Dewar COE Meeting Documentation Form

Dewar COE Meeting Documentation Form
This form should be completed by all non–statutory committees/groups for meetings associated with the COE.
Statutory committees are required to maintain formal minutes.
The completed form should be filed according to approved COE policies and procedures.
Committee/Group Name: ___N.A.____________________________________________________________
Chairperson/Responsible Contact: ___Sonya Sanderson_________________________________________
Purpose of the Meeting: __Retreat________________________________________________________
Date: _2-19-13____________ Time: _3:00pm_____ Location: _Dr. Griffin’s office_______________________
Departments/Groups/Agencies Represented: Susan Hagood, Mike Griffin, Sonya Sanderson____________
Primary Outcomes: __ Discussed coordinators and what they needed to complete prior to Februaty 25th
faculty retreat._____________________________________________________________________________
Actionable Items/Planned Follow-up:__ Having all documents done and complete for February 25th.____
Revised 11/15/12