Guidance for the completion of the “Progression Stage” form Students admitted under the 2014 Research Degree Regulations will submit a ‘Progression’ form after 18 months (full-time students) or 36 months (part-time students). This is a key assessment point in the student life-cycle when progress is formally reviewed by the Faculty. An overview of the process: 1) You should complete the ‘Progression’ form and give an oral presentation on the achievements on your research programme and future research plans. The supervisory team and an independent internal assessor appointed by the Faculty Research Committee (FRC) should be present during the presentation, which may be arranged as part of an ongoing seminar series. 2) The supervisors undertake an initial assessment, based on the written evidence and the oral presentation. 3) The independent assessor reviews all aspects of the application and makes a recommendation to the FRC. 4) The FRC considers the outcome SECTION ONE: To be completed by the candidate Expected Date of Submission of the thesis The 2014 regulations stipulate the maximum registration periods for PhD students. These are 4 years for full-time students and 8 years for part-time students. This includes the period of examination and conferment – the normal duration for a programme leading to PhD should be regarded as 3 years full-time (6 years part-time). Submission of the thesis for examination should take place at least six months before the maximum registration deadline. Candidates should be confident that their programme is achievable within this specified time scale. Award Sought Students registered under the 2014 regulations will normally enrol for a PhD in the first instance. After 18 months of study (36 months for part-time students), it should be possible to make a reasonable assessment of whether the programme will make an original contribution to knowledge and may therefore be confirmed at PhD, or whether the research degree programme should be confirmed at MPhil. Rationale for seeking confirmation of programme at this level The supervisors, an independent assessor and the members of the FRC will review the evidence presented, as indicated below. Detailed statements should be included against each of the headings on the form, making reference to as much evidence in support of these statements as possible. The updated research proposal This will build upon the initial research proposal used to gain admission to the research degree programme, and will identify the progress made against the initial objectives. Each section should be completed as clearly and as fully as possible, mindful of the relatively non-specialist members of the FRC, and taking account of the overall maximum word limit. Statement of the hypothesis and/or research question(s): An indicative statement would already have been included in the original "Research Proposal". However, this should be re-iterated here, suitably modified to reflect the direction and focus the research programme has developed since initial registration. Outline of the academic and intellectual context in which the hypothesis is located: This takes the form of a mini-literature review, setting the research in the context of work already undertaken within the research group and elsewhere in the wider field of research. This section should include a summary of achievements against the initial research objectives and an assessment of future challenges posed by the research. Description of the methodology employed A brief statement of the methodological approaches (to be) employed and a summary of any specific techniques that have been or will be developed. If further training in any specific technique is required, this should be noted here, with a statement of how this is to be achieved. Statement of ethical concerns presented by the proposed research and how these are being addressed: Any ethical questions raised by the research, particularly research involving human subjects, must be clearly articulated along with an indication of how these are being addressed. If the proposal has been considered by a Faculty Ethics Committee, or by an external agency (such as a Local or Regional NHS Research Ethics Committee) details must be included. If ethical concerns identified at the outset of a project have not yet been addressed the research degree programme must be considered “At Risk”. Statement outlining how the confirmed programme will meet the learning outcomes for the award sought: Refer here to the learning outcomes for MPhil and PhD in section 10 of the research student handbook Review of skills development and other achievements since registration This section should include evidence of a range of achievement, including completion of appropriate skills development through attendance at workshops, conferences and other events, and delivery of presentations to specialist and non-specialist audiences. Confirmation that the student is compiling a professional/personal development portfolio (either electronic or paper-based) should be provided. Summary of the evidence presented in support of the application Here you should list the evidence provided, stating whether each piece of evidence cited is attached to the form or, if not attached, where it is located. This should include a range of evidence (e.g., attendance at workshops, achievement of targets set by the supervisory team, written work produced, etc.). Please note here the date of the oral presentation that has been (or will be) assessed as part of this application. Bibliography A comprehensive bibliography and/or reference list should be appended. This may already have been produced at the "Research Proposal" stage, but this is likely to need updating. It must use a recognised referencing format such as the Harvard system. Research objectives and timetable of work A detailed timetable of work, approved by the supervisory team, should be included for the next twelve months. An indicative timetable for any periods beyond the next twelve months should also be included, against which an assessment will be made of the feasibility of completing within the time period specified in the regulations (i.e. 4 years full-time and 8 years part-time). Please note that the Faculty Research Committee will not normally return applications for modification and re-submission. The evidence provided should therefore be sufficient to address all the relevant points – and where PhD is sought any deficiencies identified may lead to confirmation of the research degree programme as MPhil rather than PhD. SECTION TWO: To be completed by the Supervisory Team Details of the supervisory team The names of the approved supervisory team should be entered here, along with the number of successfully completed supervisions. This will enable the Faculty Research Committee to ensure that the supervisory team remains appropriate and is qualified to supervise at the level of the programme. Assessment An assessment of the progress to date and the student's ability to complete the research within the specified time frame should be detailed against the headings on the form. This should relate to the information provided by the student in section one of the form and should include a realistic assessment of the level of the work done, the rate of progress, the likelihood of timely completion and the student's commitment and ability to undertake the remaining work to achieve a positive outcome. Specifically, supervisors are required to comment on the student’s: 1) ability to express themselves in writing at an appropriate level 2) knowledge of the field in which the research is located 3) ability to evaluate the theoretical framework and/or methodologies relevant to their field of investigation 4) mastery of related skills and their skills development since beginning their programme of study 5) ability to meet deadlines with work that is of an acceptable quality Supervisors are also asked to comment on their assessment of the student’s commitment to the project. If the student has not made satisfactory progress or there is a distinct possibility that completion within the specified time frame is unlikely, then an indication should be made here of what steps need to be taken to address this issue. This may include suggesting modifications to the programme to make completion more realistic, a recommendation that the level of the project be confirmed at MPhil, or placing the student "at risk". Recommendation Based on the outcome of your regular meetings and the evidence provided by the student, please specify here the recommendation of the supervisors on the level of the programme - either recommend PhD or recommend transfer to MPhil. If you cannot confirm the potential for either PhD or MPhil you must initiate the “At Risk” procedure. SECTION THREE: To be completed by the Independent Assessor Independent Assessment The Faculty Research Committee will determine the nature of the evidence-base normally required for confirmation of a research degree programme. In all cases this will include: 1) 2) 3) examples of written work such as draft chapters, essays, literature reviews or conference papers to demonstrate their ability to work at the appropriate level evidence of successful delivery of presentations, externally or internally, for example to specialist and non-specialist audiences demonstrable engagement with the University’s skills development programme and the opportunities provided through personal development planning. The Faculty Research Committee will appoint an independent assessor to review the application and the accompanying evidence, to attend a presentation by the student and then to make a recommendation. The FRC will need to be satisfied that any recommendations have been discussed with the student and his/her supervisors and acted upon where appropriate. SECTION FOUR: To be completed by the Faculty Research Committee The ‘Progression’ form and supporting documentation must be considered by the Faculty Research Committee. The committee should take into account the evidence supplied by the student, the recommendation of the supervisors and the recommendation of the independent assessor. Based on this, the student’s programme will either be confirmed at the level specified, or the student deemed to be "at risk" and appropriate steps taken to remedy the situation. The STaR Office and therefore the Research Awards Sub-Committee (RASC) must be notified of all progression stage outcomes as they are completed. The decisions should also be recorded in the Faculty Research Committee minutes.