Sumit Gulwani: Okay. Good morning, everyone. It's... pleasure to introduce Saurabh Srivastava, who is a Ph.D. candidate...

Sumit Gulwani: Okay. Good morning, everyone. It's my immense
pleasure to introduce Saurabh Srivastava, who is a Ph.D. candidate at
University of Maryland, College Park. So Saurabh's dissertation has
been about a new template-based technique to reasonable programs that
leverages the engineering advances in SAT and SMT solvers. So Saurabh
has used this technique to verify 20 lines long programs, and you
might wonder that why is that interesting. Well, it turns out that
these techniques can also be used to actually synthesize those 20-line
programs, and Saurabh synthesized the first program probably in
January last year, and since then he has been synthesizing programs
like crazy. So Saurabh is going to tell you more about this wonderful
area of work. So off to you, now, Saurabh.
Saurabh Srivastava: Okay. Thanks, everybody, for coming.
Sumit, for the introduction.
So I'll be talking about work that I've been doing in my dissertation,
and it's titled Satisfiability-Based Program Reasoning and Synthesis.
Okay. So let me start by making almost a non-statement. Software is
everywhere. We employ teams of developers, Microsoft knows all about
that, which put in many man years worth of effort into building these
things. Then we send them off to teams of testers, we stack on
another some man years worth of effort, and then we put them on almost
everything imaginable.
But while software is everywhere, correct software, not so much. We
have all these instances where our software hits [inaudible] cases and
crashes or does something bad, and, well, all these software companies
invest a lot of effort trying to debug the software and, well,
probably write it in a font that is very visible and push it
[inaudible] or something. We have to spend a lot of effort dealing
with that.
So as we move forward, it won't just be sufficient to find these bugs
and tolerate them if one can. We need a process that does not
introduce these bugs in the first place.
And while we have this issue, what we also have is the resource that
we have at our disposal, that is, we have the computing power
available to actually get the job done. We have the computing power
to build better software. We just need to develop some theory,
techniques, and tools that will allow us to harness it.
So what do we want to do? What we want to do is, one, we want a
mechanically reasonable software, and that will help -- and that will
allow us to help the testers, because now what they can do is they can
use the computing power that they have at their disposal and use it to
automatically verify software.
Additionally, it will also alleviate some of the human effort there.
Additionally, it will also help the developers because if we can do
mechanical program reasoning, we can infer specifications. That might
be good for the developers to use as a summary of what they've already
built to build other software.
The second, probably the more interesting thing, is that we want to
automatically generate software. And this will certainly help the
developers because they can use their computing power alleviate some
of the human effort there, and what we can do is automatically
synthesize the software possibly.
So towards this end, I've been pursuing the researchers in the last
two, three years, and what I claim is that we can build powerful
program reasoning and program synthesis techniques that leverage the
power of satisfiability solving. And let's dissect that.
So program reasoning, as I was talking about, what we want to do is we
want to do verification and we want to do property inference. So
verification is you have a program and you have a property and you
want to infer a certificate that matches the program to the property.
That is the [inaudible] proof that the system will generate.
Property inference is you're given a program and you want to infer the
properties off the program and you want a certificate about it.
Again, as I said, more interestingly, we probably want to look at
program synthesis. And as the boxes kind of indicate, we'll be kind
of linking this all together. I'll be building on program reasoning
to design program synthesis tools, and we won't have the time to go
into much detail about program reasoning, but let me just state that
that is the key technical bit that I've been working on. But program
reasoning just builds on top of that.
So we want to talk about verified synthesis where what we want to do
is we want to just take the property that we have and we want to infer
a program. But not only that, we want to infer a certificate about it
as well.
And a more pragmatic approach that I've been recently pursuing is this
approach where you're given just a property, you only infer the
program, but you don't really care about the certificate that much.
So what we have is a testing-inspired approach to synthesis where the
program that is generated is correct and matches up to the property up
to the guarantees provided by testing. And that is approximate
Okay. So the other thing that I want to mention is that we are going
to be using satisfiability solving as our core tool to do all of these
things. And why is that? Because that allows us to bring available
computing power that we have at our disposal to these tasks. And that
is facilitated enabled by recent advances in the last decade, and we
now have fast solvers, essentially Z3 for my purposes, which can
really solve hard instances in the SAT and SMT domain.
And if you look at the SMT competition, which is the competition for
these solvers, some of the industrial benchmarks are incredibly big.
So we have this tool at our disposal, and we want to apply it to our
So here is the outline for the rest of the talk. I'll be talking
about the foundations that we have built, the core technique that we
have built, which leverages satisfiability solving for verification,
property inference and synthesis, and then we will talk about -- in
this case we will mostly concentrate on the synthesis aspect, just
breeze through the first two, and then I'll discuss our
testing-inspired synthesis approach.
And while we're doing that, I'll also mention the practical
implications of this thing, how we've been able to infer some very
complicated invariants that you might need for verification, all
preconditioned for functional correctness or termination for property
inference, and I'll discuss in detail our examples for synthesis and
also for testing-inspired synthesis.
>>: So you talk a lot about synthesis. How do you weigh the sort of
the impact of the work you're doing in verification against the work
in synthesis? In other words, which do you think is more important,
and why?
Saurabh Srivastava: Well, synthesis has the potential to be really
important. Verification is sort of needed right now, right? We have
developers who write these programs, so in terms of inferring these
quantified invariants, which are really required for a lot of programs
to actually prove them correct, verification can be very useful. But
synthesis right now is at kind of like an experimental stage. We've
been able to synthesize a couple of programs, but once we figure out
what we can actually synthesize, then we can start talking about how
that might be useful in practice.
I don't think synthesis is talking about -- at least my work doesn't
really talk about [inaudible] applications right now. We're trying to
figure out the core techniques and maybe in a couple of years we'll
figure out that, oh, here's how they can help the developers, et
Okay. So to talk of the first part, which is the score
satisfiability-based program analysis technique, I'll be talking about
verification and property inference, as I was talking about. Okay.
So let's start with some real basics. Reasoning about -- and this
will be very high level, especially for this audience, but just to put
everybody on the same page.
So reasoning about a straight line code is simple. Well, relatively,
if you don't talk off the heap, et cetera. And at least -- so what I
mean is that at least for simple domains, it is simple. So, for
instance, if you have a fact X is greater than 5 at the beginning, you
have an assignment, X is assigned by plus 1, intuitively we know that
we should be able to derive X's greater than 6 afterwards, right?
And this is easy to mechanize as well, and our way of doing that will
be, for the purposes of this talk, will be to say that, okay, you have
the fact X is greater than 5, and for that assignment we will put an
equality predicate, we'll conjunct an equality predicate which says
that the alpha value of X, which I indicate by the prime variable, X
prime is equal to the sum expression over the inputs that we're
And once you conjunct that, then you have this -- you can prove
something about the resulting values. And this is very -- well, this
is essentially the way we do it in symbolic execution, RSSA-style
reasoning, and you can do it backwards using [inaudible] style
reasoning as well doing substitutions, but we'll stick to this because
it's, for one, intuitive, and it also facilitates other things.
Okay. So before we go further, let me just introduce some notation.
I will use the [inaudible] available F to indicate facts in the
system, such as y is greater than 5 and X prime is greater than 6, and
because statements for us are these traditions between the inputs and
out puts, I will use a [inaudible] variable T to indicate that. And
because we're talking about reasoning and synthesis, these facts might
be unknown or these traditions might be unknown as well, so I'll use
this [inaudible] font for that.
Okay. So we have straight line code, which is somewhat simple.
Acyclic code is also doable because what you need to do is that's just
a combination of various straight line fragments, right? You just
need to -- as a [inaudible] operation, you just need to -- quote,
unquote, just need to define the joined operator. And you essentially
just need to combine the fact that you get F1, F2, F3 from straight
line reasoning to get this new fact. So that's also kind of doable.
But almost everybody would agree that dealing with loops is the tricky
bit. So you have this straight line fragment, acyclic fragment, you
have a zero at the beginning and then you get a font at the end. And
then you have a loop. The problematic bit is this back edge is that
bumps [inaudible] into the beginning, so you have this F0 prime, and
then you might bump it back and then you get this F0 double prime.
Essentially what you need is a fixed point, right? You need a fixed
point that if you start with that, then you'll get the same thing at
the end.
And this is the key difficulty that we have been dealing with. You
need a loop summary, a loop invariant, and for automatic program
verification, this is the key difficulty. Inferring these fixed
points, loop invariants, is the big task.
And over the past couple of decades we've been essentially automating
this process, trying to figure out mechanical ways of generating these
fixed points. And it has been limited to simple techniques.
So what we really need is a technique that will infer complicated, by
which I mean quantified invariants for the purposes of this talk, and
can do it robustly.
And for this we have our approach which I call satisfiability-based
program analysis, and analysis written in this framework are always
composed of two parts. One part is this part that reduces the program
into a SAT formula, and then the other part is the one that actually
does the fixed [inaudible] computation using the SAT solver. It takes
the SAT form that you have computed from the program and then gets a
solution out of it which corresponds to invariants that I will talk
about in a bit.
So the first part is the important part, which is this part that takes
the program and generates a boolean formula out of it, right? So
let's talk about that.
And here what we have is that we make a key assumption. The key
facilitator that allows us to get boolean formulas out of programs so
that they respect this mandate is the user invariant templates. And
this is very similar to the domains that give you a [inaudible] except
that here we have these templates which essentially give you more
structure. We'd say that, okay, this is the kind of invariant that
I'm looking for.
And we've considered two domains. For instance, like for linear
arithmetic what we say is that you can have invariants that are a
particular form. Instead of just being some invariant we say that,
okay, it is an invariant which has a particular form, let's say, of F1
disjunctive, with F2 disjunctive, with F3, and these internally are
cubes over unknown linear relation that we want to infer.
So this is the kind of template that I'm talking about. We have
another reduction for a predicate abstraction that essentially
takes -- can talk of quantifiers. So you can have some boolean
structure in the top and it could involve quantification. Linear
arithmetic reduction does not handle quantification. So this is
essentially why I put that down there.
>>: So the general [inaudible] is that you're going to say rather
than searching for arbitrary invariants, we're going to assume the
invariants have a certain structure?
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: And then you're basically going to ask the theorem prover how
about this invariant or how about that -- or, no, you're actually
going to say within this structure, please search for invariants that
may -Saurabh Srivastava: So, yeah, the intuitive idea is more similar to
the second one. We reduce it to a boolean formula and then once you
solve for that formula, that datacally gives you the model for that
formula, it datacally gives you the invariants.
>>: Okay. Right. So the FI's are all unknowns, but you've
essentially limited the structure, the size.
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah. But we do not numerate -- so our use of
the SATs is a live different than traditional approach -- whatever
traditional means. So one approach could be that you numerate some
candidate invariant using some technique, like use some process that
you might have, and then you use the SAT solver to filter them out,
correct? But we don't do that.
I see.
The analyzer thing are holes that [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava:
They're variables.
They'll essentially become variables.
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah, essentially become variables. So when you
have conjunctions of -- for instance, in this formulation it's easier
for linear arithmetic. These would be conjuncts off linear
realization, and those linear relations will be over program variables
and some unknown constants.
Unknown constants, right.
Saurabh Srivastava:
And those constants will essentially boil down to
Okay. So, again, for the case of predicate abstraction, these
unknowns are conjunctions over some predicates. So we won't really
have the time to go into the details of how we do the reductions so
let me just give you an overview.
So what you have is you have these program verification conditions.
They're of the form of some unknown invariant followed by some
transition should imply some fact somewhere in the program. It could
be the unknown invariant if you're going around the loop or it could
be some other fact.
And by making this assumption about the structure of the invariant,
more so than what you do in abstract [inaudible] domains, what we're
able to do is we're able to apply a trick from the linear arithmetic
literature called Farkas' lemma to actually take this implication,
plug those templates in the formula and then, through a couple of
steps, eventually get a boolean formula.
So I'll be happy to talk about these steps off line, but let me just
give you an overview of how the technique works, right?
So we have that for linear arithmetic. For predicate abstraction we,
again, have a couple of steps that take these verification conditions
and get you to a boolean formula. And we have an algorithm that we
call optimal solutions, but essentially it's a glorified predicate
cover operation that we know from the literature.
So that essentially takes you from the verification condition to the
boolean formula in this domain.
Once you have this boolean formula, you can use a SAT solver to solve
for it. Right? And now you get a SAT solution. And what does that
SAT solution correspond to? That SAT solution essentially gives you
values for what goes inside of those unknowns that you have in the
template. And the template has some alpha-level boolean structure,
and once you have those values, you can plug those back in, and now
you have the new invariant.
Okay. So that is sort of the high level of what the technique does.
Again, I'll be happy to talk about these two reductions off line.
So what have we used this for? We've used this for verification, that
is for assertion checking, generate invariants for assertion checking,
and to illustrate that, let me talk of an example.
So imagine the background here to be a pixilated screen, okay? So
these are pixels. Each box indicates a pixel. So what we need -what we want is a program that draws the best fit line corresponding
to the real line from 00 to xy, and such that the alpha values are no
more than half a pixel away from the real value. So you want to
output these pixel values.
You can do that by computing the slope, y divided by x, and
multiplying it by small x and then taking the [inaudible] as required.
But supposing you wanted to do that more efficiently, you wanted to do
that only using linear arithmetic operations, well, the graphic
simulator does know of a program that does this, and it's this one,
but looking at it, we have no idea why this should be computing the
best fit line to a real line, right?
So we want to verify that. We want to have -- we have a precondition,
we have an output that we want to meet. We want to verify this
program. We want to infer invariants for the loop of ten. So we can
infer invariants for this program that we have. Bresenham's line
drawing example. And the actual invariant that you need is this. And
using the linear arithmetic tool that we've developed, we can infer
invariants of that form.
The human program is probably not going to worry about that or even
give you that.
So that is the kind of automation that we can provide with that linear
arithmetic tool.
The other interesting sort of standard benchmark is sorting. Sorting
is interesting because you have these small complicated programs, you
have a couple of them that we're very familiar with, and these are
interesting because the reasoning involved is complicated because it
involves quantifiers. You have the fact that you want to prove at the
end. And for the loops you want to infer complicated quantified
invariants, and this distilled reasoning is difficult to automate.
And what we can do using our technique is to give it a template or an
alpha-level structure that says, okay, you have some quantification,
this fact, this is unknown implies some other unknown, and then the
tool [inaudible] for this complicated invariant that you need.
Okay. So we can infer quantified invariants, and we can also do that
in very reasonable time, quote, unquote, reasonable time.
So here are the times in seconds on the log scale out here on the
y axis. And for the most part we see that we can compute the
invariants within 1 to 10 seconds, approximately 1 to 10 seconds, and
for one example, which is the line drawing example, we need more time,
about 100 seconds.
What is interesting is to know that the previous techniques were
somewhere there. Like we had one technique that came close, which was
insertion sort, for insertion sort, and then there was merge sort and
quick sort, and that's a log scale, so that's about an order of
magnitude. But that is essentially not the point I'm making.
That's not a fair comparison, because those techniques were a couple
of years back and stuff like that. The point that I'm making is that
we have a robust technique that can infer invariants given these
templates for all of the benchmarks that we have as opposed to other
techniques which were specialized for one or the other.
>>: I'm not sure I understand what you're comparing against. So what
are the previous techniques? What did they do? You're comparing the
performance, presumably, but they verified that quick sort was
Saurabh Srivastava:
They inferred the invariants for proving --
Saurabh Srivastava: Yes. Yeah. So the times here are for inferring
those invariants. Did I answer the question or ->>:
Saurabh Srivastava:
Okay. So we can infer invariants for verification. The other
interesting thing is that we can also do loop bound computation, which
is of interest to someone, for instance. But this is a heavy-weight
technique, and in a speed product, I think he uses more lightweight
techniques. But we can infer complicated loop bounds if they are
More interesting, probably, is probably inference. And what we can do
is we can infer preconditions. For instance, we can infer
preconditions for functional correctness. So, for instance, consider
a program that implements a binary search. What we can do is we can
run this program through a tool in this precondition mode, and what it
will tell us is that binary search is only correct if you give it
sorted array.
And that can be kind of useful if a program is entering -- is writing
some fragments and then he wants to figure out other fragments that
are going to call into this, so what are the conditions that you hold.
We can also infer preconditions for bugs or worst case. And what do I
mean by that? So consider selection sort. If you run selection sort
through a tool in -- by saying that, okay, well, what is -- put in an
assertion saying that, okay, here we're swapping. Give me the worst
case number of swaps that it does. And the tool in this precondition
mode gives you opportunity to say that array should be sorted, pretty
much, except that the last element should be smaller than the first
So this is kind of interesting. Precondition would say that, okay, if
you give it this particular input, then it's the worst case number of
sorts that it can possibly do.
We can also input preconditions for some kinds of determination.
Okay. So, again, we have a technique that can input quantified
properties of programs, which can potentially be useful.
Okay. So this is what I've been talking about in this part. We have
this approach for doing fixed-point computation using the SAT and SMT
solver, and the key detail that we need to add are these
abstraction-specific reductions. Unfortunately, we didn't go into the
details of how you actually do that, but, for instance, for linear
arithmetic predicate abstraction, we had to design different
reductions to convert them to boolean formulas. Okay.
I have a question about that.
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: So sounds like you're not going to go into it in more depth. So
one question I have is what are the limitations of that strategy for
trying to invariants? You have the two different kinds of strategies,
and in both cases you're making approximations or you're creating this
template, et cetera. Under what circumstance will that not work?
Have you thought about -Saurabh Srivastava: So there is one thing that is -- one limitation
kind of in addition to previous -- kind of in addition to what
previous techniques had was this notion of template. Right? So if
you do not -- if your invariant does not happen to lie in a template
that says, okay, for all K1, K2, something implies something, right?
If it requires, like, something more complicated than that. Then
you're solver will come back and say that that does not exist in
invariant. So you have to [inaudible] go ahead and maybe like give it
more expressive templates or something like that.
So linear arithmetic does not handle quantification, so they're
template -- our template would be some number of conjunct, some number
of disjuncts, and, again, if it doesn't fall into that template, then
the solver will come back and say no solution. Right?
>>: [inaudible] you were looking for 100 variables and thousands of
disjunctions and you couldn't find them.
>>: Is that the only case?
matter of numbers?
I guess that's the thing.
Is it just a
Saurabh Srivastava: Well, so there's a trade off there, right? So if
you give it a very, very expressive template -- I mean, you can just
give it a huge template, right? Any number of quantifiers, you can
enumerate tons. But then the solver will take its own sweet time to
come back, right, using SAT and SMT solvers at the core. So if the
instance is terribly hard, then the state-of-the-art solvers won't be
able to handle that.
>>: I mean, one thing that could be done would be to look at the
solving time versus the complexity of the template so you could
artificially create bigger templates. It's just kind of how long they
take to fail, essentially.
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: Because it would give a better sense of what the boundaries are
between things that are solvable in a reasonable amount of time and
things that are just way out there.
Saurabh Srivastava: That might be instructive to see, but I don't
think that will be very -- very -- what is the word that I should
refer -- SATs always have this brittleness in terms of -- like it's
not easily quantifiable which instances are hard and which are not.
[inaudible] but it doesn't seem like you can just vary the templates
and get [inaudible] like this is a harder SAT than the previous one.
So, again, like we're -- so that you could say is another limitation.
>>: I'm an experimentalist, and I believe doing an experiment would
probably give you some insight.
Saurabh Srivastava: Yes, certainly, certainly.
give us insight. But ->>:
It will certainly
>>: So I have a question. I mean, the template-based version, is
that really new to you? I mean, I thought that people had been
investigating this idea before using -- maybe not using SAT. So can
you really tell me much more specifically compared to the related work
what so far is a new contribution?
Saurabh Srivastava: These reductions -- so if you assume -- so we
need to assume a template to actually get a finite status.
No, I know that.
Saurabh Srivastava:
So that's essentially where this template comes
No, but the idea of the templates.
Saurabh Srivastava: The idea of the templates, I don't think that's,
like -- that's a [inaudible] idea. I don't think that's the new
contribution here.
Saurabh Srivastava:
The new contribution are the reductions.
Essentially for linear arithmetic, again, we have to -- to be
completely honest, the reduction -- the application of Farkas' lemma
was used earlier by student [inaudible].
Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
Saurabh Srivastava:
That's what I --
So that was --
>>: So you're going to tell us more about the actual -- the detail of
your reduction?
Saurabh Srivastava:
synthesis part now.
Actually, no, I'm going to jump into the
Oh, okay.
Saurabh Srivastava:
But, again, we can talk about that --
>>: No, no, no, no, no.
the talk.
You're not giving the talk.
Let him give
Saurabh Srivastava: But the idea of their user templates
was based off that thing that, okay, you can reduce it to
formula and then I'll apply mathematical solvers to solve
then we took it one step further to get it to SAT, okay?
linear arithmetic was the additional bit.
a linear
it. But
So that for
Saurabh Srivastava: They did not input preconditions, which was an
additional thing that we did. For predicate abstraction, I don't
think there was, like, over predicates getting into a boolean formula,
et cetera. That's new.
Saurabh Srivastava:
That's part of this template of --
Saurabh Srivastava:
I'm going to make sure you got the first [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava: Okay. So now I'll talk about proof-theoretic
since, which is builds off of that program reasoning approach that
we've talked about. And then we'll talk about how we infer a program
and a certificate.
Okay. So through program synthesis, stated broadly, is the idea for
automatically generating programs for given specifications. And our
approach to that is to connect it to program reasoning.
And let me just motivate that. So what we have is that in program
reasoning, what we had was we had unknown invariants and then we had
those transitions for the statements, and that allowed us to go to
other facts.
But if we write it out, some of the transitions look exactly like some
of the facts at the end, right? So in this particular case, there's
no reason why this transition is any special, right? It just looks
exactly like you have -- like the fact that you have at the end.
So why should they be given special status? And essentially what we
decided was that let's try to see if we can just make that a known as
well. So what we have is we have our known invariants, as we did
earlier, and now we have these transitions which are known as well.
They probably should have a particular form, as we will see, but once
we make this unknown, our approach would be, well, let's see if we can
create synthesis generalized verification and hopefully infer the
transitions and the transitions as well -- and the invariants as well.
So this is the certificate of correctness that we need.
So we have our example that we were talking about earlier. It has an
input and output preconditions. We want to generate a program now
with only linear operations. And our approach builds on the previous
work. So we want to encode synthesis generalized verification and we
want to use existing verifiers. But right at the onset we have a
problem, because in verification what we had was we had a program, and
we were generating a proof for it.
Now we don't have a program, so what are we going to do with it? What
is the input of the synthesizer? And we need to talk about that.
And the input to us is this thing is that we call a scaffold. And
what does the scaffold contain? The scaffold contains three parts.
The first is the function of specification. You need to know what
you're computing, right? So you need -- this is kind of reasonable.
You need to know what the pre and post conditions are. So the
function of specification is what we need first.
The second bit is the resource constraint. So this is a little more
non-trivial, if we may, because this allows the programmer to
constrain the space of programs that he's looking at or that he wants
and additionally allows us to build a synthesizer, essentially.
So the resource constraint consists of two parts. The first is a
looping structure. That is, does the program contain a nested loop,
does it contain two loops in a sequence, and so on. This in some
sense very vaguely says what the time taken by the program is. It's
not the asymptotic complexity, but in some sense it's like, you know,
some indicator of the time taken.
The other is the stacked template, which says how many variables are
there that the program can manipulate, it can manipulate one variable,
thousands of them, or something. So how many local variables are
there for the procedure. So these are the two bits of the resource
The other thing that we need is a specification of the domain. So
over those variables inside that control flow structure, what
operations can you have. Can you have quadratic expressions, can you
have linear expressions or something like that. So we need a
specification of the domain.
So once we have those, we will actually be able to -- once we have
these three, which are part of a scaffold, we will actually be able to
set up a system so that we can look at it as verification. And our
approach to that uses what we call synthesis conditions, and those
I'll describe next.
So what you have is you have a scaffold which has three parts: The
function specification, the resource constraints, and the domains.
And from that what we can do is we can write out some basic formulas.
You have the controls and structure, so you can write down some
verification conditions.
But the problem there will be that everything now is unknown. The
only thing known are the pre and post conditions, right? But at least
when we write them out in this form, we have some tools that can
digest implications of this form which is our standard verifiers that
we have constructed. They're not used to everything unknown. They're
used to having the loop guards known, they're used to having the
transitions known and so on. But at least they can digest them,
right? So we can be optimistic, send them out to a verifier, these
are safety constraints that we have with a whole bunch of extra
unknowns, and send it over to the verifier and see what it gives us.
And as you might expect, because the system is so horribly
under-constrained, the synthesizer will probably just come back and
give you a trivial solution. So in this case it says if I assign
everything defaults, it just works, right? All the implications are
discharged because they have a false on the left-hand side, and that
is fine.
But that does not correspond to a real program. Defaults do not
correspond to a real program. So what went wrong up there?
What went wrong is that we did not impose the semantics of the
unknowns that we were inserting. We did not say that the statements
were of a particular form, the guards were of a particular form. So
we need some well-formedness constraints. And we have found that we
can impose them in the same manner as safety constraints, so we get
these two. You get save the and well-formedness, and now you can ask
the solver for solutions again.
But there will still be a problem here. So let play a game. So let's
say that you are the person who's generating the save the and
well-formedness constraints from the scaffold and I'm the synthesizer,
the core solver, that is solving these things. And now you've given
me these two, so I have to give you a program that meets the pre and
post condition and has to be a develop-formed program. It has to be a
valid program.
But what I'll do is I'll give you back a program that always goes into
an infinite loop, right? A program that does not terminate meets
every pre and post condition. So it's a real program. It meets the
pre and post condition, but it's not interesting.
So what we need is we need that the output should be reasonable so
that it does some real computation. So once you add those two, the
last one, which is the termination constraints, now what we get are
these three parts to what we call the synthesis conditions, and
solving those actually gives us valid non-trivial programs.
And this is the systematic approach to verification that we were kind
of looking at. So in verification -- did I say verification? The
systematic approach to synthesis that we want, in verification what
you had was you had a program using [inaudible] verification
conditions from it, and we have engineered these verifiers that can
engineer the prover.
Now what we want to do is we want to take the scaffold, generate
synthesis conditions from it, and use the exact same verifier that we
had from the verification domain and apply it to solve these synthesis
conditions to get the program plus the proof. And that is possible
because these are all encodable in the format that is digestible by
these verifiers.
>>: So the scaffold is imposing some -- like a template, like a
constraint on the size of the program you're going to?
Sumit Gulwani: If you don't have the scaffold, then there will be no
way to put invariants anywhere by having, let's say -- saying that,
okay, it has a nested loop. Now you have two points -- you don't know
anything inside those loops, but you have this, like, [inaudible]
structure where you can put the invariants and you can write out the
verification conditions.
>>: So I could also just give you the context [inaudible] of the
programming language and say don't build me a tree with more than N
nodes. You want a little more structure than that.
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah. I mean, that's the system that we've
built. But we can discuss the version that you're talking about.
don't know how [inaudible].
>>: But it's a finitization, right? It creates a -- I mean the
really key property of the scaffold is not just its structure that you
want -- that you say I want this followed by that but also the finite
Saurabh Srivastava: Finite size in the sense that, well, we allow
loops and we allow a loop invariant.
You can express unbounded computations.
Saurabh Srivastava:
You're not going to search over an unbounded space [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: No, no, but the -- I understand that. But that's what the
[inaudible]. I mean, but you could just say, well, because you know
perfectly well because of the proof of the halting problem that we can
encode anything that's constants, right? We can encode [inaudible]
expressions of up to some bound as a constant, so why not search for
those too?
Saurabh Srivastava:
So it gets down to [inaudible].
Yeah, I know, I know.
>>: In both this case and with the scaffold here and the template in
the verification case -- let's just take the template case. When you
specify a template with a given number of disjuncts, is there any
advantage to be gained in imposing a higher level of search where I'm
going to try all the templates up to the permitted complexity in some
increasing complexity order?
Saurabh Srivastava: That's certainly doable. The instance is
constructed out of those, but using [inaudible] higher things, right?
Yeah, that's essentially what our -- like, that was the interface to
me as the user of this tool, like I try this template, it doesn't
work, I try something more expressive. Like you don't want to go to
something that's, like, you know, 10,000 disjuncts because the
[inaudible] would be insanely difficult to solve. Right?
>>: What I'm asking is for -- if it turned out it was eight
disjuncts, would there be any advantage -- I'm sorry, let's say it was
five, and you gave it search up to ten. Would there be any practical
advantage to having it do try 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in terms of more
efficiently finding it at five versus just try the 10 first?
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah. Essentially I think the ideal scenario
would be do a binary research, like go to some high-level thing.
Because it's not -- the SAT's not always entirely deterministic, and,
like, 10 would be more difficult than 5. Not necessarily. So you
could probably just assume that all of them will take some amount of
time and you can try 10, 1, and then by new search to find the right
amount. But 10 would give you the solution, right?
Yeah, [inaudible] increasing is just one approach. You can just give
it some higher bound as well. I don't see anybody [inaudible] to
>>: The idea that the cost is not monotonic in the size of the
expression of the template, or in this case the scaffold, is a little
disturbing, because it means that -- I mean, if it was, then the
strategy that Dave outlined would be very logical, right? You'd start
at the smallest and you'd work your way up because it would take
less -- each would take successively more time, right? So you'd do
the fast one first.
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: Since it's not, I guess the question becomes how do you know as a
person writing one of these things that you're not going to pick some
template that's going to be very expensive and sort of fall into a
hole, essentially? Even if it's very simple, you're saying -Saurabh Srivastava: This is probably just a usage concern, right?
Like so eventually you could have different versions of this, trying
out different things, right? The problem is that when the template is
not expressive enough, it has to say [inaudible], which takes a lot of
time, so that could be problematic.
If you go to something that is really high up, like, you know, 10,000
disjuncts, the SAT instance could be incredibly complicated. That's
problematic. So you want to be somewhere in the middle. You want to
try some thing. You can do it, like, sequentially as I did with my
human experiments. Like I [inaudible] tried more, but you can go the
other way around or you can do it in parallel if you had a system like
10,000 threads just running the different kind of template structures.
That is a space that I have not explored at all. Like the coding
[inaudible], well, we found that we could verify these programs and
all of that, but actually using it over real life [inaudible], that I
haven't really done. And probably part of the motivation why I want
to come here.
Saurabh Srivastava: Okay. Going back to synthesis, this actually
works, so you can give it a scaffold for, for instance, a line-drawing
program and generate those conditions from it, send it out to the
satisfiability-based verifier that we built in the first part, and
then out comes a program and, in addition, comes invariants. So if
you wanted to formally check whether that program is actually correct,
you have the invariant there as well.
Okay. So we tried it over some linear arithmetic programs. For
instance, we can automatically synthesize Strassen's matrix
multiplication, which is kind of interesting. Everybody has seen
Strassen's matrix multiplication in the undergrad, and everybody knows
it can be done. The key idea was instead of using eight
multiplications, you use seven multiplications, and therefore the
asymptotic complexity comes down from n cubed to n2.78, but nobody
remembers -- well, unless you have a photographic memory, nobody
remembers what the actual computation was, right?
Now you don't need to because you can just give it a scaffold, you
need the output that we have proved up, you have some looping
structure which is some indication that it's acyclic, and then you
give it seven variables to work with, not out, and then out comes
Strassen's matrix multiplication. Well, one of the solutions is that.
It generates others which are equivalent and different.
We can also generate a program which it's the user verifiers that that
has a loop, and, for instance, to compute the integral square root of
the given number, and you can give it a stacked template and it will
automatically generate, for instance, the binary search, or if you
give it a less expressive, it can generate linear search.
We can do the line drawing example. We can automatically generate the
Bresenham's line drawing as opposed to just checking that invariant as
opposed to just generating the invariants for its correctness.
More interesting -- well, quote, unquote, more interesting would be
looking at sorting examples. So we have a bunch of sorting examples,
but it's interesting for synthesis because there's one specification.
You have [inaudible] and you want a sorted area of the output. So
where do all the different versions come from? Well, they come from
the resource constraint. So if you give it a nested loop and zero
variables, out comes bubble sort and insertion sort. If you give it a
necessary loop and one variable, selection sort. Of course, a
template with zero variables, merge sort. Of course, a template with
one variable, quick sort.
And now we can generate the invariant for it and additionally generate
the statements that all of them match up to the pre and post
condition. Okay.
Saurabh Srivastava: Nested loop with two variables -- well, all of
those would be in the template, and as I was pointing out, the first
one is two solutions and iterate over those two solutions. So if you
have two variables, you'll just iterate and you can generate all of
Saurabh Srivastava:
Saurabh Srivastava:
things so -- yeah.
Well, I wasn't really trying to get different
>>: On the previous one, with Strassen's algorithms, I remember it
was recursive.
Saurabh Srivastava: Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, sure. No, we don't
synthesize the top level structure, the recursive divide and conquer
structure. We're just synthesizing the core SAT fragment which just
does the computation using seven multiplications as opposed to eight.
You have to wrap this around with a recursive divide and conquer
algorithm which divides the matrix into four and then you do the
But given that you relied on beginning pre and post conditions --
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah, so these could be [inaudible] matrices,
right? I'm just saying that this multiplied them in some order and
add them in some order. So these are not elements, essentially. So
the recursive step just takes these as some -- from end by end and
goes to -- by two by end [inaudible] and so on. So I'm just
[inaudible] the core inside there.
>>: So what makes you think about this is that you are abstracting,
but in the real algorithm would be [inaudible] and you're abstracting
it with just a product of scalars.
>>: Yeah. It still cares about whether or not there are other
undiscovered [inaudible]. Seems like that you're that close -Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah, yeah. Well, okay, one thing that is kind
of hidden in here is that this is over predicate abstraction. So
that's what I meant by I didn't try other random, like -- so I didn't
try the space of all possible predicates and so on. Like linear
arithmetic generates any linear relation, so once we put
quantification over linear arithmetic, then I would be in a much
better position to say that, yeah, these algorithms are completely
But the one thing is that it does generate -- well, insertions
[inaudible] generated not the standard insertion sort. The standard
insertion sort uses one extra variable. The version that is generated
here conceptually does the same thing. It is not exactly the version
that you know. So there will be tons of solutions that are generated
which do the same kind of operations as the standard ones, but, yeah,
there might be something in the space. I'm not willing to commit to
that there is nothing else right now.
>>: I don't understand why you cannot generate an algorithm with,
say, 00 or 11 or 22 because -Saurabh Srivastava:
Like an input/output table?
No, no.
Just because you don't need [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava: Oh, the accommodation.
Yeah. Okay. That's a --
Sure, sure, sure.
>>: Because once you can generate a simple algorithm with just, say,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -Saurabh Srivastava:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And it's very fast.
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, this specification, as
you're pointing out, is missing the fact that the output -- the output
should be [inaudible] of the input, and that could be added, right?
And then the invariants would get correspondingly more complicated and
for the most part our technique would not be able to handle that.
The way I got around to doing that -- got around that problem was by
imposing restrictions on the operations that I was talking about, like
the operation that can be used. So I said that you can only swap. I
did not have [inaudible] copies in the area. So if you can only swap,
you don't lose -- so if you can only swap, then it can't generate the
program that you're talking about. It can't copy elements into the
area, right? So if you have A0 something, it can't copy it into
A0A0A0. If it can only swap, then the input/output computation thing
is taken care of, and then imposing this gives you -- so you're right.
If you did not have those operation things, if you did not impose that
resource constraint before the operation, then you would have to
impose additional things about the permutation and then the invariants
would be correspondingly complicated and so on and so forth.
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: It's also possible that [inaudible] constraints like that for
programs [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava:
the ->>:
So that constraint does not talk about, like,
No, I'm saying that [inaudible].
Saurabh Srivastava: Oh, sure, sure, sure. You're saying that as
opposed to having unbounded quantification, you have, like, bounded,
and then it actually will find kind of like the right program for the
most part. Yes. And I'm sure you guys are pursuing that approach in
the big practice. No? Okay.
Okay. Going ahead, so here are the times taken for synthesis. The
y axis is the time in seconds on the log scale, and we have two sets
of benchmarks. Reason why they're similar to the verification is
because we had a verifier for this and we had a verifier for that when
we were building a synthesizer out of it. So correspondingly, it
would be interesting to see how it compares against verification,
So if we overlay the chart of verification on top of this, you see
that for the most part in order of magnitude or two orders of
magnitude for the case of this and that, you can synthesize the
program in addition to verifying it, right? So you generate
invariants plus the program, which is interesting because now we can
focal our energies on developing better verifiers and correspondingly,
we might have better synthesizers for that domain.
Okay. So we were talking about this approach for proof-theoretic
synthesis which essentially is leveraging the idea that synthesis is
just verification with additional unknowns. And what we realized is
that safety by itself is not sufficient. You need to talk about
well-formedness and termination to actually get good programs out.
>>: Can you give me a couple examples of well-formedness?
you're swapping, is that part of the well-formedness?
Like when
Saurabh Srivastava: No, no, no. That is part of the scaffold. That
is the input. The well-formedness constraints are essentially, for
instance -- in the example we had the solution getting the statement
being fault, right? So if you have statements as traditions from
output variables equal to some function over the input, that can never
be fault, right? A conjunction of those where the left-hand side is
prime and the right-hand side is some expression, you conjunct all of
them together, it can never equal fault, right?
So that was something that we need to preclude. And for that we have
a constraint that says statements can -- the conjunction that you put
in the statements cannot be fault. If you put that constraint in,
then the statements would be of the right order, then you need to put
something about the guards as well, because for it to be a real
program, the guards have to be translatable if the analysis of a
particular font is some constrained error and so on. So those are the
kind of constraints that I'm talking about. They're not very
complicated. They're just like guards and statements.
>>: So without these constraints, for example, could you quit the
synthesizer generating, say, a program that generates values out of
thin air non-deterministically to make things work correctly? Is that
one of the constraints that you need to impose or is that -Saurabh Srivastava: So well-formedness does not talk about that.
Well-formedness -- if you go and impose well-formedness, the solution
that you get from the solver can't even be translated to any program.
Saurabh Srivastava: For the most part. So are you going to look at
that as a program generating values out of thin air or ->>:
So it's the kind of thing that
generate -- magically generate
correctly. So the values have
a cost [inaudible] or it reads
Saurabh Srivastava:
you expect a real program doesn't
the values that will happen to
to come from somewhere. Either
it from somewhere else.
>>: So it just seems that that would be one thing that this
constraint is probably proving out.
Saurabh Srivastava: That might be one way of looking at that. Yeah,
I should talk with you more to figure out what exactly that means.
Saurabh Srivastava: Okay. So now I'm going to talk a little bit
about some ongoing work where we're trying to do synthesis using our
testing-inspired approach. And here we don't care about certificate
that much, so that's the key goal.
And the motivation for this came from program inverse. And what do we
mean by that? Well, program inversion is this problem where what you
want to do is you have a program, let's say a compressor for a certain
input, and then you want to synthesize the inverse for it, let's say
the decompressor. So program inversion was something we need to look
at, and we made two observations there.
The first one was, well, if you look at a compressor -- for instance,
we looked at the core algorithm that goes inside the [inaudible]
format, right? If you look at the compressor for that, that generates
a online dictionary. While it's parsing the input, it computes a
dictionary, and it doesn't output the dictionary, but the compressed
output has enough information so instead the decompressor can generate
the same dictionary.
So if you were to look at these two separately, they have very
complicated input/output specifications, right? But if you put them
together, that was a key idea that if you put them together, that is,
you take original program, that is, the compressor, you concatenate it
with the inverse, the decompressor, then this combined program has a
specification of identity. It might have very complicated things in
the middle, but if you put them together and only work with the
concatenation, then you are essentially get a specification of
identity. So that was one key idea.
The other was looking at the structure of the inverse. So it turns
out that for almost everything that we tried, typically the inverse,
well, somewhat looks like what the original program is, and so much so
that Dykstra [phonetic] proposed that we can just read the program
backwards and get the inverse. It doesn't really work all the time,
it works for two examples that he talked about, but essentially that
can be a good starting point, right?
So what we do is we automatically mine the template using this
observation. So what we're going to do here is we're going to take a
given program, we're going to mine the template, concatenate these
two, and that should be the identity. Right? This should be the
identity program.
The other thing that we wondered was, well, we're not talking -- the
specifications are not very simple. So we shouldn't really talk of
the invariants as well. Like if [inaudible] we just apply
proof-theoretic [inaudible] which is possible to do somewhat, at least
the core effect. That would involve invariants. So if the
specification is complicated, the invariants are going to be very
complicated too. So we don't want to talk about the invariants, so
can we get a technique that does not use invariants and essentially
has approximate guarantees.
And for this we have this approach to -- the approach using the
testing-type thing. And this is what we call Path-based Inductive
Synthesis. The first two will be inspired and sort of related to what
we've been talking about. We're using a satisfiability-based
approach. And the last part will be this interesting thing that we'll
have to add because of this bit about testing.
So let's talk about the first two. So what we have, we have a
template program, and for inversion, this will be partially known and
partially unknown. So you have the known fragment and then you have
the mined unknown fragment, and let me say that this template is both
of those together. Okay? And we want that this program should have
the specification identity, right?
So what we do now is that instead of generating formal verification
conditions, we use symbolic execution. We say that we'll run through
some path in the program. So, for instance, in this case the path
that goes to the bending of the loop and then just exits.
And because this template program has this specification identity for
everything, then it should be identity that part too. Right? So we
generate through one part, we can go through another part, one that
goes inside the loop once and then comes out or we can go around
twice, doing the first iteration going on the right-hand side and then
second on the left-hand side. And we know that for all of these
traces, it should meet identity, right?
So we can -- instead of the verification conditions, we can use these
as kind of proxies, do the same reductions that we were doing earlier,
generate a SAT instance from it, dump it out to a SAT solver and get a
solution for it.
So what is happening out here? What is happening is that we're
generating these traces, and when you generate more and more traces,
you're kind of constraining the space of programs that can possibly be
there. Right? So it's some kind of pigeonholing principle going on,
and if you generate enough traces, if you explore enough traces then
essentially the remaining programs will be the ones that are correct.
And here -- okay, that is
because we're using these
that could potentially be
out. How do we deal with
the core approach, but the problem is that
paths, there's an infinite number of paths
there, right? So that we need to figure
-- how do we explore the good parts, if you
And for that we have this third bit about directed path exploration.
I'll talk about the high-level way of doing that, what it means.
So what you have is you've generated some traces, okay? So you have a
template program. You've generated some, like, one or two traces, you
get a SAT instance out of it, and then you send it over so the SAT
solver and that solves for some things that go inside those templates.
But it might not be just one solution. It might be a ton of
solutions. These are candidates that work for these traces. If you
were to plug these solutions inside, then they work for these
templates, these traces.
And essentially if you look at just these two, then nothing has been
explored on this side, right? So the solution can assign anything to
the left-hand side, it can assign any equality predicate. It can
assign x is equal to x plus one for all you care, even if it doesn't
work, right? Because that will work for those two traces.
Did you mention -- is this the [inaudible]?
Saurabh Srivastava:
That's not my table.
>>: It sounds very -- I'm sorry, because it's ringing all sorts of
bells. It sounds very similar to what [inaudible] is doing on these
examples using -- generalizing from examples on that table.
Saurabh Srivastava: So I have not read that paper in its entirety so
I'm not the best person to comment on that. But this is over paths.
>>: Okay. You get a path from giving an input and running your
program. So the path is just a scenario you get from an example.
Saurabh Srivastava: Sure. But like the input -- in our case the
input is not constrained. It's whatever inputs take that particular
path, right? So if you just give it one input, then that will take
the path, but another input could take the exact same path. We're
generating constraints for all those possible things that go with
that. So in some sense it's a broader generalization.
And it is related. I'll talk about the spectrum of things. But
Sumit's technique is on one extreme of it, and this is a
generalization. Every input that goes through that path has to have
>>: Okay.
of stop.
But you still have some issue of how you're going to sort
Saurabh Srivastava:
That's coming up in a second.
Saurabh Srivastava: So we have these different candidates which work
for the traces that we have. And essentially what we really want to
do is we want to prune the candidate set. We're not concerned about
generating like 10,000 traces, as many as possible, we're just
interested in prune this candidate set to this one candidate which
actually works. Right?
So what we do is we take one of those candidate solutions and we
instantiate this template with that candidate solution. Okay? So
that candidate solution might say that, okay, on this part you should
have x is equal to x plus 1 or whatever. Now you instantiate this
template by putting that x is equal to x plus 1 there and you have a
real program.
And now what we do is we do some kind of parallel symbolic execution
over this and this, essentially just do symbolic execution over this
real program, but generate a trace over the unknown. Okay?
So we do this thing where we make our decisions on which side to
branch on this instantiated program, but generate the trace over the
unknown, and now what we get is a new trace which is relevant to this
instantiation. We get a trace that is relevant to program 2 and if
the program 2, the solution, is not a correct inverse, then that trace
will add constraints to the system which will eliminate that candidate
from the system. And we keep doing this. We take each solution that
we have in the space remaining, instantiate the template with that,
and then keep iterating until we get only one candidate.
At that point in time we can terminate, but we can keep going and
essentially that will boil down to sort of like a testing-based
verifier where you keep generating new and new parts which refute or
just -- or just reinforce the program that you have left.
Okay. So we have applied this to program inversion. We've been able
to synthesize inverses for a bunch of compression benchmarks. So, for
instance, random encoding is the trivial simple example where what it
does is instead of -- if you have an input that says 200 zeros,
instead of writing 0, 0, 0, 200 times, it writes 200, comma, zero, and
the inverse for that would be fairly straightforward, but it involves
a different -- a little bit of a different structure, and therefore it
was interesting to use as a starting point.
LZ77 and LZW are the core algorithms that go inside the [inaudible]
format, and we were able to synthesize decompressors for those. We
were able to synthesize inverses for formatting benchmarks and also
for some linear arithmetic -- these are kind of image manipulation
benchmarks which rotate, scale, or shift image, and that is a matrix
computation and therefore is a linear arithmetic template, and we can
synthesize the inverse for that.
>>: Does the performance of the synthesizing versus -- is it
comparable to the original, or is it different?
Saurabh Srivastava: So I put a core off the algorithm that goes
inside. So the performance -- yeah, those are -- like the actual
algorithm is 10, 20 lines. The thing that actually goes inside, if
you look at the library or something, that's probably 100 to 200
lines. I mean, that has been optimized way beyond what we
synthesized. So, yeah, we're not doing any [inaudible] rolling, we're
not doing any, like -- yeah, we're not doing anything for performance
right now.
Saurabh Srivastava:
Saurabh Srivastava: I manually check that it's the correct one.
did not actually run it.
Saurabh Srivastava:
Oh, you mean run it to check performance?
Saurabh Srivastava:
Oh, no, I didn't do that.
Saurabh Srivastava:
Okay. So the other thing that we tried was -- so program inversion
was this thing where I was talking about taking a known program,
having a template, and sequentially concatenating it.
What we also wondered was can we do that for parallel composition. So
client server synthesis. Can we -- it has somewhat of the same
flavor. You have a client, you have a server, they run in parallel,
they do communication in between. If you look at them separately,
they have this complicated specification because of this communication
that happens at the end of this, but if you combine them, then the
messages communicated are all internal, and you can use a
testing-based approach to say that, okay, the combined specification
is very simple. That is, like, you know, some value from the client
goes to the server or some area which represents the disc contents
goes from the server to the client or someplace [inaudible]. And we
run it over the components of the FTP client and we've been able to
synthesize the client from the server.
So this is approach, a testing-inspired approach, to synthesis which
uses symbolic testing as a proxy for formal constraints, and the
detail here is this path exploration that you need to make sure that
the path that you explore are the relevant ones to pruning the space.
So in the remaining time I just want to go over some future directions
for the short-term future that I want that -- that I'm interested in.
So one thing that I've been thinking about is using synthesis as sort
of, quote, unquote, auditing compilation where you have a program and
it communicates with the environment, and there is a specification for
what the interface should look like. And what we might be able to do
is say that, you know what, if a communication does not meet the
interface specification, can we synthesize a wrapper that allows us to
take that program, and if you wrap it inside this thing, then it will
meet the specification.
And what I'm thinking about here is probably in the context of
security. For instance, information flow. So if it, let's say, leaks
some information, the interface verification could say that the
variable's high level should never go to the output.
So can we synthesize a wrapper that sanitizes the output or
obfuscation or tamper protection. Can we synthesize a wrapper that
obfuscates the execution such that the environment cannot infers some
properties about it. So that is some potential that I might be
interested in exploring.
For instance, for the case of information flow, Merlin, which is Ben,
Aditya, Sriram and Anindya, that tells us paths in the execution that
do not have a sanitizer on it. So instead of just out putting that,
oh, this program is unsafe now because that part does not have a
sanitizer, can we synthesize a sanitizer that we can insert now. So
that's one thing.
The other interesting bit might be can we use a synthesis to take a
program that is kind of generic and then add some architectural
constraints or limitations and parameterize the synthesizer using it
to get an object-specific program.
And what am I thinking about here? Well, for instance, these
constraints could be over memory. For instance, you have embedded
systems which are memory constraints. Can we synthesize -- just from
the C program, can we synthesize a program that runs on the
memory-constrained system or some process configurations. Well, for
the cell processor, can we take a C program and generate a program
that has two components, one for the PP and one for the SP, can we add
some constraints about that to network communication.
The client server synthesis is some preliminary stuff that we've done
in that context. Can we do it better or synthesize from a sequential
program or distribute a version for it with the same semantics.
We can keep -- first three, well, they look like they might be doable.
We can keep going. Can we add constraints about operations.
Map-reduce computation has this domain where everything has to be key
value pairs. Well, can we impose that. Can an algorithm be taken
from a sequential C program, can we take it to a map-reduce program.
Energy efficiency. Now it's getting really vague. So energy
efficiency, can we add constraints for that. Or performance.
Actually, I'm trying to do that as part of a course project. Let's
see where that goes or -- well, keep adding.
So essentially the big question here is can we have formal constraints
that encode those things. Well, memory, we kind of did that for the
stack. Operations, they're kind of like -- they're not exactly
process configurations, but they're telling you something about the
computation that's happening. It might not be possible to do that for
everything, right? And taking [inaudible] work, we can do -- if we
can do formal constraint encoding, we can possibly do post-generation
filtering. So we compute some candidate programs, and then based on
whatever criteria we have, we might want to filter them out.
Okay. So that is one thing. The others, domains -- I'm most
interested in applying this to other domains, and that is -- well,
yeah. So, for instance, functional programming. So [inaudible] Appel
says that SSA style is functional programming. So does that mean that
synthesis over SSA style implies that we have synthesis for functional
programs? Well, I don't know.
The heap is certainly something that I have not addressed even for
reasoning or for synthesis, so I want to talk about the heap. Because
I use SMT solvers, well, it might be reasonable to talk of the
approaches that have come out of MSR to reason about the heap.
For concurrency, again, a non-explored domain. And I'm talk to Viktor
about using a satisfiability-based approach to infer the assumes and
guarantees that he has in his deny guarantee work.
Certainly interesting is probably modular synthesis. And here what we
want to do is we want to talk a top-level specification that we have,
we want to synthesize some functions based on some interface that is
provided by a lower level and then keep doing this until we get to the
bottom. Now, that in general will be difficult because you do not
know what the interface will be.
So can we talk about co-synthesis of hardware and software? Because
there the interface is very well specified. The hardware has a
particular interface that it can give you. Can we synthesize on top
of that?
And also can we mix this verified and testing-based approach? So let
me just draw a diagram for what the spectrum looks like. On the one
hand, you have an inductive synthesis which kind of generalizes from
instances as you were pointing out. And on the other you have
deductive synthesis which refines from specifications. And deductive
synthesis is essentially -- all of that stems from Manna and
Waldinger's work from the '70s and '80s, and essentially that is
pretty much manual. Proof-theoretic synthesis probably lies there.
It is an automated version of that.
On the other end of the spectrum you certainly have a sketching,
[inaudible] work, and so much work I think falls there. Path-based
inductive synthesis, somewhere in the middle. And what I'm wondering
is that can we explore this space, you know, combine this and this or
that and that, you know.
Okay. So just to conclude, I think satisfiability-based -- a
satisfiability-based approach is very -- has a lot of potential for
expressive program verification instances, for building expressive
tools for program verification instances. And all of what I talked
about here is available on my web page, and -- yeah, with that, I'd
like to conclude. Thank you.
Saurabh Srivastava:
>>: So you didn't mention in the future work sort of any focus on
trying to understand the scale of the existing stuff you've done. In
other words, sort of if you took what you're doing now, say inverse,
and, you know, you wanted to make it useful, so what would it take,
are you interested in doing that?
Saurabh Srivastava: Yeah, yeah, certainly. I did not have a lot of
concrete stuff to say that, so that's why I removed it. It was in my
early version of SAT. So one thing that I sort of glossed over is
that this approach for reasoning that we have is massively
parallelizable. So one approach for scalability could be can we just
do the reductions that I'm talking about, each one of those
verification conditions reducing to a boolean, parallel boolean
formula, can we do that in parallel. So that could be one approach to
addressing scalability. But certainly that's very much on my list.
I'm interested in doing that. We will have to explore ideas about how
this needs to go forward.
Sumit Gulwani:
Any other questions?
Let's thank our speaker.