Ganpat University U. V. Patel College of Engineering Teaching Scheme for M. Tech 1st Semester (Information Technology) with effect from June 2012 Credit Teaching Scheme Subject Code 3IT101 Examination Scheme Theory Subject Lect. Advanced Topics in Networks Tut 3 Pract 0 2 Total Theory Pr/TW Total Practical Sem End Int. Assess. Marks Hrs Total Int. Assess. Sem End Total Grand Total 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 1 4 3IT102 Computational Intelligence 3 0 2 5 3 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT103 Computer Algorithms 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT104 Service Oriented Computing 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT105 Elective I 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 25 15 5 20 250 750 Total Contact Hours Elective I 1. 2. 15 0 10 500 Cryptography and Network Security Grid & Cloud Computing Teaching Scheme for M.Tech 2nd Semester (Information Technology) with effect from June 2012 Credit Teaching Scheme Subject Code Subject Examination Scheme Theory Lect. Tut Pract Total Theory Pr/TW Total Int. Assess. Practical Sem End Marks Hrs Total Int. Assess. Sem End Total Grand Total 3IT201 Digital Image Processing 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT202 Advanced Operating Systems 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT203 Data Mining &Data Warehousing 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 3IT204 Software Engineering 3 0 2 5 3 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 1 4 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 0 5 3 23 30 70 3 100 00 00 00 100 250 850 3IT205 Elective II 3 0 2 5 3 3OS201 Open Subject 3 0 0 3 18 0 10 28 3 18 Total Contact Hours Elective II 1. Essential Mathematics 2. Public Key Infrastructure 1 600 Teaching Scheme for M. Tech 3rd Semester (Information Technology) with effect from June 2012 Credit Teaching Scheme Theory Subject Code Subject Lect. Tut Pract Examination Scheme Pr/TW Total Theory Sem End Total Int. Assess. Practical Marks Hrs Total Int. Assess. Sem End Total Grand Total 3IT301 Elective III 3 0 2 5 03 01 04 30 70 3 100 - 50 50 150 3IT302 Elective IV 3 0 2 5 03 01 04 30 70 3 100 - 50 50 150 3IT303 Dissertation Part I 0 0 16 16 - 8 8 - - - - 100 100 200 200 Seminar 0 0 4 Total Contact 06 28 Hours Elective III 1. Semantic Web 2. Data Compression 3. Embedded Systems 4. Advanced Database Technology 4 - 02 02 - - - - - 100 100 100 06 12 18 3IT304 34 200 400 600 Elective IV 1. Satellite Networking 2. Compiler Design Teaching Scheme for M.Tech. 4th Semester (Information Technology) with effect from June 2012 Credit Teaching Scheme Theory Subject Code 3IT401 Subject Lect. Tut Pract Pr/TW Examination Scheme Total Theory Total Int. Assess. Dissertation Part II Total Contact Hours - - 24 24 - - - 24 24 - 12 12 12 12 2 Practical Sem End Total Int. Assess. Sem End Total Grand Total Marks Hrs - - - - 100 200 300 300 - - - - 100 200 300 300 3IT101: Advanced Topics in Networks Introduction Cellular System Wireless Network Protocols & Standards Mobile Computing issues TCP for wireless networks Recent Research Trends & Topics References: 1. William Stallings,“Wireless Communications & Networks”, 2/E, Pearson Education India, Reprint 2007. 2. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, 2/E, Pearson Education India, reprint 2007. 3. Sandeep Singhal, “The Wireless Application Protocol”, Addison Wesley, India, reprint 2001 4. T S Rappaport, "Wireless Communications: Principles & Practice", 2/E, Pearson Education, 2002. 5. Research papers from reputed Journals & Conferences. 3 3IT102: Computational Intelligence Overview of Artificial Intelligence Problems and Problem Spaces & Search Heuristic Search Techniques Introduction to Computational Intelligence Artificial Neural Networks Evolutionary Computation Computational Swarm Intelligence Fuzzy Sets & Relations Artificial Immune Systems References: 1. Computational Intelligence – Principles, Techniques & Applications by Amit Konar, Springer, 2005. 2. Artificial Intelligence by Rich E. & Kevin Knight Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Principles of Artificial Intelligence by N.J.Nilsson Kaufmann. 4. Introduction to AI and Expert Systems by Dan .W. Patterson prentice Hall India 5. Introduction to AI by Charmiak and M.Dermalt Addision‐ Wesley. 6. The Engineering of Knowledge Based Systems Theory and Practice by A.J.Gongalez & D.D. Dankel Prentice Hall. 7. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks by Mohamad H. Hassoun 4 3IT103: Computer Algorithms Algorithmic paradigms Asymptotic complexity Recurrence relations and solutions techniques. Intelligent guesswork, homogeneous recurrences, Inhomogeneous recurrences, Change of variable, substitution method, Iteration method, Recurrence trees, Master method & master theorem Divide & Conquer , Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Branch‐and‐bound and Backtracking Graph Algorithms Shortest paths Amortized analysis NP‐completeness Approximation algorithms References: 1. Introduction to Algorithms by T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, McGraw Hill, 1994. 2. Algorithms on Strings, trees and Sequences by Dan Gusfield, Cambridge, 2005. 3.Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis by Sara Baase, Addison Wesley, 1998. 4.Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis & Internet Examples by Michael T Goodrich & Roberto Tamassia, John Wiley, 2002. 5. Fundamentals of Algorithmics by Brassard & Bratley, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Fundamentals of computer algorithms by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Computer Science Press. 5 3IT104: Service Oriented Computing Introduction to SOA and the SOC paradigm Foundations of services SOA Concepts, XML Standards, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI Basic SOA Architecture, Services, Service orchestration and composition, , BPEL Semantic Web Technologies References: 1. Service-oriented computing by D. Georgakopoulos, M. Papazoglou, The MIT Press, November 2009 2. Service-Oriented Computing: Semantics, Processes, Agents by Munindar P. Singh and Michael N. Huhns, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2005 3. Service‐Oriented Architecture Concepts, Technology and Design by Thomas Erl, Pearson Education. 4. A Semantic Web Primer by Grigoris Antoniou Frank van Harmelen, The MIT Press Cambridge 6 3IT105: Cryptography and Network Security (Elective - I) • Introduction • Classical Encryption Techniques • Symmetric Key Cryptography • Number Theory: • Public Key Cryptography, Cryptographic Hash Functions • Digital Signatures • Authentication Protocols, Applications and Biometrics Security • Introduction to Public Key Infrastructure Concepts • Kerberos, e‐voting system, Intrusion detection system • Secure socket layer, IPsec, E‐mail Security, Firewall References: 1. William Stallings: “Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practice”, 4/E, Pearson Education, 2005. 2. Bruce Scheneir: “Applied Cryptography”, 2/E, John Wiley, 1996. 3. Behrouz Forouzan: “Cryptography & Network Security”, 1/E, TMH, 2007. 7 3IT105: Grid & Cloud Computing (Elective - I) Introduction Grid Computing organizations and their roles Service oriented architecture and Grid, Semantic Grids Merging the Grid services Architecture with the web services Architecture Open Grid services Architecture Open grid services Infrastructure Grid Security Grid Computing Middlewares Introduction to Cloud Computing, Definition, Characteristics, Components, Cloud provider, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS and Others, Organizational scenarios of clouds Introduction to Cloud Technologies, Study of Hypervisors Data in the cloud: Relational databases, Cloud file systems: GFS and HDFS, BigTable, HBase and Dynamo Cloud security fundamentals, Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud, Privacy and Security in cloud References: 1. The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, Morgan Kaufmann, Nov 2003 2. Grid Computing: Making The Global Infrastructure a Reality by Fran Berman, Geoffrey Fox , Anthony J.G. Hey, John Wiley & Sons, April 2003 3. Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Applications by Ahmar Abbas, Charles River Media, 2004 4. Grid Computing by Joshy Josheph and Craig Fellenstein, IBM press, Pearson, 2011 5. Cloud Computing for Dummies by Judith Hurwitz, R.Bloor, M.Kanfman, F.Halper, Wiley India 6. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff, Cambridge 7. Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Wiley-India 8. Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach, Antohy T Velte, McGraw Hill 8 3IT201: Digital Image Processing Introduction Digital Image Fundamentals Image Enhancement Image Segmentation Morphological Image Processing Representation & Description Object Recognition References: 1. Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods 2. Computer Vision A modern approach by Forsyth & Ponce 3. Fundamentals of Image Processing by Anil K jain 4. The Image Processing Handbook by John C Russ, CRC, IEEE Press 5. Research papers 9 3IT202: Advanced Operating Systems Multiprocessor Operating Systems Network Operating Systems (NOS): Distributed Operating Systems: Database Operating Systems Real Time Operating Systems References: 1. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems By Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan G.Shivaratri , McGraw-Hill 2. Real Time Systems By C.M.Krishna, Kang G.Shin , McGraw-Hill, 1997.Philip Hunter, 3. Network Operating Systems - Making Right Choices By Addison Wesley, 1995. 4. Modern Operating Systems By Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, NJ (Section 9 – 13 only). 5. Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design By Pradeep K. Sinha , PHI, 1997. Operating Systems – A Modern Perspective By Gary Nutt, Addison Wesley, 2000. 10 3IT203: Data Mining & Data Warehousing Introduction Data Mining Algorithms & Knowledge Discovery Visualization mining class comparisons Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures Application and Trends in Data Mining Overview & Concepts Architecture and Infrastructure Data Design and Data Representation Information Access & Delivery References: 1. Paulraj Ponniah ,“Data Warehousing Fundamentals” , John Wiley. 2. M.H. Dunham ,“Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education. 3. Han, Kamber ,“Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann 4. Ralph Kimball ,”The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit”, John Wiley. 5. M Berry and G. Linoff ,”Mastering Data Mining”, John Wiley. 6. W.H. InmonWiley ,”Building the Data Warehouses”, ,Dreamtech. 11 3IT204: Software Engineering Introduction of Software Engineering Requirements Engineering Structured System Design Data Oriented Analysis & Design Analysis & Design Of Real Time Systems Software Quality Assurance User Interface Design Software Complexity & Reliability Software Project Management References: 1. Pressman R.S. “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, Mcgraw Hill. 2. Ghezzi C., Jazayeri M., Mandrioli D. “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Prentice Hall. 3. Ghezzi C., Jazayeri M., Mandrioli D. “Software Engineering: The Production Of Quality Software”. 4. Radice R. A. And Phillips R.W “Software Engineering, An Industrial Approach”, Vol. I, Prentice Hall. 5. S.R. Software Engineering, Aksen Associates Incorporated Publishers. 6. Boehm B.W., “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement”, IEEE Computer. 7. Fairely R., “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata Mcgraw Hill. 8. Sommerville I., “Software Engineering”, Addision &Wesley. 12 3IT205: Essential Mathematics (Elective - II) • Optimization • Introduction to Probability • Foundations of Queuing Theory • Statistics • Linear Algebra • Game Theory References: 1. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking by S. Keshav, Second Edition 2. Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang 13 3CE205: Public Key Infrastructure (Elective - II) Understand Basic Encryption Concepts, Attacks against Encryption, Understand Private Key Encryption Understand Public Key Encryption, Cryptography Fundamentals, Cryptographic Algorithm and protocols Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms, Public Key Algorithms, Cryptographic issues, Strong Authentication Digital Signatures, PKI Standards, PKI Fundamentals, Implementing Security, Understand Key Management Understand Trust in the System, Sign-On Solutions, Secure E-Mail Implementation, File Encryption Solutions PKI Solutions and Applications, Legal Issues of Network Security. References: 1. Cryptography & network Security: Principles and Practices, 4/e, William Stallings 2. Computer security basics, Rick Lehtinen, Deborah Russell, G. T. Gangemi 14 3IT301: Semantic Web (Elective - III) The Semantic Web Vision Structured Web Documents in XML Describing Web Resources in RDF Web Ontology Language: OWL Logic and Inference: Rules Applications Ontology Engineering References: 1. A Semantic Web Primer by Grigoris Antoniou Frank van Harmelen, The MIT Press Cambridge 2. Building an intelligent Web: theory and practice By RajendraAkerkar, PawanLingras 15 3IT301: Data Compression (Elective-III) Introduction: Basics of information theory Lossless compression: run length coding, variable length coding, Dictionary based coding, Arithmatic coding, lossless image compression Lossy compression: Distortion measures, Rate distortion theory, Scalar/Vector Quantization, Transform coding. Still image compression: JPEG/JPEG2000 Video compression: Introduction, Motion compensation, Motion vectors, H.261, H.263, H.264, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4. References: 1. David Salomon, “Data Compression – The Complete Reference,” 4th Edi. Springer, 2006. 2. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, “Elements of Information Theory,” Wiley‐Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. 3 K. Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd. & Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1996. 4. Li and Drew “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, PHI 16 3IT301: Embedded Systems (Elective - III) An overview of embedded systems: Introduction to embedded systems, Categories and requirements of embedded systems, Challenges and issues related to embedded software development, Hardware/Software co-design, Introduction to IC technology, Introduction to design technology Embedded Software development: Concepts of concurrency, processes, threads, mutual exclusion and inter process communication, Models and languages for embedded software, Synchronous approach to embedded system design, Scheduling paradigms, Scheduling algorithms, Introduction to RTOS, Basic design using RTOS Embedded C Language: Real time methods, Mixing C and Assembly, Standard I/O functions, Preprocessor directives, Study of C compilers and IDE, Programming the target device Hardware for embedded systems: Various interface standards, Various methods of interfacing, Parallel I/O interface, Blind counting synchronization and Gadfly Busy waiting, Parallel port interfacing with switches, keypads and display units, Memory and high speed interfacing, Interfacing of data acquisition systems, Interfacing of controllers, Serial communication interface, Implementation of above concepts using C language Study of ATMEL RISC Processor: Architecture, Memory, Reset and interrupt , functions, Parallel I/O ports, Timers/Counters, Serial communication, Analog interfaces, Implementation of above concepts using C language, Implementation of above concepts using C language Case studies and Applications of embedded systems: Applications to: Communication, Networking, Database, Process Control, and Case Studies of: Digital Camera, Network Router, RT Linux References: 1. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems”, TMH 2. David E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer ", Pearson Education 3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, “The 8051Microcontroller and Embedded Systems", Pearson Education 4. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction", John Wiley 5. Craig Hollabaugh, “Embedded Linux", Pearson Education 6. Daniel Lewis, “Fundamentals of Embedded Software”, Pearson Education. 7. Barnett, Cox, O’Cull, “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR ", Thomson Learning 8. MykePredko, “Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”, TMH 9. Shibu, Introduction to Embedded Systems, McGrawHill. 10. Computers as Components, Wolf, Elsevier 17 3IT301: Advanced Database Technology (Elective - III) Relational Databases: Relational Model - Querying - Storage Structures - Query Processing - Normalization Object Oriented Databases: Introduction to Object Oriented Data Bases - Approaches - Modeling and Design - Persistence Transaction -Concurrency - Recovery - Database Administration Emerging Systems: Enhanced Data Models - Client/Server Model - Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Web Databases – Mobile Databases Current Issues: Rules - Knowledge Bases - Active and Deductive Databases - Distributed Databases and Parallel databases Database Design Issues: Security - Integrity - Consistency - Database Tuning - Optimization and Research Issues References: 1. An Introduction to database systems –CJ.Date .Adission wisely 2. Databse system concepts, Abraham Silberschataz, Henry F. Korth& S. Sudarshan,McGraw Hill 3. Gary W. Hanson and James V. Hanson, Database Management and Design, PrenticeHall of India Pvt Ltd, 1999. 4. Alex Benson, Stephen Smith and Kurt Thearling, Building Data Mining Applicationsfor CRM, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. 5. R. Elmasri and S.B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley,2000. 6. N.TamerOzsu& Patrick Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems,Prentice Hall International Inc., 1999 7. Data Mining concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han, MichelineKamber –Elsevier. 18 3IT302: Compiler Design (Elective - IV) Introduction to system software, DFA and NFA, Phases of Compiler Introduction to lexical Analysis and Syntax analysis. Review of lexical analysis: alphabet, token, lexical error, Block schematic of lexical analyser, Introduction to phases of Compiler, Lexical Analysis. Role of parsers, Top down-RD parser, Predictive parsers, LL (k) parsers, Bottom up Parsers - Operator precedence parsers, shift-Reduce: SLR, LR (k), LALR etc. using ambiguous grammars. Error detection and recovery Introduction to Semantic Analysis and syntax directed translation, Need of semantic analysis, type checking and type conversion Syntax directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, bottom-up evaluation of S-attributed Definitions, L-attributed definitions, Top-down translation, Declarations, assignment statements, iterative statements, case statements, arrays, structures, conditional statements, Boolean expressions, back patching, procedure calls, Intermediate Code Generation, Intermediate languages, Intermediate languages programming structures Run-time Storage organization, Storage organization and allocation strategies, Source language issues, Storage organization and allocation strategies for block structured and non block structured languages, static and dynamic scope. Symbol Table organization and management Run-time Storage organization Introduction: Issues in code generation, Basic blocks and flow graphs, 3 Address Code (3AC) Introduction and Classification of code optimization, Principle sources Of Optimization, optimization of basic blocks References: 1. A V Aho, R. Sethi, .J D Ullman, "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools", Pearson Education, ISBN 81 - 7758 - 590 - 8 2. K. Cooper, L, Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", Morgan Kaufinann Publishers, ISBN 818147-369-8. 3. K. Louden, "Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice", Cengage Learning, ISBN 97881-315-0132-0 4. J. R. Levine, T. Mason, D. Brown, "Lex&Yacc", O'Reilly, 2000, ISBN 81-7366 -061-X. 19 3IT302: Satellite Networking (Elective - IV) • Introduction • Satellite Orbits and Networking Concepts • ATM and Internet Protocols • Satellite Internetworking with Terrestrial Networks • ATM over Satellite Networks • Internet Protocol (IP) over Satellite Networks • Impact of Satellite Networks on Transport Layer Protocols • Next Generation Internet (NGI) over Satellite References: 1. Satellite Networking Principles & Protocols, Zhili Sun, Wiley publication. 2. Research papers from reputed Journals & Conferences. 20