1 EDU102 Assessment project (300 points) MCCC Student’s Name_____________________________________________________ DUE DATE_______________________________________________________________ APA format (10) ________________ Title Page (5) __________________ Introduction (go to the school’s website or request literature from the school office) The school (10) _________________ Name, address, Teacher’s name Description of school Number of students Grade levels The student (10) _________________ Describe your student (CONFIDENTIALITY) do not use the student’s real name. Physical, social characteristics Observation Log (5) _____________ Date, Beginning time, ending Time, Activity, signature ***YOU MUST PRESENT A LOG IF YOU WANT YOUR ASSESSMENT PROJECT VALIDATED. ***EACH observation must be in a different setting. Each must be times for the same amount of time Observation 1 Subject (20) Date____ B/Retime_____ Setting____ Activity____ Present____ Behaviors____ Analysis____ Sketch______ 2 Observation 2SUBJECT (20) Date____ B/Retime____ Setting____ Activity____ Present____ Behaviors_____ Analysis______ Sketch______ Observation 3SUBJECT (20) Date_______ B/Retime_______ Setting______ Activity_____ Present_____ Behaviors_____ Analysis_____ Sketch______ Observation 4: SUBJECT (20) Date_______ B/Retime_______ Setting______ Activity_____ Present_____ Behaviors___ Analysis____ Sketch______ Observation 5SUBJECT (20) Date________ B/Retime________ Setting______ Activity_____ Present_____ Behaviors___ Analysis____ Sketch______ Summary and recommendation (15) __ 3 Teacher interview__ (20) _________ Interview protocol________________ Narrative of teacher responses (essay form) ____________ Service delivery model observation_ (50) ________ Components________________ What are the program goals? Exceptionalities Observed: ____________________________________________ Instructional Personnel Observed (e.g. teacher, OT, para, etc.): Describe the strategies that are utilized. How are the individuals assessed? Describe the curriculum Describe the interactions What types of support services are available? Environmental Description (e.g. # and arrangement of desks/tables, visual aids, materials, bulletin boards, learning centers, etc.): resources, barrier free… Sketch the environment. Materials/Adaptations Used During Observation: Activities Observed: (include grouping arrangements): Student Behavior/Interactions: (with instructional personnel and with peers): 4 Participation__ (15) ____________ Discuss all the areas of participation Reflection__ (20) ______________ Knowledge Skills Dispositions Review of proposal goals APPENDIX_______________ Field notes___ (10) ____________ Work samples___________ Additional items__________ Grammar, spelling, punctuation_ (20) ________ Organization/neatness_ (10) _______________ Total Hours 5 I. APA Guidelines for completing your assignments A. Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) (page setup) B. Font Size and Type : 12-pt. font (Times Roman or Courier are acceptable typefaces) (format) C. Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figure captions. (format, paragraph) D. Alignment: Flush left (creating uneven right margin) E. Paragraph Indentation : 5-7 spaces F. Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page (except Figures), beginning with the title page. (Insert) G. Manuscript Page Header: The first two or three words of the paper title appear five spaces to the left of the page number on every page (except Figures), beginning with the title page. Manuscript page headers are used to identify manuscript pages during the editorial process. Using most word processors, the manuscript page header and page number can be inserted into a header, which then automatically appears on all pages. H. Active voice: As a general rule, use the active voice rather than the passive voice. For example, use "We predicted that ..." rather than "It was predicted that ..." Order of Pages : Title Page, Abstract, Body, References, Appendixes, Footnotes, Tables, Figure Captions, Figures I. 6 THIS IS A SAMPLE OBSERVATION 1 Date________________________________ Beginning time___________________Ending Time__________________________ Setting____ (where is this taking place? Who is present? What is happening?) Activity____ describe the lesson or activity Present Behaviors (Describe what you observe the student doing, use facts only, and do not use value judgments) Analysis (How would you explain the behaviors that you observed .There must be evidence for everything you say)) Attach a Sketch of the classroom or setting to the back of this observation