Planning and Designing My Personal Website By Michael Gill

Planning and Designing
My Personal Website
By Michael Gill
The Intended Audience
The intended audience of this website is my family and any
other relatives that I may have. It serves to enlighten them to my
life so far as well as my personal interests.
The website is also partly aimed at people who are looking to get into
the area of work that is IT as it demonstrates some of the key duties
carried out by members of its field.
My Website Goals
The 4 main goals of my website are:
1. Design a site that is relatively easy to navigate
2. Design an informative website solely on me and my family
3. Design a website that is appealing in looks to both young and old
4. Design a website that can easily cope with change
Site Map
My Homepage
The Navigation Bar
On all of my pages I have used a navigation bar which is contained within a column on each
page. This navigation bar has been created using images created by me in word. The
navigation bar works simply by having all of the images saved as jpeg and then simply hyperlinking the images. The reason I have done this is because it makes the page look tidy and is
easy to make the same on each page. It also helps to make the page look more professional.
Content, Layout and Function
The title is big and has been set in the centre of the second column to act as the title to the
main page. This makes it stand out from the rest of page indicating that it is what the main
page is about.
The photo has been put on the left and word wrapped to indicate that the text is about the
man in the photo.
The body of the text has been left justified which makes the words look like they are equal
distance apart. A smaller text size has been used to make it appear as if it is the body of the
The horizontal rule has been set under the body of the text to separate the information from
the footer.
The italic text has been used underneath the horizontal rule to make it stand out while being
easily readable.
I have used a table containing two columns to format the layout of the page which allows me
to have the navigation bar appear as it does.
My Family and Pets
Content, Function and Layout
The title is big and has been set in the centre of the second column to act as the title to the
main page. This makes it stand out from the rest of page indicating that it is what the main
page is about.
The body of the text has been left justified which makes the words look like they are equal
distance apart. A smaller text size has been used to make it appear as if it is the body of the
The text colour has been changed in the inner table to make it stand out more and allow the
text to be more friendly to the eye and easier read. The size of the text used in the inner
table has also been reduced from that of what is outside it to make it more readable and user
This page also uses bold text for emphasising the word never. Which helps to make my point
better heard.
The horizontal rule has been set under the body of the text to separate the information from
the footer.
The italic text has been used underneath the horizontal rule to make it stand out while being
easily readable.
I have used a table containing two columns to format the layout of the page which allows me
to have the navigation bar appear as it does.
I have used an inner table to help layout the photos of my family and pets while allowing the
borders to be easily seen so that it easily seen what photo is of which family member.
My Job
Content, Layout and Function
The title is big and has been set in the centre of the second column to act as the title to the
main page. This makes it stand out from the rest of page indicating that it is what the main
page is about.
The body of the text has been left justified which makes the words look like they are equal
distance apart. A smaller text size has been used to make it appear as if it is the body of the
The horizontal rule has been set under the body of the text to separate the information from
the footer.
The italic text has been used underneath the horizontal rule to make it stand out while being
easily readable.
I have used a table containing two columns to format the layout of the page which allows me
to have the navigation bar appear as it does.
I have also used a big picture which links to the council’s main website. The photo is used
because it adds interest to the page and allows the viewer to seek more information about
the council if they so desire.
My Hobbies
Content, Layout and Function
The title is big and has been set in the centre of the second column to act as the title to the
main page. This makes it stand out from the rest of page indicating that it is what the main
page is about.
The body of the text has been left justified which makes the words look like they are equal
distance apart. A smaller text size has been used to make it appear as if it is the body of the
The horizontal rule has been set under the body of the text to separate the information from
the footer.
The italic text has been used underneath the horizontal rule to make it stand out while being
easily readable.
This page uses slightly smaller and different colour headings to break the page down further
into more specific areas. The slightly smaller headings also aid the layout by making the text
look more appealing and interesting.
I have used a table containing two columns to format the layout of the page which allows me
to have the navigation bar appear as it does.
My Special Interests
Content, Layout and Function
The title is big and has been set in the centre of the second column to act as the title to the
main page. This makes it stand out from the rest of page indicating that it is what the main
page is about.
The body of the text has been left justified which makes the words look like they are equal
distance apart. A smaller text size has been used to make it appear as if it is the body of the
The horizontal rule has been set under the body of the text to separate the information from
the footer.
The italic text has been used underneath the horizontal rule to make it stand out while being
easily readable.
This page uses slightly smaller and different colour headings to break the page down further
into more specific areas. The slightly smaller headings also aid the layout by making the text
look more appealing and interesting.
I have used a table containing two columns to format the layout of the page which allows me
to have the navigation bar appear as it does.
This page also uses images which have been left aligned and word wrapped to indicate that
the text and the image are linked together by meaning. These images are also hyper-linked to
further information which helps the user discover more about the clubs themselves.
There is also a text hyperlink used to enable the user to get more information on the
upcoming Astrofest if they want to attend. This also helps to make the event stand out and
make it look more important.
Visit My Web Site at the following
web address: