall be an arm of TUSC with the following powers: a. To review policies, procedures, plans and recommendations affecting Towson University that may be proposed by the Office of the Chancellor, and Board of Regents, the University System of Maryland, or CUSS. 6 8.3 8.4 8.5 b. To review established or proposed policies, procedures and the plans of Towson University and to recommend any changes in policies or their administration that may be desirable. Reporting Responsibilities of Committees: Each committee shall be responsible, through its presiding chairperson, for the timely delivery of reports. A report shall be presented as required at TUSC meetings. Any dissenting member of a committee may include a minority statement. Selecting Members of Committees: Persons shall be named to standing committees in accordance with the procedures listed below: a. The Executive Committee shall solicit from members of TUSC statements indicating the committee on which they would prefer to serve. Both the interests of the employees and the needs of the committee will be considered. b. Appointment to a committee shall be for one year with eligibility for reappointment. Terms begin in May. c. The Executive Committee appoints chairpersons and members of all committees. Committee Chairpersons may select additional non-TUSC members to serve, subject to sections 8.4.d and 8.4.e. d. Committees shall consist of an appropriate number of members, with the majority being TUSC members. e. All appointments of the Executive Committee are subject to review by the entire membership of TUSC. Ad Hoc Committees: The Executive Committee may appoint special ad hoc committees. These committees shall have specific tasks and shall operate only for the time required to complete the charged task. Article IX Adoption and Amendments 9.1 9.2 Adoption: The By-laws shall be presented to TUSC, discussed at one meeting and voted on at the next meeting, which must be at least 20 working days later. The By-laws shall be adopted by an absolute majority vote of TUSC with a majority of the TUSC members present. Amendments: a. Amendments to the By-laws may be proposed by any TUSC member and submitted in writing to the Chairperson or to the Executive Committee. 7 b. Proposed amendments must be distributed to TUSC at least 10 working days in advance of the meeting at which they will be discussed. A vote of the proposed amendment, which has been properly supplied and distributed, may not occur until at least 20 working days after it was introduced to TUSC. A proposed amendment, which has not been properly supplied or distributed in advance, may not be brought to a vote for at least 20 working days after its introduction in TUSC. c. Approval of an amendment requires an absolute majority vote of the members of TUSC with a majority of TUSC members present. Last revision: June 15, 2013 8