Ms. Babbitt
(936) 709-5832
101 CHS9 Stage Door Office Main
3-Ring Binder or Folder WITH POCKETS AND TABS for scripts, handouts and notebook paper FOR THIS CLASS ONLY!
Pen or Pencil
Theatre Arts I is designed as an introductory course for the student interested in learning more about theatre and performing arts. Students will examine various areas, including acting/performing, stage movement, oral interpretation, theatre history, social relevance, and theatre production techniques and practices.
To introduce students to the Theatre Arts, including performance and production.
To develop an appreciation of theatre as an educational and entertaining performing art.
To develop knowledge and skills of theatre elements and the production process in a variety of styles, techniques, and genres.
To become comfortable presenting and/or performing in front of an audience.
To demonstrate an understanding of cultural, historical, and artistic relationships between theatre and society.
To make informed judgments about the quality, value, and meaningfulness of different forms of theatre.
Since one of the goals of the course is to become comfortable performing for an audience, this course requires many performance projects where you will be assigned to groups and will be expected to present short scenes and/or projects, etc. to the class.
All school rules and expectations are enforced.
Attend the 2 Conroe High School Theatre productions during the year. Admission is free for
Theatre Arts students. Plan now —the dates are below.
Electronics Policy — If you are using your phone for class (and we research many things using our phones), use it only for that. Otherwise, follow the red/green visual in the room at all times.
by John Olive
Oct. 23, 24, 25, 27 @7pm CHS AUD
Thespian Convention in Dallas
Nov. 20, 21, 22, 23
A Zany Christmas Play (TBA)
December 4 th Cynthia Woods Pavilion
December 5 th @ 7pm CHS AUD
Novella by Franz Kafka
Jan. 22, 23, 24 @ 7 pm CHS Black Box
UIL One Act Play - Title\Date TBA
I. Movement/Blocking
A) Stage Areas
B) Stage Directions
C) Parts of the Stage
D) Blocking
II. Stage Pictures
A) Tableau
B) Focus
C) Furniture & Props
III. Oral Interpretation
A) The Voice
B) Reading Orally
C) Interpreting Character
D) Memorizing
IV. Characterization
A) Analyzing a character
B) Developing a character
C) Scenes
V. Theatre History
A) Musical Evolution
B) Shakespeare/Elizabethan Theatre
C) 20th & 21 st Century Theatre
D Contemporary Theatre
E) Current Festivals
VI. Production (Limited at CHS9)
A) Set and Lighting Design
B) Staging Techniques
C) Producing a Play
30% Daily Grades (Includes Daily Participation, Preparation Work, Journal Checks, or as specified)
70% Major Grades (Notebook, Performances, Tests/Quizzes, Special Projects)
Final Exam: Written with percentage components, ie: Play Attendance.
*Some Major Grades may be weighted more than others as specified.
*A notebook containing daily warm-ups and any materials will be a major grade as specified.
During any graded memorized performance, 50 will be the maximum grade given if a script is used.
This includes prompting from other students or the teacher.
Daily Participation points may be lost if you are absent for any excused or unexcused reason.
Make-up work for classes missed should be requested from me as soon as you return. Make-up performances/exams should be re-scheduled with me; however, other work may be assigned if it is not possible to complete the missed assignment. (CHS POLICY FOR MAKE-UP WORK WILL BE
FOLLOWED: If you were absent one day and the assignment was given that day and due the next day, you have ONE day to get it completed).