Teaching Geography Workshop 8: Global Forces Local Impact – Part 2: Oregon and Pennsylvania JIM BINKO: Any look at the interaction of human societies and the environment must take into account the profound part played by water resources. As we’ll see in our next case study, competition can be fierce when water is scarce. Such is the case in Northeast Oregon where farmers and Native American fishermen both lay claim to the precious water vital to their existence. This contest is a direct reflection of the changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution and importance of resources. A solid understanding of how resource use changes over time is crucial to comprehending this struggle. Often the problem is of our own making. This case study makes clear how human actions modify the physical environment. We will see how dams and irrigation in Oregon interfere with the salmon fishery that Native Americans and others depend on. As you watch, evaluate the ways in which technology has expanded our capacity to modify the physical environment and think about the long-term effects of these modifications. To explore the salmon problem in Oregon, we investigate the characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems on Earth's surface. The water's path from tributary to river to ocean is at the heart of the salmon's ecosystem. Here, the idea of a watershed is useful. Where does the water flow? Where does it start? Where does it go? Since we all live in watersheds, teachers can create environmental lessons with a local, hands-on component. After the Oregon case study, we will see two classes that do this in different ways. NARRATOR: Not long ago, millions of salmon returned each year to spawn in the Columbia River. Native Americans here once depended on the fish for their survival. Now their nets are often empty. The salmon have almost vanished. Forming a natural border between Oregon and Washington state, the Columbia River and its branches provide precious water for the people and wildlife along its path. This is the story of one Columbia tributary: the effort to restore salmon here, on the Umatilla River in northeast Oregon. How can geography explain competition over a scarce resource? In the early 1990s, Indian biologists like Ken Hall began an ambitious project to revive the Umatilla for salmon breeding. Here in the mountains, there is plenty of water, but human activity left the river uniformly shallow, like this. Good for minnows, but not salmon. By piling up rocks like this, the tribes created deeper pools. HALL: And now we have some depth and some cover for the adult salmon. We know we've got a couple of hundred up in this system. NARRATOR: So some fish have returned. The problem is the way they now travel here from the ocean. The fish have to be trapped and driven in trucks from locations downstream. Here is where they are trapped. There is sufficient water here. And here, near the reservation, is where they breed. Again, there is enough water for the salmon. The problem is here, in the river's midsection. The fish, and even the water here, have all but disappeared. In the nearly dry riverbed, tribe member Roberta Joy Wilson now walks where the salmon once swam. WILSON: The rivers are the lifeblood of the land, and slowly, that's being drained away. It's just a real devastation to our way of life. NARRATOR: So where did the water go? This dam provides a clue. Now, as water flows down the Umatilla, instead of continuing along its original course, the dam diverts it into this canal. The canal flows west, to dozens of places subsidized by the government. They are best seen in a satellite photograph-- hundreds of circular, irrigated fields in the lower Umatilla Valley. One of these farms is owned by Chet Pryor. Decades ago, the government provided water to farmers like Pryor, hoping to stimulate economic development in this region. It has been a great success. With center-pivot irrigation, Pryor grows carrots, wheat, alfalfa, and potatoes. CHET PRYOR: This is a Russet Burbank variety that we use for the French fry industry here. The reason we use this variety is because it's ideally suited variety, along with our growing conditions, to meet the high standards that the French fry industry demands now, not only for our domestic market, but also for our export market. NARRATOR: Pryor grows over 15,000 tons of potatoes a year. Most of them are brought here to the Simplot Company, where they are processed before shipment to McDonald's. In one year, the Umatilla Valley produces almost $100 million of agricultural crops. But the salmon are also a valuable resource here. Why isn't there enough water for both? (\wind rumbling\) NARRATOR: Below the reservation, the Umatilla River flows through a near desert. The natural vegetation is sagebrush and scrub. The lack of water plagues and even defines the Western Mountains region. But in several places here, with lots of federal spending, farmers have made the desert bloom. Their success has come at the expense of the Indians and the salmon. WILSON: Water has become a very, very valuable commodity, but the place that it's most valuable is right where it should be, and that's in the river itself. NARRATOR: Below the farms, unused irrigation water eventually flows back into the Umatilla, which explains why there is enough water downstream. But here, in the river's midsection, two different ways of life compete over a scarce resource. The farmers' water rights go back to the 1920s, when the government funded irrigation canals like this. But the tribes' water and fishing rights are based on 150-year-old treaties that include these historic locations on the Columbia. Armed with the senior water rights and a desperate desire to restore Umatilla salmon, the Indians threaten legal action. If they want, they could destroy the farm economy here. PRYOR: ANTONE MINTHORN: Without water in this area, we virtually are, have no way to raise any kind of a crop that we're producing now, except dryland wheat, which is not really viable in this area. It's not that we will not litigate, it is that we want to try to work it out first, but if we have to litigate, then we will litigate. WALTER FITE: To say the least, these negotiations have been like the world's largest roller coaster. There's huge ups and huge downs, and even upside-down loops. Right now, I would say that we're into one of those dips and the negotiations have basically broken off. NARRATOR: As long as the tribes and the farmers both fight over the Umatilla, there is little hope for compromise. The mutual solution is to find a different source of water. Eventually, they find it here, in the Columbia River. But it is miles away and lower in elevation. With both sides yearning for a settlement, the feuding locals unite to lobby the U.S. Congress. The result: 50 million federal taxpayer dollars completes a major engineering project in 1999. The plant pumps water up the hills through a 5-foot pipe, dumping it into this pool near the irrigation districts. From here, it flows by gravity in these canals and feeds the farms in three of the four irrigation districts. Now more Umatilla water stays in the river year-round. Fish bred in hatcheries upstream have returned to a river with much more water. These spring-run salmon are channeled into a special fish elevator, and lifted up here where technicians count, measure, and learn the sex of the fish. Then, most of them pass out the pipes to continue up the river. The tribes are cautiously celebrating their initial success. GARY JAMES: We began releasing salmon in the early '80s, and I remember our first return of 13 fish. We were elated with the spring Chinook run. Here in 2000, today, we're celebrating a salmon return to the Umatilla Basin. This year, we'll probably have 5,000 spring Chinook salmon returning. NARRATOR: While the prospects for salmon have improved on the Umatilla, the fish are ever more endangered on the larger Columbia. The biggest problems are the dams themselves. There was an organized movement to actually tear some of the dams down. The western energy crisis got even worse in 2001, making hydroelectric power even more essential. These issues will have to be resolved through the political process, and a spatial perspective is key to understanding the past and the future. Most of the electrical power comes from dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers in the Western Mountains. But the transmission lines lead to the consumers of electricity in another region, and they reveal the location of political and economic power. This is where many decisions about water use will be made. These are the growing urban centers near Portland and Seattle. The cities lie in a region geographers call the Pacific Coast, and the difference from the Western Mountains is dramatic: population density; the location of major manufacturing. But why are these features so unevenly distributed? The area's physical geography is revealed at a different scale. The Pacific Coast receives plenty of rain and snow. As moist air moves in from the Pacific Ocean, the Cascade Mountains force it higher. As it rises, the air cools and condenses most heavily in areas shown in dark blue. The east is left in an arid rain shadow. This is where geographers draw the boundary of the Western Mountains. It's a line we should etch into our mental maps. On one side, the growing population along the Pacific Coast has become more protective of its lush, natural environment, including the salmon. Now, as more nets come up empty, commercial fishermen and environmentalists on the coast have formed an unlikely alliance with the Indians of the Western Mountains. However, the demand for energy by growing populations, coupled with increased environmental awareness, will force people in both regions to face some hard choices over a scarce resource. GIL LATZ: As we saw in Oregon, geographic regions don't always correspond with political boundaries, like state or national borders. Rather, geographers define regions according to broad areas of physical, cultural, or economic similarities. Some geographers, for instance, include maritime British Columbia not with the rest of Canada, but in this region that runs most of the way through California. Within Canada, most geographers agree on the significance of one subregion in particular. To the east, Quebec is a French enclave in otherwise Anglo America. Although it will remain for now in Canada, Quebec may someday form its own state. In any case, its strong French history and character mean its neighbors can never take its integration for granted. Elsewhere in North America, regional definitions are changing. The old manufacturing belt is shifting south, in part to find lower wages, friendlier unions, and more room to cluster new, just-in-time assembly systems. Automobile makers and their suppliers have moved to southern Indiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama. For a geographer, regions are not frozen in place, not fixed on a map. Rather, they are flexible concepts to help categorize and analyze our ever-changing world. SUSAN HARDWICK: This case study was especially interesting to me, because when I first moved to Oregon, I mainly pictured green, forested mountains, forgetting, like most newcomers from California, that the largest part of the state is desert. This Eastside Oregon story is about conflict over water resources, and it's about how geographic insights may help resolve such issues. Resource disputes happen all over the globe. Conflicts over ocean fishing rights are an ongoing source of international tension. In the South China Sea, a host of countries are trying to take control of potentially vast underwater oil, gas, and mineral deposits. And, in one of the most wellpublicized conflicts over land use and resources, global environmentalists are pitted against agricultural settlers in the Brazilian rain forest. The environmentalists' push to preserve the rain forest may seem irreconcilable to the settlers' struggle for economic survival, but a geographical analysis may be pointing the way toward a workable compromise. A spatial analysis of forest regeneration has shown that an adjustment of the land-use pattern can speed forest recovery dramatically. Hope for the resolution of the world's water- and land-use conflicts depends in part on the insights that geographical analysis can provide. BINKO: We know that most of the earth's surface is covered by water. That is the good news. We are reminded, also, that less than one percent of that water is available for human consumption. That is the scary news. Is it little wonder then, that water is now a very hot topic for examination by students in many academic disciplines? In our next segment, two teachers will show us how they are making this vital resource a topic of real significance and importance to their students. First, we join Marlene Brubaker’s ninth grade earth science class on a walk through Philadelphia’s Schuylkill River. Here, we see first-hand how Philadelphia’s development has changed this important water resource. Next, Mary Pat Evans of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania leads her students in a scientific inquiry into the factors affecting water quality in their community. Her students use field research and GIS technology to develop and test hypotheses about the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We will see both teachers advocate a problem-solving, first-hand observational, field-based approach to investigate water issues.. As you watch, look for ways to explain the use of first-hand observation, field research, and GIS to show how human actions modify the physical environment. NARRATOR: Historic Bartram's Gardens, located on the outskirts of Philadelphia. At Historic Bartram’s Garden, Marlene Brubaker’s environmental science class will see the dramatic effect that humans have had on their city’s water resources. Bartram’s guide Debra Olsen explains. DEBRA OLSEN: As you go to the different sites that are involved in the Peopling of Philadelphia Program, the idea is to try and piece together how the city grew over time and how it changed and how people impacted the environment. NARRATOR: Their tour takes them to the banks of the Schuylkill River, an important water resource throughout Philadelphia’s history. As they walk, students come upon striking evidence of how the river has changed. Along the wall here, can anybody tell me what this is? GIRL: The... where the water was. BOY: Level. How can you tell? (\various answers\) OLSEN: What does it say? Okay, can you read the date? BOY: Seventeen... eighteen... Eighty-two. Eighty-two. OLSEN: 1782-- there's another one here but the date's been cut off. Yeah. Okay, so 1782, this is where~ the tide came up... so none of this was here. All right? BRUBAKER: Well, I could tell a kid, and we could read in a book, "Yes, the Schuylkill River now is no longer as high as it used to be." But if you go down to the riverside and you get to see these markings... they can see for themselves and now they completely understand, "Ah, yes, something has happened." OLSEN: Now from 1850 to 2001, how much water did we lose? CLASS: Pretty much. OLSEN: Wherever the tree line is, that’s where the water stopped. We've lost about eight feet. GIRL: Damn! OLSEN: What’s going to happen if we keep pulling water out of this river? GIRL: It’s eventually going to dry out. OLSEN: The thing with Philadelphia is our population is shrinking in the city. Everybody is moving to the 'burbs. People who live in an urban environment use much less water on the whole. We're actually kinder to the earth than people who are living out in the 'burbs in their, you know, big houses. And so, you know, it’s not bad to live in the city. Actually, we’re very, very kind to the earth, and I love the city. BRUBAKER: Well, when students leave ninth grade, I like them to have a distinct stewardship attitude towards their planet-- they can be part of the solution, that they’re not necessarily part of the problem. A lot of students, especially inner-city students, are often told they are part of the problem. And doing these sorts of classes shows that they can actually be part of the solution. NARRATOR: 90 miles away in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, students study watersheds through a mix of high and low tech. Here, geography is taught in a science class. EVANS: We’re going to try to get some measurements here. We want to know what’s going on with the pH and the alkalinity. NARRATOR: Teacher Mary Pat Evans involves her students with these scientists from ALLARM, a statewide water quality monitoring project. EVANS: What are you looking for, Michael? MICHAEL: The color, try and match up the colors. EVANS: Right, match up the colors, good. He’s... he's good at this. EVANS: What do you think? MICHAEL: Seven. EVANS: The pH is seven. And Robbie, you’re going to keep this data for us in the ArcPad. NARRATOR: Evans gets all the students involved-- recording their data using low-cost GPS receivers, Palm Pilots and digital cameras. It’s an effective approach, even with paper maps and pads. EVANS: They’re making observations. That’s part of science inquiry. It’s got to begin with a good observation. Good observations lead to good hypotheses. NARRATOR: When the class gets back to school, they first review the inquiry question that organizes their lesson. EVANS: Why is pH and alkalinity so important to Pennsylvania watersheds? Katherine? KATHERINE: Because of the acid rain. EVANS: Good, that’s right because of acid rain. And the pH measurements that we see here could end up in the Chesapeake Bay. What kinds of things are in the Chesapeake Bay that we want to protect? What kind... Daisha? DAISHA: Fish. The fish that are there, that’s right. NARRATOR: Evans then links the large watershed back to the students’ own streams. EVANS: So acid rain would be in measurements below five. Have we been finding pH values of five when we do this? STUDENTS: No. EVANS: What are the pH values you usually get when we go out on the Greenbelt and do our measurements? STUDENTS: 7.5. EVANS: Yeah, usually around 7 or 7.5. That’s a good thing. NARRATOR: Good because high pH neutralizes or buffers acid rain. Thanks to geology, much of Pennsylvania is luckier than most states. EVANS: If we look at our... look at our paper here, okay, it says that most alkalinity comes from... the underlying rock in this area, and, in particular, limestone. BOY: Yeah. Okay. I remember that. STUDENTS: Remember we talked about that when we were out doing the Snapshot 2000? Okay. Let’s go to our database. Now, if we go over here to site number three, four and five, those represent the Paxton Creek watershed. Now, number five, we’ve got a really strange measurement there-- an average of 4.8, that doesn’t seem right. Okay, and really low alkalinity measurements there, too, compared to the other sites. NARRATOR: To put this measurement into context, the students review their data in ArcView, a Geographical Information System, or GIS. They first look at a scale where they can see a source of acid rain. EVANS: Okay, now we see all of the watersheds that are located in Pennsylvania. Let’s grab the map, and let’s see what other states are close by to Pennsylvania. Click on that state, let’s see what it is. BOY: Michigan. EVANS: What state is it? BOY: Michigan. EVANS: Michigan, that’s right. Detroit is located in Michigan. What kinds of industries are in Detroit? BOY: Um... I don’t know. EVANS: Anybody want to help him out? Robbie, do you know? BOY: Steel? EVANS: Steel. BOY: They make cars! EVANS: They make cars. And if the prevailing wind is northwest, and it’s coming from that direction, where are a lot of the pollutants coming from? BOY: Michigan and Ohio. EVANS: Right, Michigan and Ohio, very good. NARRATOR: Then Evans changes scale and brings it down to the local level, always allowing the students to control the technology. EVANS: First of all, you can see that this is the state of Pennsylvania. We can see our data is right in the middle where Dauphin County is located. Danisha, do you see where our points are? DANISHA: There. EVANS: Okay, that’s where our data is. Now I’d like to drill into, go close to our county and then use the hand tool and bring it to the middle of the screen. Good, Robbie, that’s right. Okay, now you can see the green points are representative of our water monitoring sites. NARRATOR: Evans’ questions encourage critical thinking in her students. EVANS: Okay, Robbie, why do we have just a few~~ sites close together compared to what you see ALLARM has measurements all over the county? ROBBIE: Probably because we don’t have the time, or access to long-range transportation. EVANS: That’s right, as a school... any school group that might want to go out and do GIS, they have to pick sites close to each other. And, actually, we’re lucky in central Pennsylvania to have a couple of different watersheds close together. NARRATOR: Finally, after laying the geographical groundwork, Evans introduces the factor that may explain their one unusual measurement, the one so high in acid. EVANS: Let’s add the streams by clicking on the stream layer. There’s a lot of water-- a lot of watersheds, a lot of creeks in our area. And so, let’s now go and add the roads. Look at the network of roads you can see. All of that development is going to affect the watersheds in this area. NARRATOR: Development, roads. Why would they contribute to acid in the streams? So often in GIS, or any map exercise, there’s a crucial next step. EVANS: And it really takes going out and doing the ground-truthing. When we got out there, and the students sat down next to the creek... (\cars whooshing on highway\) And then they started hearing the cars on the highway and saying, "Hey, you know it might be that this highway's right here." EVANS: Do you remember from when we were talking about this back at school? What kind of pH values we got for this site? BOY: Yeah, we got, like, 5.8 EVANS: Right, we got really low values, Alex. Right? We got like fives and sixes. What do you think's going on here? What do you think, Alex? ALEX: I think it’s the road. EVANS: You think it’s the road causing the difference? What else could be going on here? What do you think, Katherine? KATHERINE: The acid rain from, like... it goes down on the road and then falls into the... EVANS: Okay, so you think maybe the acid rain, when the water comes down, hits the road, it doesn’t have a chance to percolate through the ground here. Right. It goes right into the creek? KATHERINE: Right. EVANS: That’s a good... I mean, there are a lot of highways around here. 81’s right there, interstate 81. Pennsylvania Route 322 is right there. There’s a lot of intersections of major highways in this one location, so that’s a good hypothesis. That’s perhaps what’s going on. EVANS: The observation about the highway being close to our site that had the low pH value leads to asking more questions, and more spatial questions. And that requires them to go out and use the scientific method, test the hypothesis, test those locations, and then map the locations. It involves asking where things are and then why that’s affecting the environment. It has to do with geography. EVANS: You know, there’s limestone here, but unless the water gets a chance to hit the limestone, you’re not going to have any buffering of the pH. Okay. Thank you. BINKO: Several salient features of good teaching and solid geography are apparent in the efforts of these two teachers. First, it is important that the content be relevant to students’ lives, like their own watershed. Geography makes more sense this way, and it makes it easier to learn. Second, learning geography is more effective when it is intended to solve real problems and is guided by the inquiry process in the hands of a skilled teacher. Racing through facts simply doesn’t do it, and it never did. Third, technology can open new venues for geographic investigation, many previously thought impractical or impossible. And finally, the classroom climate must be such that students can take the risk to ask, speculate, and answer questions about why things are the way they are-to be the analysts and the critical thinkers we say we want them to be. These are the features of the education valued and exercised by Marlene Brubaker and Mary Pat Evans. Throughout this series, I hope you have seen that inquiry learning can be applied in a variety of ways, and that it can flow naturally from the principles outlined in the National Geography Standards. Using the inquiry approach and drawing on the standards provides students with an engaging learning environment, and encourages them to take ownership of the learning process. And when students make learning their own, they develop critical thinking skills and attain true understanding of the concepts so crucial to being geographically informed citizens. And, as educators, our role is to guide them on that path. Thank you for joining us on our global journey.