Lincoln PTA Business Meeting September 10, 2015 LLC


Lincoln PTA Business Meeting

September 10, 2015


Meeting Called to Order at 4:00 p.m.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Mitchem reported that kids are adjusting well to the new school year. The lunchroom has been busy helping the new food service company adjust. There is a renewed focus in the cafeteria and at recess on positive language and behavior. A new rewards system in cafeteria will be presented soon. Staff are working on a new behavior initiative--Wildcat Way-- with 5 main areas of focus. Posters will be put up around the school to emphasize these guidelines for success. On Sept 23 rd , the district will host a “State of the District” event. A team of architects is coming to the building on Monday to explore how to adjust the physical learning environment to today’s learners. Thanks for the ice cream social it was a huge success. Our next PTA meeting is October 8 th and Mr. Mitchem has a conflict so a request was made to move that meeting to 4 p.m.

Teacher Updates

5 th grade teachers in attendance today. Teams of teachers will be attending PTA meetings.

President’s Report

Ryan mentioned that generally the biggest problem in operating a PTA is communication.

Everyone has a different way of communicating so we all should be cognizant of various communication styles. Please don’t hesitate to call Ryan if you have a question or a concern.

Ryan is looking forward to creating a very positive atmosphere and encouraging volunteerism.

Ryan will have a BBQ at his house at the end of the school year to recognize everyone for their hard work. New parent orientation was well attended and met with positive feedback. Ice cream social was successful and we had a short PTA meeting where we approved the 2015-16

PTA budget. PTA has always had a $6 charge for teachers, not $10. Ryan will obtain additional

PTA copy paper.

VP Membership Report

Great start to membership—we have over 90 members, more than last year.

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VP Committees Report

Ice Cream Social

Spent $300 so came in under budget.

Picture Day

Shona Hay volunteered to co-chair this committee. Pictures are Sept 15 th and more volunteers needed. Don’t wear green.

Clothing Sale

The sale is Oct 23-24 th and more volunteers are needed.

Chess Club

The date may change to Mondays at recess. There will be many tournaments throughout the season. Approximately, 20% of students at Lincoln came through chess club last year.


Let Your Imagination Fly is this year’s theme. Entries are due 9/19. The honors ceremony is in


Open Committees

Teacher appreciation week needs a chairperson.

VP Fundraising Report

Some main fundraising events for the year include: Clothing sale, box tops, office depot, dine outs, run for funds, trivia and silent auction, dine out nights.

Recording Secretary’s Report

Minutes approved and will be posted on the Lincoln website under PTA.

Treasurer’s Report

July and August reports distributed. Report filed for audit. Balance as of June 30, 2015 is

$15,311.06. The 2015-16 budget is balanced with total anticipated income of $43,825 and proposed expenses of $43,825.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report

Lincoln Life will go out on Fridays. All entries need to be submitted by Wednesdays. The website is updated every week. There is interest in bringing back text alerts for PTA events. For select, ongoing PTA events we may consider doing regular text alerts (e.g. dine out nights, food

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drive, etc.) Ryan motioned that we contact the committee chairs to identify which committees would like to take advantage of this service.

PTA Council Report

Mary Bendicson reported on the information given at the PTA Council. Make a Difference Day is on October 24 th . On 10/23, a truck will pick up canned food items for the PRC for the Stuff a

Truck event. Some schools selected certain items to donate. If anyone has a good idea, please let Ryan know. There are many events going on throughout Wheaton on and around Make a

Difference Day so check out the city of Wheaton’s website for details. 10/23 is the State of Our

Schools event at Hubble Middle School. Two different committees have formed-Citizen

Advisory Committee and the Enrollment Committee. Membership applications are available for the Citizen Advisory Committee. BOE meeting next week. There are 3 district level positions that were adjusted to meet current needs (Director of Instruction –elementary, middle, high school).

Buildings and playgrounds were discussed. Dr. Schuler mentioned the PTA can help with the grounds if they desire. If PTA wants to help, they need to run ideas past John Robinson at the district for approval. Check out WWS website as they have a lot of events going on in October.

Please contact Jeff at the district office for any print jobs. New 200 Foundation is continuing to raise funds for the district. Teacher grant applications from New 200 are due October 1.

Special Needs PTA is meeting soon. A liaison from each school is needed. Community engagement presentation coming soon.

Committee Chairperson’s Report

Battle of the Books

Susan Shorney requests additional funding. Current budget is $150 which pays for end of year celebration. We do have a set of team shirts and there are not enough shirts for all kids so they have to share. Motion to increase the budget by $150 for a total of $300. Motion approved.

Last year, approximately 12 kids competed.

Fall Book Fair

The committee chair requests an Increase budget to $400. This will increase the amount that each grade level (3-5) gets to purchase books given current book prices. A motion to increase the budget is tabled until the next meeting so we know how much money is donated through

Run for Funds. The book fair is 10/19-23.

Walk to School

No water will be purchased this year. Request for teachers to give out stickers at the event.

Event is on October 7 th .

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Run for FUNds

Run for Funds is 9/23 with a rain date of 9/30. Kick off assembly went great. Envelopes went home last week so pledges can be obtained. Run schedule is now available. Outshine popsicles bars will be distributed. Water from Culligan, bubbles, fire hose, encouragement signs, more visuals will be distributed around the course. Target gift cards and other incentives will be given for top fund raisers. Top student fundraisers will be entered into a drawing to get to throw a pie in Mr. Mitchem’s face.

Mileage Club

Information flyer went out last week. Permission slips are required. 9/15 is first run.

Dine Out

Chick fil A night is 9/17 from 5-8 p.m. Must mention Lincoln when ordering. Pre-order office lunch for teachers option is available. Need a delivery person to bring food to school for the teachers.

Every Wednesday in October at Chilis for any dine in or take out orders. Need flyer or mention


December –Chipolte 12/8 from 5-8 p.m. Dine in or take out. Need flyer or mention Lincoln.

Lincoln gets 50% of sales.

Mrs. Braga will ask teachers about Teacher McAppreciation event at McDonalds.

Box Top

First deadline for box top submission is 10/1. At Sams Club, if you buy 3 box top items, you can enter receipt and be eligible to earn up to additional 400 box tops.

Roller Skating

First party is 11/5 from 6-8 p.m. Event is free for all students. Skate rental is $4.

New Business

Ryan mentioned an idea to look into Gaga Ball-a knee high pit 10-20 feet across kind of like dodgeball game). Pits are approximately $1,000-$5,000 depending on size. We can discuss at a future meeting.

Adjournment 5:08

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