GPS Powered, Team Building Special Event For Marshall Middle School How to Play? Your team will use GPS and Pocket PC’s to help you locate 25 caches hidden in and around the Marshall Middle campus. The cache value is based on difficulty and distance. Every cache can be found by every team in any order. What’s a cache? There are 4 types of caches: 1. Physical 2. Virtual 3. Multi 4. Initiative A Physical Cache 1. This is a hidden container. 2. Inside will be a first to find card just for your period. It will have YOUR class period on it. 3. If there is no white Marshall First to Find card, write down the word hidden inside of the cache. 4. Take a creative group photograph With ALL your team present. (mom & dad helper can do this so everyone can be in the photo!) 5. Rehide the cache exactly as you found it. A Virtual Cache 1. This will take you to something to just look at and identify. There will be no container. 2. Answer the question found in your PocketPC. 3. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. Be sure to write the CORRECT answer! (WRONG ANSWERS WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT) 4. Take a creative group photograph. A Multi Cache 1. A “multi” cache is a cache that you have to go to multiple locations to complete. 2. The “waypoints” in the GPS unit will take you to the first stop. Once there, you will have to get additional information that possibly would requiring you to program data into your GPS units. A Multi Cache 3. To learn how to program the GPS unit with a “way point” see the “GPS in an Hour” cheat sheet. 4. You ONLY get credit for this cache when you arrive at the last location of the “multi”and get the first to find card or the secret word. 5. Be sure to take a group photo at the final location An “Initiative” 1. These are caches that require “action”. 2. It may be measuring something, or playing something, or communicating “something” via the walkie talkies to get other teams to meet you somewhere! 3. You get credit for these caches when you complete the “initiative” and have your score sheet signed by the parent helper. Be sure they record your points! 4. Be sure to take a creative group photo here too! Your Goals INDIVIDUAL TEAM GOAL: Bring back the most points from the course. Creative Goal: An award will be given to the team with the most creative photograph(s). Most Important: Class Goals • As a team, you are competing for the most points, but as a class EVERY cache needs to be found. • We want every cache found by at least one team in each class • Any class that successfully does find all the caches gets rewarded by every student getting 25 extra credit points! Geoteaming Rules 1. You must stay together as a group. 2. No Running! 3. Photo verify your cache find at the final location with all members of your team (other than the photographer). Geoteaming Rules 4. Follow all school rules! No running, or yelling, and stay together! 5. Be On Time!! Return on time or lose 50% of your total points earned! Technology Training Digital Camera 1. Power 2. Auto 4. Shutter 3. Camera Pocket PCs 1. Power In case of Emergency: Phone #’s 2. Go To Course 3. Scroll Up/Down Pocket PCs Pocket PC Clue Example You are given a photo clue. ____________________ This is 10 ft from the cache. 1. Tells you the cache number 2. Tells you the points: 900: 1st to find 600: everyone else 3. Tells you what type of cache it is. In this MMS001 900/600 Physical case it is a: ___________________ PHYSICAL cache. _ GPS Receiver Waypoint Name Distance *kl=kilometers *m=meters Direction The compass in an Etrex is an “active” compass. To Mark A Waypoint 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Go to Menu Screen Hi-Light Mark Press Enter Note the name of the waypoint Hi-light OK and press Enter At the Waypoint screen, press Enter Select the Waypoint tab 0-9 and press Enter Select the waypoint number you wish to use and press Enter Press Enter at the review Waypoint screen with GOTO hi-lighted Demo Cache Let’s move outside to the lunch court of Building A to demonstrate how this all works. Turn off all equipment! Take the team backpacks Aerial Map