2015 – 2016 EDISON MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND HANDBOOK ENSEMBLES AT EDISON MIDDLE SCHOOL. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE BANDS Grade level bands meet every day during the school day. Occasionally, sixth grade band may receive a Foundations lesson. JAZZ BAND Jazz Band is an ensemble open to band students wishing to further their concert band skills and become familiar with different styles of music, such as Swing, Blues, Latin, and Rock. Instrumentation in the Jazz Band includes saxophone, trumpet, trombone/euphonium, drum set, guitar, piano, and bass. Students interested in jazz band are required to audition and agree to attend Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon rehearsals. Information will be passed out at school. PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Percussion Ensemble is open to all students enrolled in percussion at Edison. 1st quarter: 6/7/8 Grade Percussion Ensemble; 3rd quarter: Solo/Ensemble Contest participants; 4th quarter: Marching Percussion. Rehearsals are held Monday’s, 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Students may ride the activity bus home. The activity bus departs at 4:00 pm. CLARINET CHOIR For the first time ever, clarinet students will be able to join the clarinet choir during the second quarter of school. . Rehearsals are held Monday’s, 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Students may ride the activity bus home. The activity bus departs at 4:00 pm. FLUTE CHOIR has been enjoyed by the Edison Flutes for the past two years. Flute choir is pending at this point. Information will be shared when it becomes available. POLICIES ATTENDANCE Band students are required to attend all rehearsals, lessons and performances for which they are scheduled. Students will be given participation points, which are figured into their grade. Performances are outside of the school day. A student may only be excused from a performance under the following circumstances: *The student is absent from school. *The director has been contacted in ADVANCE (at least two weeks prior to the performance) by a parent. *Emergency All other absences, excuses are subject to the discretion of the director. DISCIPLINE Proper rehearsal behavior is expected in band. Proper behavior includes respect, attentiveness, active participation, and responsibility. All rules of conduct as stated in the Edison Middle School Handbook are officially extended to all classrooms, field trips, extra curricular activities and all other school sponsored social and/or educational events. Students engaging in misconduct beyond the school day are subject to normal school disciplinary action. Parents and students should refer to the Edison Middle School Handbook for further clarification of the school discipline policy. UNIFORMS SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE BAND students will wear the Edison Band polo shirt, black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes. Gym shoes, yoga pants and clear hose are NOT acceptable. LESSONS All band lessons will occur during band rehearsal. Once every two weeks, each student will receive a group lesson during band. Students will be given assignments to prepare. Evaluations will occur twice, quarterly. Each assignment will indicate how well students perform the following Essential Standards: Rhythm, Fluency of Technique, Tone Quality, Interpretation and Musicianship, and Intonation. The goal for each student is to acquire skills and strategies that will enable them to advance on their instrument. SCHOOL OWNED INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT Any student renting a school owned instrument will assume full responsibility for the care and maintenance of the instrument until it is returned. There is a district rental fee of $35.00. The student and parent must sign out the instrument with the director. Checks may be made payable to: Community Unit School District #200. Instruments such as flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet and trombone are not school rental instruments. RESPONSIBILITIES WEEKLY PRACTICE All students are responsible for practicing their instrument. The suggested amount of practice time is 20 minutes a day, five days a week. Some weeks, students will have more time available to practice than others. It is necessary to prepare music and review acquired skills each week. SCALE STUDY All band students are required to learn scales and perform them by memory. Scales are integral to a students’ success as all music is created from scales. Scales will be tested during technique class. RUDIMENTS Percussion will be required to perform select rudiments each quarter of school. QUARTERLY PLAYING TESTS All students will be required to perform an assigned song for evaluation. This performance will count as part of their grade. Evaluations will occur twice each quarter. Playing tests are in addition scale study or rudiments. WRITTEN WORK Written work will be assigned to further students’ knowledge of musical concepts studied in class. Written work will typically be completed during class and will count as part of the band grade. EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Each student is required to have his/her instrument, music, pencil, accessories (reeds, mallets, valve oil, cork grease, slide grease, slide grease) and a black 1 inch binder at all rehearsals and lessons. Some supplies may be purchased at school from the treasurer or the director. Students should also have an identification tag on their instrument cases and stick bags. Parents are urged to keep the instrument brand, make or model and serial number information on file at home. LOCKERS There is a band locker room available to store instruments. Students will be provided with assigned locker space to store their instruments during the school day. The lockers will be equipped with combination locks or open cubby areas. It is each student’s responsibility to keep their instrument in their assigned locker. PERMISSION SLIPS Signed permission slips are required for all field trips and performances inside or outside of school. The permission slip must also state any pertinent medical information and medication which must be taken. OUTSIDE PERFORMANCES IMEA FESTIVAL The Illinois Music Educators District IX Association annually hosts an Honors Festival for students seeking a musical challenge. Students from all over IMEA District IX must audition if they would like to be selected for the Honors Festival. If selected, students will rehearse with an outstanding band director and give a concert all in one day. This is truly an amazing festival. IGSMA SOLO AND ENSEMBLE CONTEST All band members are encouraged to participate in the Illinois Grade School Music Association Solo and Ensemble Contest. Please refer to the calendar for the date. This is a very positive and musically rewarding experience. All interested students must sign-up by early December. The contest is in February. IGSMA ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEST The Seventh and Eighth Grade Bands and Jazz Band will participate in one or two IGSMA contests during the school year. The dates occur in the second semester. Please refer to your calendar for dates. Attendance is MANDATORY. SOUTHSIDE BAND FESTIVAL All 6th Grade Edison and Hubble Students, Wheaton-Warrenville South Students, and Southside 5th Grade Band Members will give a unique concert in April. This musical forum allows all participants and spectators a brief glimpse into the musical success of students beginning in fifth grade and extending through high school. KANE COUNTY COUGARS GAME The 7th and 8th Grade Bands will have the opportunity to perform the National Anthem at one of the Kane County Cougar’s Games towards the end of the school year. All families will be able to purchase tickets to see the band and enjoy the game. This is a fun Edison Band Tradition! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BAND PARENTS, FUNDRAISING The Edison Middle School Band Parents play an important role in helping to supplement the needs of the band program. Through the Butterbraid fundraiser in November, money is provided for equipment, supplies, music, contests, and social activities. Participation in the band fundraiser is optional but strongly encouraged if your family is able. All money earned goes directly back to the band students in one form or another. INSTRUMENT REPAIR If an instrument is not in good playing condition, every effort should be made to correct the situation as soon as possible. Parents should contact your music company or Mrs. Carr, with the parent’s permission, can send the instrument to Quinlan and Fabish Music Company. A representative from Quinlan visits weekly and may take the instrument the day of his visit to be repaired and returned the following week. A loaner instrument will be issued to the student while their instrument is being repaired. The loaner instrument will be returned to Mrs. Carr when the repaired instrument returns from Quinlan and Fabish. Their phone number is (630) 654-4111. PRIVATE LESSONS Private lessons are highly recommended. When studying privately, students work one-on-one with a professional. Achievement and self-confidence on the instrument occur at a more rapid and consistent basis with private lessons. See the next page for a list of private lesson instructors. PRIVATE BAND LESSON TEACHERS Flute Jill Burlingame 632-9028 jill.burlingame@gmail.com Susan Saylor 690-9474 Anne Sullivan 784-1329 Anne101@juno.com Mary Louise Poor 355-5077 Jane Blanken-Webb 231-2749 Oboe Kathy Green 653-6295 Carl Sonic 665-2031 Clarinet Andrea DiOrio 881-8611 andreadiorio@yahoo.com Deb Zelman 362-1421 jdzelman@mac.com Mary Payne 665-9664 Howard Whitaker 665-1207 Saxophone Dave Polk 782-5191 Howard Whitaker 665-1207 French Horn Chris Scottellaro 244-7158 Dan Fackler 665- 6098 Margaret Tung margarettung@gmail.com Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba Linda Leonard 909-9257 LindaYLeonard@icloud.com Chris Scottellaro 244-7158 Rich Armandi (708) 771-7757 Michael Epifano (630) 483-1848 Trumpet Terry Schwartz 665-2810 Chris Scottellaro 365-5668 Percussion Rich Tralese 969-3201 Tom Tedrahn 752-8443 or ctedrahn@ameritech.net Billy Williams 542-0098 w_d.williams@yahoo.com Dave O’Fallon 687-3132 davideofallon@aol.com Adam Cowger (218) 791-9625 acowger@gmail.com Other Resources Wheaton College 752-5567 College of DuPage 858-2800 Jerry Evans School of Music 359-7725 www.jeschoolofmusic.com *If no area code is listed, it is 630 *All teachers with an area code other than 630 teach in the Wheaton area. **If you know of teachers that are not listed, please let me know. 2015 – 2016 EDISON BAND QUARTERLY REQUIREMENTS & GRADING 25% – Full Band Rehearsals –The following Essential Standards will be evaluated (rubric below) during band rehearsal: -10 points Stage Presentation -10 points Balance/Blend -10 points Music Appreciation and Etiquette -10 points Care and Maintenance -10 points Planning and Time Management 25% – Attendance at all Edison Performances (100 points each performance – rubric below) 25% – Band Lessons – The following Essential Standards will be evaluated (rubric below) during band lessons: -10 points Rhythm -10 points Fluency of Technique -10 points Tone Quality -10 points Musicianship and Interpretation -10 points Intonation 5% – Written Work (concert reflection, music theory, music history) 10% – Scales/Rudiments (10 points each scale/rudiment – rubric below) 10% – Weekly Practice Reflections ESSENTIAL STANDARDS GRADING SCALE (Full Band, Band Lesson, Band Performances) 1–3 Seldom demonstrates learning targets during rehearsals, lessons and performances GRADING SCALE A 100 - 90 B 89 - 80 C 79 - 70 D 69 - 60 F 59 – 50 4–6 Sometimes demonstrates learning targets during rehearsals, lessons and performances 7–9 Often demonstrates learning targets during rehearsals, lessons and performances 10 Consistently demonstrates learning targets during rehearsals, lessons and performances EDISON BAND 2015 – 2016 CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 18 – 8th Grade Band Perform at WWSHS Football Game (8) OCTOBER 3 – IMEA Band/Orchestra Auditions, Yorkville Middle School (interested 6,7,8) 22 – Band/Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm (6, 7, 8, Jazz) 27 – 8th Grade Band Step-Up Day at WWSHS with evening concert, 7:30 pm (8) NOVEMBER 21* – IMEA Festival (Those who qualify) *This is the first day of Thanksgiving Break. DECEMBER 10 – Band/Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm (6, 7, 8, Jazz) 11 – Band/Orchestra Grade School Tour (8) FEBRUARY TBA (1, 2, or 3) – 7th Grade Band Workshop at WWSHS, 8:00 am – 11:15 am (7) 20 – IGSMA Solo/Ensemble Contest (6, 7, 8) MARCH 5 – IGSMA District Organizational Jazz Band Contest (Jazz) 10 – Band/Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm (6, 7, 8, Jazz) 12 – IGSMA District Organizational Band Contest (8) TBA – Band Clinic at VanderCook College of Music (7) APRIL 12 – 6th Grade Southside Rehearsal, 3:30-4:30 pm, Hubble MS (6) 13 – Southside Band Festival, 7:30 pm, WWSHS (6) MAY TBA– Kane County Cougars Game Performance of National Anthem (6, 7, 8) 25 – Band/Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm (6, 7, 8, Jazz) 30 – Memorial Day Parade (6, 7, 8) 6=6th Grade Band 7=7th Grade Band 8=8th Grade Band Jazz=Jazz Band *Please check Synergy or Mrs. Carr’s Teacher Page (on the Edison Website) to read a copy of the band handbook before completing this form* (Please return to Mrs. Carr) Parent & Student Information Student Name: (Print) _______________________________________ Grade: ______________ Instrument: ________________________ Brand of Instrument: _________________________________________ Serial Number of Instrument: _________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s) and best daytime phone number: (Print) 1)____________________________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________________________ Parent Email (please print neatly): ___________________________________________________________ I (the parent/guardian) have read through the Edison Middle School Handbook with my child. We are aware of the expectations within the handbook and the performance dates on the band calendar. Parent/Guardian signature:_____________________________________ Student signature: _____________________________________________ Throughout the school year, I may be able to assist with: Organizing Fundraising Product the evening of the December Band Concert____________ Chaperoning_________ Drive equipment/instruments to off-site performances __________