Ref: 27 July 2016 «Title» «Forename» «Surname» «Address_for_correspondence» Dear «Title» «Surname» On behalf of the <<school>> Validation Team, thank you for agreeing to take part as an external adviser. The School is proposing to validate the following courses for delivery from semester 1, 2010 and welcomes your input as an external subject adviser during the process: List provision to be validated An overview of the role of the external adviser/validation process and the Learning Works project is enclosed. Please read this carefully and if you feel you would be unable to contribute in the way described, please contact me as soon as possible. Further detailed information in relation to the process, including access to University systems, will be made available to you in the near future. I would be grateful if you could contact me at email to confirm: that you accept the duties and terms of appointment as set out in this letter; your preferred email address; your preferred postal address for correspondence (if different from that above). Your principal role as external adviser is to assure the University that the academic standards as set in the proposed course(s) are equivalent to those adopted across the UK Higher Education sector for similar awards. The University pays a standard fee of £50/£1001 for your contribution throughout the validation process and a further £50/£1001 for attending a minimum of one meeting at the University and/or partner institution. If you attend any meetings you will also be reimbursed for rail travel or 40 pence per mile by car. If you require accommodation (should you need to stay overnight) or directions to the University (a map can be provided prior to your visit), please do not hesitate to contact me. Please also find enclosed an expenses claim form which should be submitted when the process has been completed and the documentation approved. Please note that as an external adviser your terms, conditions and duties fall under the Inland Revenue category of 'employee' status and not that of 'self employed'. Payment can only be made to you personally via the University payroll into your bank / building society account and will be subject to tax and National Insurance deductions. 1 £50 for a cluster of up to 3 courses and £100 for 4 or more courses. I look forward to working with you and would like to thank you on behalf of the members of the Validation Team. Yours sincerely Officer Name Officer for the Validation Team Direct Line: 01902 32XXXX Enc cc: Validation Team Leader XXX (Associate Dean) Developmental Team Leader Admin (ASQ) / Payrolls **NB Please remove status box below before sending contract letter.** VERSION APPROVED DATE REVIEW DATE 4 November 2010 August 2011 OWNER APPROVED BY ASQ ASQ Overview of the Validation Process for External Advisers 2009/10 Background Information The University of Wolverhampton is engaged in a curriculum development project called "Learning Works: Refocusing the Undergraduate Curriculum". This project aims to: improve student recruitment, retention and progression enhance the market attractiveness of our course portfolio improve student employability and entrepreneurship create space for academics to broaden their portfolio by engaging in research, developing knowledge transfer partnerships and providing continual professional development Further information about the project can be accessed on the University's website at As part of the project the University is also moving from a 15 to a 20 modular credit framework. In order to accommodate the validation of courses during the introduction of the 20 credit framework, a new process has been agreed. The new method features the integration of quality assurance throughout the process of curriculum development using a more discursive, consultancy based approach. This will involve academic staff working alongside key support staff and you, the external adviser, during the time that the validation documentation is being produced. Unless a professional body stipulates otherwise, it is not expected that there will be an end point validation meeting. Instead, it is expected that at least one face to face meeting will take place, attended by the external advisers and as many members of the developmental team as possible; this can take place at any stage in the developmental process, not necessarily at the end. Personnel Involved in the Process This approach to curriculum development and course validation approval is characterised by the fact that everyone contributes to the development process, including those appointed as validation personnel and external advisers. Those involved with validation/approval responsibilities will consist of: The Validation Lead (A member of staff from an unrelated subject area) The External Adviser The Quality and Academic Standards Division (QASD) Officer These three people will be responsible for signing off documentation and evidence at the end of the process. Other than these personnel, the Curriculum Development team will consist of subject staff from the School who will be responsible for module and course design as well as representatives of all relevant key services involved in the student learning experience, for example, Institute for Learning Enhancement, Learning and Information Services, Registry, IT Services. Role of the External Adviser The role of the external adviser will be to confirm that standards have been set at the appropriate levels and the course structure, content and available resources are such that these standards can be met. This will be done through your involvement throughout the developmental process. If, at any stage in the process, you have concerns that you may not be able to confirm academic standards, you should make this clear to the Officer as early as possible so that the developmental team can consult with QASD managers and decide whether or not to continue with the validation. If the decision is taken to proceed, you will play a key role in formulating the remedial action deemed necessary. Validation Process Documentation relating to the proposed activity e.g. Course Specification, Module Specifications, Process Record, will be made available electronically to all involved. A username and password will be issued to you. If you anticipate having any particular difficulties in accessing or participating in this forum for disability-related reasons, please contact the QASD Officer. At the start of the process representatives of the developmental team will hold an initial planning meeting during which they will start to develop a Process Record which will be updated throughout the process and will contain information on: The scope of the validation Information on collaborative partners and / or professional bodies Membership of the developmental team (including external adviser, the DT Leader and Validation Lead) Documentation to be produced The proposed time-line Milestone dates, deadlines and proposed meeting dates Members of the Developmental Team, including the External Adviser will have access to the Process Record as it is updated throughout the validation process. You will be given access to the validation documentation on line, and you will be expected to comment and feedback on line. The QASD Officer will advise of the method for providing this feedback. A template will be provided to help team members to ensure that the final documentation conforms to the relevant regulatory, university and external requirements. Towards the end of the process, documentation will be revised in line with the feedback received until it is ready to be signed off. As external adviser you will be asked to complete a brief report to confirm standards have been set at the appropriate levels and the course structure, content and available resources are such that these standards can be met. The Validation Lead and QASD Officer will ensure the Process Record is complete and the process will be signed off. In order to take an overview of the process and standards across the University, the University Quality Enhancement Committee will receive all Process Records and Course Specifications for ratification. Once approved the confirmed Process Record will be published on the QASD website and all interested parties advised that the process is complete. VERSION APPROVED DATE REVIEW DATE 3 05/10/09 31/07/10 OWNER APPROVED BY QASD QASD Communication Statement Version 1 June 2009 Refocusing the Undergraduate Curriculum Communication Statement: Learning Works What are we doing? We are reviewing all our undergraduate courses, drawing on past and current successes, to ensure that all courses are: - focused on student needs and demand supported by consistently good teaching underpinned by effective resources, both physical and virtual designed to offer all students the opportunity of a work placement, run their own business or to participate in volunteering, mentoring or an international work placement - integrated with technology We are listening to students, employers and professional bodies. We are simplifying the course structures, clarifying course content and reviewing all course titles. We are calling this project: Learning Works: Refocusing the Undergraduate Curriculum Learning Works will ensure that our graduates are distinguished by 3 overarching features: Digitally Literate: our graduates will be confident users of advanced technologies; they will lead others, challenging convention by exploiting the rich sources of connectivity digital working allows. Knowledgeable and Enterprising: our graduates will know how to critique, analyse and then apply knowledge they acquire in an enterprising way. They will use knowledge to seek out opportunities to advance their careers and entrepreneurial drive. Our graduates will constantly nurture their own intellectual curiosity, and excite others to do the same. Global citizens: our graduates will bring informed understandings of their place and ethical responsibilities in the world. They will have personal and professional values that help them to lead, and take a substantial role in their local, national and global communities. As a result of Learning Works: Refocusing the Undergraduate Curriculum we will: Communication Statement Version 1 June 2009 - improve student recruitment, retention and progression enhance the market attractiveness of our course portfolio improve student employability and entrepreneurship create space for academics to broaden their portfolio by engaging in research, developing knowledge transfer partnerships and providing continual professional development VERSION APPROVED DATE REVIEW DATE 01 4 June 2009 AUTHOR APPROVED BY Project Steering Group VC