Craven County Schools’ Occupational Therapy Plan of Care and Contact Notes Confidential Student: School: OT frequency/length: DOB: IEP Dates: Location of OT services: PLAN OF CARE STUDENT PARTICIPATION FACTORS TO BE TREATED INCLUDE: (mark all that apply) Personal Care (feeding, toileting, dressing, hygiene, managing personal belongings, personal organization, mobility) Student role/Interaction Skills (following classroom/specials/school/bus/cafeteria protocols & routines, safety awareness, respecting the space/time/materials of others, requesting help, making needs/wishes known, social awareness, building/maintaining relationships) Learning academics/Process skills (following demonstrations, copying models, carrying out verbal directions, attending to instruction, using classroom tools, managing materials, completing assignments) Play (turn-taking, imaginative play, sharing materials, exploring new play ideas/opportunities) Community Integration/Work (fieldtrips, school-related vocational training) Graphic communication (handwriting, keyboarding, drawing, coloring, art) COMMON CORE/ESSENTIAL STANDARDS TO BE ADDRESSED: SUBJECT AREA STANDARD Math-Traditional STUDENT PERFROMANCE COMPONENTS TO BE TREATED INCLUDE: Mental Functions: cognition attention self esteem level of arousal motivation impulse control Sensory Functions and Pain: seeing/related functions smell hearing functions proprioceptive functions Neuromuscular and Movement Related Functions: ROM joint stability endurance reflexes integration crossing midline fine and gross motor control radial-ulnar separation in-hand manipulation skills (mark all that apply) memory sleep perception coping and behavioral regulation sequencing complex movements thought (recognition, categorization, generalization) vestibular touch functions taste pain temperature and pressure strength eye-hand coordination ocular control bilateral tone grading and control of movements maturity of grasp POSSIBLE INTERVENTION ACTIVITIES: GOALS, FREQUENCY, DURATION, LOCATION – found in IEP SKILLED INTERVENTION APPROACHES: (check all that apply) Create/Promote (e.g., health promotion) Modify/Adapt (e.g., environmental modification) Establish/Restore (e.g., skill acquisition or remediation) Prevent (e.g., early intervening support; avoiding secondary complications) SKILLED INTERVENTION TYPES: (check all that apply) ONE-ON-ONE INTERACTION GROUP WHOLE CLASS PROGRAM/ROUTINE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTATION WITH TEAM MEMBERS (e.g., problem solving) EDUCATION OF TEAM MEMBERS (e.g., training) ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION (e.g., assistive technology) Craven County Schools’ Occupational Therapy Plan of Care and Contact Notes Confidential Student: School: OT frequency/length: DOB: IEP Dates: Location of OT services: SKILLED INTERVENTIONS: (mark all that apply) Occupation-based interventions (training embedded in actual activity e.g., personal care, using classroom tools) Activities of daily living Classroom/playground/hallway based activities Task analysis and modification Purposeful activities (individual activities/components of activity that develop skills) Developmental approach Therapeutic activities to improve functional performance Organizational compensatory strategies Multimodality approach Social Skill training Joint attention training Preparatory methods: Therapeutic exercise Range of motion exercises Neuromuscular reeducation of balance, movement and posture Fine motor exercises Eye hand coordination activities/visual motor integration techniques Activities to improve motor memory Functional integrative approach Sensory activities Sensory integration techniques Spatial perceptual activities Visual perceptual training Visual perception exercises/activities Visual memory activities Splinting/orthotics Assistive technology services Treatment of oral function/oral motor techniques DISCHARGE PLAN: The IEP team will consider data for the student to be exited or Plan of Care will be modified in accordance with student’s needs based on one or more of the following events: 1) Goals are achieved 2) OT is no longer required for the student to benefit from special education program 3) Parent request 4) Child has achieved maximum expected level of function at this time TEAM DISCUSSION ON SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENT and TEACHERS: REFERRAL (e.g. community programs/resources, other disciplines): This plan was created by: on: (date) Definitions of “Skilled Intervention” Terms: Therapeutic exercise: Range of motion exercises: Exercises which maintain or increase passive or active range of motion in a joint (such as the shoulder) to facilitate function and protect the integrity of the soft tissue around that joint. Neuromuscular reeducation of balance, movement and posture: The use of exercises, equipment, or manipulation-based therapeutic modality, to strengthen the communication between muscles and nerves, intended to help a patient recuperate functional activity, after trauma, cardiovascular accident or inactivity. The individual receiving treatment is encouraged to feel the correct position of joints and to perceive the direction of movement of the body extremities. Fine motor exercises: Exercises which develop dexterity and strength in the hands. Eye hand coordination activities: Activities which necessitate the information received through the eyes to direct (and maintain) attention, control, guide and direct the hands, in order to execute the task. Visual motor integration techniques: Techniques designed to assist an individual to integrate a visual target with an accurate hand movement. Activities to improve motor memory: Activities which result in movement patterns becoming automatic to increase independence and efficiency in functional motor skills. Functional integrative approach: Integrates neurologic and orthopedic science (motor control, NDT, range of motion, strength training) to facilitate a functional outcome. Craven County Schools’ Occupational Therapy Plan of Care and Contact Notes Confidential Student: School: OT frequency/length: DOB: IEP Dates: Location of OT services: Visual Perceptual Training: Visual perception exercises/activities: Exercises/Activities which assist the individual to accurately perceive and interpret what the eyes see. These activities require the individual take information in through the eyes, interpret it, and organize it for use. Activities may address depth perception, directionality, form constancy, position in space, spatial awareness (distance between person and objects), visual figure-ground, vertical/horizontal/diagonal perception and plane integration. Visual recognition memory activities: Activities which facilitate the individual’s ability to actively hold visual information in the mind needed to do a complex task such as reading, reasoning, comprehending, writing and learning. The cognitive processes involved include the executive and attention control of short term memory. Visual sequencing activities: Activities which help an individual overcome, or compensate for, their difficulty seeing and copying objects in a sequential order. Sensory Activities: Sensory integration techniques: A neurological approach to assist an individual to organize and respond to sensory information more effectively, adapt to environmental demands, and/or maintain an efficient level of arousal or attention. Spatial perceptual activities: Activities to increase an individual’s awareness of their body schema and directionality in space (body image and where it is in relation to the objects around them). Purposeful activities: Developmental approach: Teaching/facilitating the developmental progression of a motor skill in order to ultimately achieve success at a more difficult motor task. Therapeutic activities to improve functional performance: Utilizes research-based activities/programs/techniques (such as Handwriting without Tears, task analysis, visual cues) to facilitate a functional outcome. Therapeutic listening exercises: Activities which assist the individual to accurately perceive and interpret what the ears hear. These activities require the individual take information in through the ears, interpret it, and organize it for use Organizational compensatory strategies: Teaching/implementing organizational strategies to assist the individual to become functionally independent at a task/role. Multimodality approach: Using alternative media/modalities to teach a task to an individual who has different/unique learning styles. Social Skill training: A form of behavior therapy (the premise of which is that maladjusted behavior can be modified by learning new, more appropriate behaviors to replace them) to help people who have difficulty relating to other people by teaching them the verbal and non verbal behaviors involved in social interactions. Joint attention training: A technique whereby joint attention behaviors are taught to individuals with autism using a behavior modification procedure, to facilitate more appropriate functional social/play skills in that individual. Occupation based interventions: Activity of daily living: Teaching new skills or adapting the task/environment to facilitating functional independence in routine activities that people do everyday (eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, hygiene). Classroom based activity: Teaching new skills or adapting the task/environment to facilitate functional independence in a classroom activity that peers are doing (writing, drawing, coloring, cutting, gluing, group work, projects, playing, etc). Task analysis and modification: The analysis and modification of a multi-step or complex task to break it down into more achievable steps, so as to facilitate functional independence. Assistive technology services: Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. Assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. Craven County Schools’ Occupational Therapy Plan of Care and Contact Notes Confidential Student: School: OT frequency/length: Date: Session: of for this IEP year. Today we worked on these benchmarks/objectives: (copy and paste here, insert checkmark boxes) Skilled Interventions: DOB: IEP Dates: Location of OT services: Service Delivery (Time/Contact): Setting(s): Student response/data to therapist intervention: Domain(s) Addressed: Methods/Approach: Strategies/tools used: Comment/Plan: Treating Therapist: