(Forest EU) Governance and Stability of Regulative Forest Policy Measures in Post-socialist Country: Case Study Slovenia Milan Šinko University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Dept. of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources (Forest EU) Governance and Stability of Regulative Forest Policy Measures in Post-socialist Country: Case Study Slovenia Road map of presentation • Introduction • Research question • Theoretical framework • Research design – Data Analysis – Data Collection • Preliminary results • Contribution to COST action Introduction Forest policy design - Policy problems - Policy goals - Forest policy tools mix: – Regulative tools prevail (e.g. obligatory forest management planning for all forests, obligatory tree marking for felling) – Economic tools (less important - e.g. financing of silviculture approx. 1 €/ha/year on average) – Informational tools. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Introduction Year Social-political context 1985 Socialist self- 1990 management 1991 1993 Market system & 1998 International context Regulatory forest policy tools Compulsory forest management planning Obligatory marking trees for felling Prescribed min and max felling of AAC Global and regional forest related activities (UNCED, MCPFE) Prescribed possible max felling of AAC Pre-accession negotiations Parliamentary democracy 2004 2013 EU Membership Compulsory forest management planning Obligatory marking trees for felling, Prescribed possible max felling of AAC Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research question • How the international forest governance affect the stability of regulative measures of forest policy in Slovenia (as a postsocialist country)? Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Theoretical framework Theories of policy /change (policy difussion, policy transfer (‘policy learning’), ACF) /stability (path dependency, policy regime). Policy transfer (lesson drawing) Theory of policy “unlearning”? Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Theoretical framework Global level Regional level (EU, Forest Europe) Policy difussion: Constructivism Coercion Economic competition Learning Policy transfer (e.g. emulation, lesson drawing) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Slovenian Forest policy (policy measures) Research design • Case study approach (why/how question, historical and contemporal phenomenon, unability to influence important variables) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research design CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWOR Goals Analysis and interpretation of historical important phenomena Governance (OMC) Theory improvement Historical institutionalism Policy theories RESEARCH QUESTION: » How the international forest governance affect the stability of regulative measures of forest policy in Slovenia” METHODS VALIDITY Qualitative approach Triangulation, comparative analysis of published case studies Text analysis Semi-structured problemcentred interviews Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research design • Specifics of Forest policy: – Long term impacts of present decisions – Involves strong values (emotions) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research design • Specifics of policy making during transition: – Address urgent and key topics within the time constraints – Considerable uncertainty about the processes and objectives – Rapid change of authoritarian power structures with the new structure of political actors, – Concentration in the elite and the short period of mobilization of the masses, who quickly returned to private sphere – Introduction of negotiations in a decision making process. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research design – Context of Slovenian forest policy making (GoFor 2004) Socio-economics factors Political factors Ecological factors – Main political actors (GoFor 2004) Assumptions Preferences Policy position Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Research design • Who learns? • Who is a teacher? • What it is learned? Prima facia indicators Evidence Social learning Change in policy goals Changes in dominant causal beliefs in the policy domain Instrumental learning Change in instruments Increased understanding of policy instruments Political learning Change in political strategy Awareness of relationship between political strategy and political feasibility within a given advocacy coalition May 1992, Radaelli 2009 Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Data analysis • Qualitative analysis – Text analysis (Coding) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Data collection • Scientific papers, policy papers, political articles, press releases) • Semi-structured problem-centred interviews with relevant policy stakeholders (experts, public officials, stakeholders) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Preliminary results Prima facia indicators Evidence Social learning Change in policy goals Changes in dominant causal beliefs in the policy domain Instrumental learning Change in instruments Increased understanding of policy instruments Political learning Change in political strategy Awareness of relationship between political strategy and political feasibility of policy programmes • EU and Pan European forest policy processes influence political learning in Slovenia to a significant extent, but exercise a much smaller influence on social and instrumental learning. • Political learning is associated with the stability of forest policy. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana Contribution to COST Action • Analysis of the EU and pan European forest focused policy processes (multilevel, multistakeholder governance) on choice of national forest policy measures • Analysis of presence of OMC as governance by soft modes in Slovenia Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana • Thank you for your attention! Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana EU and Pan European level of forest governance Governance by legislation Governance by cooperation Governance by soft modes: - Open method of coordination (includes a notion of learning) -… Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana EU and Pan European level of ofrest governance Governance by legislation Governance by cooperation Governance by soft modes: Open method of coordination (includes a notion of learning) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana • 2; According to Yin (1994), a • case study approach is advisable when “how” or “why” questions are posed, when • the investigator has little control over events and when the research focus is on • contemporary phenomena within some real-life context” (Yin 1994,13). Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana • Lastnosti tranzicije v večini tranzicijskih držav so: obravnavanje nujnih in ključnih tematik v časovnih omejitvah, velika negotovost o procesih in ciljih, hitra sprememba avtoritarne strukture oblasti z novo strukturo političnih igralcev, osredotočenost v elite in kratko obdobje mobilizacije množic, ki so se hitro vrnile v zasebno sfero. Tranzicijo lahko razumemo tudi kot spremenjen način urejanja konfliktov v prehodu iz avtoritarnih režimov v večstrankarske sisteme. S tranzicijo se pojavlja koncept pogajanj v odločanju, kar je za Welsha (1994, 381) ključno v razumevanju tranzicijskih procesov, v katerih morajo pogajalci doseči dogovor, vendar želijo hkrati doseči izid, ki jim ustreza. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana