Todd Crabtree Conroe High School AP Physics 1 Conference: 5th period 936-709-5700 Description: AP Physics 1 is introductory college physics. The course is designed by The College Board to be taught as a first year Physics Course. The course is Algebra based and the prerequisites are completion of Chemistry and Algebra II. Throughout the school year students will learn Physics topics that are typically covered in first semester college physics. The AP Exam in May covers this material and AP Physics 1 will prepare students for AP Physics C or AP Physics 2 that will cover the topics typically taught in second semester college physics. The work will be rigorous and students should expect to spend between 5 and 10 hours per week outside of class doing homework, projects, and independent reading. All students enrolled in AP Physics 1 are expected to take the AP Exam in May, regardless of future plans. Students who pass the A.P Exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 qualify to receive college credit. Different schools have different guidelines regarding credit, so please check with your instructor, your future school, and the College Board website to determine credit options. Materials Needed: Notebook Paper Pencils and pens Additional materials as requested by instructor Grading Policy: Student work is categorized as follows: 70% of a student’s grade is determined by major grades, which may include but is not limited to tests, projects, and lab reports. 30% of a student’s grade is determined by daily work, which may include but is not limited to classwork, homework, class participation, quizzes, and labs. Make-Up Work: Students will be allowed to make up work following absences as outlined in the CISD Student Handbook: “For any work assigned during a student’s absence, the student will be permitted one day for each day of absence to complete that work.” Late Work Policy: Minor Grades (Daily work) In advanced classes, it is imperative to keep up with the pace of the class. Physics knowledge builds on previous topics and therefore, one cannot afford to get behind. All class work is expected to be turned in on time. For each day late (up to two days), 30 points will be deducted from the score. After the second day late, the score will be considered a Z. That is averaged as a numerical zero but will be accepted late for a grade replacement of 30%. The deadline for turning in Z’s will be the end of the three weeks grading period. Major Grades (Tests, Contests, Formal Lab Write-Ups, and Projects) All major grades are given weeks of notice regarding the due date. They are expected on time. Any time late will be considered a Z (numerical zero). Students earning a Z on a major grade should see the instructor immediately on a plan to submit their work late. The assignment will be accepted late, but with a steep penalty of 50 – 70 points off depending on circumstances. Major grade Z’s must be reconciled by the three week grade progress report Retake Policy: Students are allowed to retake one (1) major test grade per grading period (9 weeks). Retakes must be completed by the end of the three week progress report grading period. In order to retest, a student must complete all missing work, then attend a tutorial session and complete a review assignment. No retakes will be allowed during the last week of the grading period. The highest grade a student can receive on a retake is an 85. Academic Dishonesty: It is my goal to provide an atmosphere where students develop intellectually. To accomplish this, students are expected to act with personal integrity, to have respect for other students’ dignity, rights, and property, and to help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed. Academic dishonesty is: copying someone else’s homework giving homework to someone else to be copied, plagiarizing – using another person’s work, ideas, or a quotation as if it were one’s own, using unauthorized notes (i.e. using a “cheat sheet” of any kind – written or electronic), giving or receiving help on a test by talking to another person or showing work to another person during, the test, or talking about the test after it has been taken to someone who has not yet taken it. Academic dishonesty will be handled according to the Conroe ISD Code of Conduct. Tutorials: Students that need further clarification of concepts should attend tutorials as needed. Mr. Crabtree is available most days after school for tutorials. If I’m in my room, you are welcome to come in for help. It is a good idea to check with me the day of because I attend many after school meetings and won’t be back in my room until much later in the afternoon. Do NOT wait until right before the exam or the end of a grading period. If you sense yourself falling behind you are. Get help sooner rather than later. Scope & Sequence: Time Unit Concept Recommendations Position Displacement Speed Velocity Grading Period 1 Week 1 One Dimensional Kinematics Vector Scalar Graphing Motion Acceleration Grading Period 1 Week 2 One Dimensional Kinematics Free Fall Linear Motion (Kinematics equation) Components of Vectors Resultant of Vectors Grading Period 1 Week 3 Two Dimensional Kinematics Frame of Reference Relative Motion Horizontally Launched Projectiles Grading Period 1 Week 4 Two Dimensional Kinematics Horizontally Launched Projectiles Angled Launched Projectiles Definitions of force and types of forces Grading Period 1 Week 5 Free Body Diagrams Dynamics Newton’s 1st and 3rd Laws of Motion Static Equilibrium Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion Grading Period 1 Week 6 Dynamics Grading Period 1 Week 7 Dynamics Grading Period 1 Week 8 Dynamics Friction Dynamic Problems including: Atwood Machines and Systems of Objects Air Resistance Terminal Velocity Characteristics of circular motion Grading Period 2 Week 1 Circular Motion and Gravitation Centripetal force and acceleration Application of Circular Motion including Banked and Curves and Satellites Grading Period 2 Week 2 Circular Motion and Gravitation Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation Work Power Grading Period 2 Week 3 Work Power and Energy Grading Period 2 Week 4 Work Power and Energy Grading Period 2 Week 5 Work Power and Energy Grading Period 2 Work Power and Energy Types of Mechanical Energy Kinetic Energy Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy Work Energy Theorem Conservation of Mechanical Energy Conservation of Mechanical Energy Week 6 Grading Period 2 Week 7 Semester Exam Review Grading Period 2 Week 8 Semester Exam Grading Period 3 Week 1 Momentum Grading Period 3 Week 2 Momentum Momentum Impulse Impulse Momentum Theorem Elastic Collisions Grading Period 3 Week 3 Inelastic Collisions Momentum Recoil (explosion) Conservation of Linear momentum in one and two dimensions Grading Period 3 Week 4 Momentum Conservation of Linear momentum in one and two dimensions Torque Grading Period 3 Week 5 Center of gravity Rotational Motion Static Equilibrium of Rigid Objects Rotational Kinematics Grading Period 3 Week 6 Rotational Motion Angular Velocity Angular Acceleration Rotational Energy Grading Period 3 Week 7 Rotational Motion Grading Period 3 Week 8 Rotational Motion Grading Period 3 Week 9 Simple Harmonic Motion Moment of Inertia Rotational Dynamics Conservation of Angular Momentum Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion Hooke’s Law Grading Period 3 Week 10 Springs-Mass Systems Simple Harmonic Motion Simple Pendulums Mechanical Waves Transverse Waves Compressional / Longitudinal Waves Wave Characteristics Grading Period 4 Week 1 Wave Properties Mechanical Waves and Sound Diffraction Reflection Refraction Interference of Waves Speed of Sound Resonance-Strings and Pipes Intensity of Sound Grading Period 4 Week 2 Mechanical Waves and Sound Doppler Basics of Electric Charge Grading Period 4 Week 3 Conservation of Charge Electrostatics Coulomb’s Law- electrostatic force Charges in a system- two charged particles Current Resistance Grading Period 4 Week 4 DC Circuits Potential Difference (Voltage) Electomotive Force Schematic Diagrams Components of Circuits Ohm’s Law Series Circuits Grading Period 4 Week 5 DC Circuits Grading Period 4 Week 6 DC Circuits Grading Period 4 Week 7 AP Exam Parallel Circuits Complex Circuits Kirchhoff’s Laws Temperature Specific heat and pressure Kinetic or potential energy of atoms Conduction Grading Period 4 Week 8 Heat/Magnetism Convection Radiation Law of Conservation of Energy Law of Entropy Motors Generators Transformers Reflection from a Plane Mirror Refraction of Convex Lens Curved Mirrors and Lenses Photoelectric effect Double-slit experiment Grading Period 4 Week 9 Nuclear Forces Imaging/ Modern Physics Fission Fusion Radiation Therapy Diagnostic Imaging Nuclear Power Application of Quantum Phenomena like Digital Cameras Grading Period 4 Week 10 Review for Semester Exam Grading Period 4 Week 11 Semester Exam