MEE 452: Ch.5-System Simulation • Modeling: describe physical systems with equations • Simulation: use modeling to simulate outcome/result of systems - usually with a time-like independent variable Intro: Simulation degree of validity Replicatively valid (a minimum): matches existing data Predictably valid (desirable & risky): predicts data outside existing ones Structurally valid (the best and the hardest): truly reflects real-system operation Intro: System Simulation Methods Many different simulation methods - usually with a time-like independent variable: Discreet: change by a discreet amounts (steps), like queuing systems Continuous: continuous changes Deterministic: not uncertain input variables Stochastic: input is random or has some probability distribution A system SIMULATION process INPUT: System to be simulated Task 1: develop system math model Task 2: develop simulation math model Task 3: develop simulation computer program Task 4: test and verify the simulation OUTPUT: System simulation There are many high-level computer programs: SIMULINK, etc. Principles of Modeling and Simulation • Physical bases: (critical!) Model need to represents the physics of the components and interactions among them • Levels of the components: (matching!) From simple equation to ordinary and partial diff. Eqs and system od eqs. • Accuracy: (use sensitivity analysis, y/ x) Simulation output fidelity with respect to the real system behavior. Depends on comp. level matching. • Validation procedure: (at least!) Examine for inconsistencies and replicate some known data. It is an engineering task, not mathematical task (GIGO). General Thermal System Correlations: For any property S in a control volume CV: In the rate form (.../ t): Flux of a property: S Sin Sout store W S POTENTIAL RRESISTANCE Lumped-mass technique: EXAMPLE t Sin Sout S store 0 STEADY STATE T qHEAT FLUX Rthermal qin qout c Vvolume T t General Conservation Law(s) For any property SP: mass, energy, entropy, Property ACCUMULATION availability…: P p ( dV ) t CV t Control Volume [CV Accumulation]rate= =[(In-Out) + (Production-Distraction)]CS rate Property TRANSFER [In-Out]rate= PIn Out Property TRANPORT p flux dA p ( U dA) Control Surface Control Surface [Accumulation]rate= 0 for a steady flow process [(Production-Distraction)]rate = 0 for mass and energy [Production =s] rate 0 for entropy [Distraction =I =T0s] rate 0 for availability (exergy) Data (Graph/Table) Curve Fitting • First, functional form -must be selected based on experience • Parametric representations GO -for smooth data use # of pts. equal to # of curve-fit coefficients • Least-Square method GO -for scattered (non-smooth) data GO • Interpolation: Many methods: Splines, Lagrange polynomial (like quadratic thru 3 pts.), etc. Least-Square Regression Arbitrary (our choice function): yc yc ,i f ( xi , a0 , a1 ,...a j , ) y where aj are coefficients to be found The sum of deviations squared should be minimum : 2 D d i (yi yc , i ) 2 min yi yc,i i i 1,2,...n i (yi yc , i ) d i x xi Given data points: { xi , yi }, i 1,2,...n Standard Deviation of the Curve-fit Sxy y Sxy d min < {Sxy d RMS S xy yi yc,i 1 n }< d avg . max 2 (y y ) i c,i i yc(x) ± tnP%Sxy (yi yc , i ) d i x xi Given data points: { xi , yi }, i 1,2,...n Simulation... • Hardy-Cross revisited ( remember ) • Steady-State Simulation GO to Example 5-4: Oil cooling • Transient Simulation -remember the Lumped-mass method [diff. Equation(s)]