Internship at Microsoft Research?

Internship at Microsoft Research?
12 week research projects,
undertaken at MSR Cambridge,
typically by grad students mid-way
through their PhD.
Goal: complete and publish research
project with an MSR researcher:
K..Bhargavan, C. Fournet, A. Gordon, and
R. Pucella, TulaFale: A security tool for
web services, FMCO 2003
C. Fournet, A. Gordon, and S. Maffeis A
type discipline for authorization policies,
ESOP 2005
Applications for Summer 2006
are due by end February 2006
From Typed Process Calculi
to Source-Based Security
Andy Gordon (MSR)
Based on joint work with Cédric Fournet (MSR), Alan Jeffrey
(DePaul and Bell Labs), and Sergio Maffeis (Imperial)
SAS 2005, London
September 7-9, 2005
Process calculi are an effective setting for modelling
security protocols and specifying their properties
Lowe (1995) used CSP to find his famous attack on the
Needham-Schroeder public key protocol (1978)
The spi calculus (AG97) began a line of work in which many
protocols have been expressed and analyzed within pi calculi
Security types allow the typechecker to prove various
security properties automatically
Syntax-driven typing rules can be checked efficiently, with no
state space exploration
Properties of arbitrarily many sessions and principals proved
relative to arbitrary Dolev-Yao opponent
Inevitably incomplete as D-Y problem undecidable (DLMS99)
An Authentication Example
Suppose A and B are principals sharing a symmetric-key KAB
The following should ensure B gets a fresh message from A
Begin Assertion
Message 1
Message 2
End Assertion
A begins
B  A:
A  B:
B ends
A, {msg,nonce}KAB
We specify the authentication of the message via assertions: each
end is to have distinct, preceding begin with same label
Attacks (replays, impersonations) show up as violations of these
By assigning KAB the following type, we can check the protocol:
Key (msg:T, Nonce [Sent(A,B,msg)] ) 4
full trust
Secrecy; full trust
Gordon/Jeffrey Typing
correspondence assertions
for communication
protocols (MFPS 2001)
Abadi Secrecy by typing
in security protocols
(JACM 1999)
Abadi/Blanchet Secrecy types
for asymmetric communication
(FOSSACS 2001)
Abadi/Blanchet Analyzing security
protocols with secrecy types
and logic programs (POPL 2002)
Lashari A polymorphic type and
effect system for an object
oriented language to
typecheck cryptographic
protocols (Masters, DePaul)
Bugliesi/Focardi/Maffei Compositional
analysis of authentication
protocols (ESOP 2004)
Type inference
Other work on security in pi includes:
Gordon/Jeffrey Types and effects
for asymmetic cryptographic
protocols (CSFW 2002)
Gordon/Pucella Validating a web
services security abstraction
by typing (XML Security 2003)
Fournet/Gordon/Maffeis A type
discipline for authorization
policies (ESOP 2005)
Focardi/Maffei/Placella Inferring
authentication tags (WITS 2005)
Gordon/Jeffrey Authenticity
by typing for security
protocols (CSFW 2001)
Gordon/Jeffrey Secrecy despite
compromise (CONCUR 2005)
Haack/Jeffrey Timed spi-calculus
with types (CONCUR 2005)
partial trust
This Talk
Two new developments
Checking authorization (is this request allowed?) as
well as authentication (who sent this request?)
Allowing a realistic threat model in which some
trusted hosts become compromised over time
A type discipline for authorization policies
(With C. Fournet and S. Maffeis. ESOP'05)
Secrecy despite compromise: types, cryptography, and the
pi-calculus. (With A. Jeffrey. CONCUR'05)
A useful idea in both is the use of inert processes to
record events and to express security properties
A Type Discipline
for Authorization
Joint with C. Fournet and S. Maffeis
Authorization policies prescribe conditions that must
be satisfied before performing any privileged action
In practice, policies often only formalized in code
In principle,
Hard to extract, hard to reason about, hard to audit
Tied to low-level authentication mechanisms
Relationship of code to intended policy left informal
Policies can be formalized in high-level languages (e.g.
Datalog) separate from the implementation code
Policies should be independent of enforcement mechanisms
Conformance of an implementation should be verifiable
Our initial motivations
Difficulty of auditing use of Java-style stack inspection
Authorization for web services
Our Approach
We propose language-based mechanisms to
express the intended policy of an implementation,
and to verify conformance to the policy
We use the authorization policy as a specification
Our implementation language is a spi calculus
As opposed to being directly executed
The same policy supports alternative implementations
But the approach would apply to higher-level languages
We use types to verify that annotated code
correctly implements a given authorization policy
Datalog for Authorization
Datalog is a fragment of Prolog without negation,
free variables and term constructors
Many policy languages for trust or authorization are
based on Datalog or related logics (SD3, Binder,
Cassandra, SPKI, XrML, …)
Realistic policies: Becker’s 375 rule formalization of NHS
Electronic Health Record system in Cassandra (CSFW’04)
We use Datalog for specificity, but our results hold
for any monotonic logic closed under substitutions
Ex: Conference Reviewing
Extensional database: known facts (closed literals)
These generalize the events, such as Sent(A,B,msg), used in
direct correspondence assertions to specify authentication
Rules for deriving new facts
Intensional database: facts derived from rules
Spi calculus with annotations
only to keep
track of
Authorization Properties
Inert processes model events and properties
A statement C models part of the authorization policy
 Specifically, a fact L models an authorization event
An expectation expect L models an expected property
The structural equivalence PP’ and reduction
PP’ relations are much as usual
There are no rules for these inert processes
Some Basic Examples
Process P specifying a policy and two facts:
A robustly safe process :
A safe process :
… and the robustly safe version :
Authorization by Typing
Every ok value
must be justified
Every binding
occurrence may add
facts in E
Type System: Results
Verification is efficient
Structural type system
Low complexity of logical resolution
Typing the Examples
Process P specifying a policy and two facts:
A safe process (by typing) :
A robustly safe process (by typing) :
In the Full Version
Two distributed implementations of a policy for
conference management
One where each delegation is registered online
The other enables offline, signature based delegation with
authorization decisions based on certificate chains
We used inert processes to annotate programs with
expected authorization properties
Extends work to typecheck direct correspondences
Woo and Lam’s direct correspondences are derivable
Much prior work on logics for authorization
“At this point Report(U,ID,R) will be derivable”
Goal: check code annotations against explicit logical policy
Ours is amongst the first to relate such logics to code and
to use DY approach to model untrusted parts of system
Like many systems, no support for revocation
Interpreter + typechecker, but no direct implementation
Principals completely distrusted or completely trusted...
Secrecy Despite Compromise
Joint work with A. Jeffrey
Our opponent model has assumed a fixed partition
Trusted insiders versus distrusted outsiders
Real situations are more complex
Machines become compromised
Trusted users turn out to be untrustworthy
How can a type system handle partial compromise of
a dynamically changing population of principals?
We approach this question from a simpler setting
than spi, Odersky’s polarized pi calculus
Capabilities a? and a! for channel-based input and output
Security Levels
Code annotated with security levels (or principals)
Security ordering induced by arc processes
Different regions may run on behalf of different levels
Level annotation L attached to each output out a! M :: L
Level  represents the opponent
Arc L1  L2 is itself an (inert) process
Active (top-level) arcs in P induce a preorder P  L1  L2
Least and greatest elements  and 
Compound level (L1 , L2) has P  (L1 , L2)  Li for each i
Security ordering represents compromise
Let a level L be compromised iff L  
Hence L1  L2 means L1 is at risk of compromise by L2
So (L1, L2) is compromised if either L1 or L2 compromised
Security Hierarchies
any process
any process
a1 ... an
an+1 ... an+m
!;new a;(G  a | ;a  )
Conditional Secrecy
We say M is public if it can be output at level 
We model secrecy invariants as inert processes:
An expectation secret M amongst N is justified if every
output of M is at a higher security level than N
Read as “if M becomes public then N is compromised”
The secret message M may include fresh names
A Basic Example
Consider two processes at level L that exchange a
fresh secret s on a private channel k
We want a type system that:
Checks secrecy of s while k is secret and L uncompromised
Eventually allows k and s to be made public once L is
compromised – an event modelled by the arc L  
A specific formal problem: verify robust safety of
Conditional Secrecy by Typing
In the Full Version
Types ordered via a subtype relation
Secrecy types are special case of (kinded) channels
Kinds take the form {?L1,!L2}
We can assert secrecy of channels, eg the k channel
Type Ok{L1  L2} proves that L1  L2
Main rule: if Public(T) and Tainted(T’) then T <: T’
Allows security orderings to be communicated
Type system reflects usage of pair types
(split x:T, U) – first element extracted without checking
(match x:T, U) – first element matched against known value
Full form is (y  x:T, U) where {split,match} and y is an
existentially quantified lower bound on x used only in types
Typing a Crypto Protocol
Related Work
Key or host compromise often modelled using events
Bugliesi, Focardi, Maffei (FMSE’04) allow for
compromised hosts in a type system for spi, but
assume the set is known statically
Types to govern data declassification are a Hot Topic
Paulson (JCS 98): “oops” events mark key disclosure
Myers and Liskov (TOSEM’00) DLM is one of the first system
of security types to consider declassification, though at level
of individual expressions, not types
Several recent works (CSFW’05) on temporary modifications
of a security ordering, akin to our L1  L2 processes
Many studies of process calculi with security ordering
Our use of an ordering to model runtime compromise is new
Summary, Conclusions
We introduced a mutable security ordering to model
a dynamic, partially compromised set of principals
As with our authorization model, we rely on inert
processes to describe events and expected properties
There remains much promise in the area of process
calculi with security types
These two systems should combine fairly smoothly
They should be applicable to an important open problem;
how to check security properties of the actual source code of
crypto protocols and the applications built on them
The End