(CONSELL DE GOVERN 09/02/2011)
Note The parts that appear in parenthesis and in italics are a guide for the
promoter of the chair and in no case appear in the final text of the agreement.
In Barcelona, on ....
company........................, who acts on its behalf by virtue of (details of power of
attorney or appointment, article of company articles of association, etc.), with
registered address at (street, number, town and postcode) and holder of
Spanish Tax Code number.....................
Professor Enric Fossas Colet, rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(hereinafter, the UPC), holder of Spanish Tax Code number Q-0818003-F and
with registered address at c. Jordi Girona, 31 Barcelona, who acts on behalf of
the UPC, pursuant to Section 20 of Organic Law 6 of 21 December 2001 on
Universities and Article 67 of the Statutes of the Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, approved by the agreement of government 43/2012 of 29 May
2003, and in compliance with his appointment by virtue of Decree 47/2010 of
30 March 2010 issued by the Government of Catalonia.
225/2003, de 23 de septiembre, y de conformidad con el nombramiento por el
Decreto 47/2010, de 30 de marzo, de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Both parties mutually acknowledge their sufficient legal capacity to enter into
this agreement.
(name of company) has a strong interest in promoting knowledge on (topics of
interest to the company). (If deemed of interest, sustainability from both an
environmental and social perspective may also be mentioned)
The UPC has considerable experience in research and teaching relating to
(topics of interest to the company, and the environment and sustainability, if
The UPC has a specific chair agreement (hereinafter, enterprise chairs) of
specific intensity and duration for formalizing cooperation with enterprises on
activities relating to teaching, research and knowledge transfer.
(name of company) and the UPC place a high value on long-term cooperation
on research, development and innovation, the transfer of research results and
scientific dissemination relating to (company topics) and consider it
advantageous to move forward together to achieve these objectives.
In view of the above, (name of company) and the UPC
ONE. To create the (name of chair) Chair.
TWO. That the Chair shall have a transversal scope of action between the
units of the UPC that are related to the scope of the Chair.
That the Chair shall be located at (name of the basic unit, address, number and
campus, if applicable).
THREE. To orient the activities of the Chair toward training, research, transfer
of research results and scientific dissemination in the areas of (relevant areas).
The activities of the Chair shall be those that the Monitoring Commission
approves in the annual syllabus. The proposed activities to be carried out by
the Chair are shown in the appendix.
(A number of general activities and any specific activities the parties may wish
to include are proposed)
FOUR. To structure the (name of chair) Chair on the basis of the following
One Chair director, who shall be a lecturer at the UPC,
approved by the company (name of company) and the UPC,
who has a high-prestige professional, technical and scientific
profile in the subject areas covered by the Chair. The director
shall be appointed by the rector of the UPC. (A co-director
may also be appointed by the company).
Qualified technical personnel and administrative support staff
to assist the director in managing the Chair, depending on the
annual budget. Should the Chair need to hire personnel, this
shall be done in accordance with the general conditions of the
UPC and shall, if applicable, be carried out using work or
service employment contracts. The hiring of personnel shall be
included in the annual program of the Chair, as proposed by
the Chair’s director (where there is a co-director, in agreement
with said co-director).
FIVE. To create a Monitoring Committee for the Chair, consisting of three
representatives from the company (if applicable, one representative will
be the co-director) and three representatives from the UPC: The director
of the Chair (name and surnames), the director of the basic unit to which
the Chair is assigned (name of basic unit) and a representative appointed
by the rector, who preside it. This committee shall meet at least once per
year and its functions shall be the following:
To approve the annual program of the chair with details of the
activities to be carried out.
To approve the budget and payment of expenses.
To assign the budget surplus, if any.
To monitor academic activities.
To assess the activities carried out.
SIX. That, under the criterion established by the Monitoring Committee, in
terms of time and manner, the annual activity of the Chair shall be carried out
on the basis of the work program that the director of the Chair submits to the
Committee. The director shall present an annual report on the Chair’s activities
each year.
SEVEN. To establish the duration of this agreement for a period of three
calendar years. Activity shall commence on the signing of this agreement,
which may be renewed for further periods of three years, without a maximum
limit. At the end of the third year of the agreement or the final year of any of its
renewals, the Monitoring Committee shall issue a report analyzing the
possibility of renewal and revising, if applicable, the terms and conditions of the
EIGHT. That the contribution of (name of company) in respect of sponsorship
of the Chair shall be €XXX per year (minimum €90,000 per year). Two-thirds of
this amount (€XXX) shall be used for the annual activities of the Chair, as
agreed by the Monitoring Committee, and one-third (€XXX) shall be a donation
to the UPC. (In turn, one-third of this last contribution may be given to the basic
unit that hosts the chair if this unit belongs to the promoter)
The amount corresponding to the first year shall be paid on the signing of this
agreement. The other identical amounts shall be paid to the UPC during the
first month, from the date of signing, of the corresponding years.
These amounts may be reviewed on an annual basis, according to the
development of the activities provided for in this agreement and the program
established by the Monitoring Committee.
NINE. (Transparency) According to the Article 8 b) of the “Transparency,
access to public information and good governance, Law 19/2013 of 9
December” (published in BOE No. 295 of 10.12.2013) and the Article 14 of the
“Transparency, access to public information and good governance, Law
19/2014 of 29 November” (DOGC No.6780 of 31.12.2014), the UPC will
publish the information on the signatory parts, object, validity, obligations
assumed by the parties, including the economic conditions and changes that
arise in future, referred to this Collaboration Agreement.
TEN. (Clause on the use of the UPC’s image) That, in all cases in which, as a
result and in application of the agreements established herein, the entity (name
of company) deems it necessary to make use of the logos of the UPC, the
institution shall request prior authorization from the University via the
Communications Service, specifying the corresponding application, whether
graphic or electronic and in any medium, and the purpose for which it is
The authorization, which must be in writing, shall specify the use or uses for
which it is valid, as well as the period of validity, which shall not exceed the term
of this agreement.
Nevertheless, when the use of logos or other identifying marks of the UPC
generates remuneration for the applicant, it shall be necessary to sign the
corresponding trademark license agreement.
ELEVEN. To accept that the parties may amend or terminate this agreement at
any time by mutual agreement, in writing and providing at least three months
notice of such is served on the other party.
Any breach of the provisions of this agreement shall entitle the injured party to
require the full performance of the said provisions or to terminate the
In the event of termination or amendment of the agreement, the parties
undertake to finalize any activities that have been initiated as a result of the
commitments entered into.
In witness whereof, both parties sign this agreement in two identical
For the Universitat Politècnica
For ...............................,
de Catalunya
Professor Enric Fossas Colet
Training activities
Granting pre-doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships
Awards for final theses on topics of interest to the company or the institution
Holding conferences on topics of interest
Providing incentives for educational cooperation
Collaborating on enterprise training plans
Research activities
Developing joint lines of research on topics of interest to the company
or the institution
Carrying out research
Preparing doctoral theses in cooperation with the company
Promoting national and international meetings of experts on topics of interest
Working to obtain research projects in Catalonia, Spain and Europe
Studying environmental, sustainability and accessibility topics that represent
problems for the businesses in a specific sector
Transfer and dissemination activities
Transfer of research results
Promoting technical dissemination sessions on innovative topics
Cooperating to promote technical and scientific events of interest and
participating in such events.
Fostering publications on topics of interest