Austin Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program Systematic Plan of Evaluation (SPE) Standards & Criteria (revised: 3/29/2016) To be complete SPE for 2015-2016 school year, to be reported on in May 2016 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity The mission of the nursing education unit reflects the governing organization’s core values and is congruent with its mission/goals. The governing organization and program have administrative capacity resulting in effective delivery of the nursing program and achievement of identified program outcomes. Criterion 1.1: The mission/philosophy and outcomes of the nursing education unit are congruent with the core values and mission/goals of the governing organization. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The mission/philosophy and outcomes of the nursing education unit are congruent with the core values and mission/goals of the governing organization Component Documentation Responsibility Mission ADN Home Page Curriculum Committee Philosophy ADN Faculty Handbook Outcomes ( nsgfac/resources.php) ADN Student Handbook ( nsg/handbooks.php) Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of ADN Faculty Handbook Review of ADN Student Handbook Review of ACC Catalog & Website ACC Catalog & Web Site Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Mission & Philosophy and Outcomes 1 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.2: The governing organization and nursing education unit ensure representation of the nurse administrator and nursing faculty in governance activities; opportunities exist for student representation of governance activities. Definitions: College definition of governance: A system of decision-making processes in which trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, and students advance the mission, goals, and values of the college through appropriate collaboration. Nursing program definition of governance: The process of guiding the actions of the faculty, staff, and students associated with the nursing program in order to meet the outcomes of the program and its members while ensuring quality and consistency. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Nurse Administrator: The nurse administrator participates in governance activities. Faculty: 25% of full-time nursing faculty participate on college-wide committees 100% of full-time nursing faculty participate on ADN committees Students: 100% of the ADN standing committees (Educational Resources, Curriculum Committee, Admissions Committee) have student representation in accordance with the ADN Faculty By-Laws 75% of currently enrolled students will complete course evaluations Component Nurse Administrator Documentation ADN Committee Minutes Responsibility Accreditation Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Department Chair Faculty ADN Committee Minutes Faculty Data Forms ADN Faculty Survey Accreditation Committee Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of ADN Committee Minutes From the ADN Faculty Survey, tabulate percentage of faculty serving on: college-wide committees or task force ADN committees 2 Students ADN Committees Minutes Accreditation Committee Course & Program Evaluations Annually (May) Assessment of faculty committee minutes indicating student representation on ADN committees Response rate on course & program evaluations Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Nurse Administrator Faculty Students 3 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.3: Communities of interest have input into program processes and decision making. Definitions: Communities of interest- Persons, groups, agencies, and organizations that influence the mission, services, and graduates of the nursing education unit. (examples include: employers, students) Healthcare Workforce Alliance of Central Texas- is an industry-led and community sponsored group that exists to collectively address the workforce needs of the healthcare industry in the Greater Austin community. ADN Advisory Committee - The Associate Degree Nursing Department Advisory Committee is composed of recognized leaders in the field in Austin Community College’s service area. Members convene regularly to offer their combined expertise to influence the curriculum structure and instructional methods of the Nursing program. Associate Degree Nursing Student Association - to serve as the pre-professional organization for future nurses Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The ADN program will have advisory committee meetings bi-annually with representation of persons and groups from community agencies, organizations, and educational institutions The ADN program will provide bi-annual information sessions, open to the community allowing for input from prospective students and the public The Program will have representatives attend HWACT quarterly meetings and ad hoc clinical scheduling meetings Component Documentation Responsibility Frequency Cycle Assessment Method 4 Communities of Interest HWACT committee meeting Minutes Advisory committee meeting minutes Correspondence from THECB & BON (electronic & written notifications) Admissions Annually (May) Review of advisory committee & HWACT meeting minutes Review of advisory committee minutes Review of correspondence from the THECB and BON. Review of ADNSA minutes ADNSA meeting minutes dnsa.php Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 5 Communities of Interest – Health Workforce Alliance of Central Texas (HWACT) workforceallianceofce Texas Board of Nursing (TBON) Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes ADNSA Prospective Nursing Students 6 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.4: Partnerships exist that promote excellence in nursing education, enhance the profession, and benefit the community. Definition: Partnership- An agreement (formal relationship) between a nursing education unit/governing organization and an outside agent/agency to accomplish specific objectives and goals over a period of time. This does not include clinical agreements for student learning experiences required by the nursing program. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of the community partnerships are current, active and benefit the community Component Partnerships Documentation Partnership Agreements Faculty Survey Responsibility Accreditation Committee Spring & Fall (May & December) Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Review Bi-annual Faculty Survey for Events attended Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Partnerships Partnerships that are current, active and benefit the community: 7 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.5: The nursing education unit is administered by a nurse who holds a graduate degree with a major in nursing. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% compliance with qualifications & responsibilities designated by the college position description and the BON rules & regulations: - Master’s degree in Nursing - Current licensure as a registered nurse in the state of Texas Component Qualifications Documentation Responsibility Personnel File Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Faculty Data Form ADN Faculty Data Form Review of Personnel File Department Chair CV Review license verification on BON website. License verification from BON website ( rninq.html) Report of Data Component Results Actions Development, Maintenance, Revision Qualifications 8 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.6: The nurse administrator is experientially qualified, meets governing organization and state requirements, and is oriented and mentored to the role. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% compliance with qualifications & responsibilities designated by the college position description and the BON rules & regulations: - Master’s degree in Nursing - Current licensure as a registered nurse in the state of Texas The nurse administrator is oriented and mentored to this role Component Qualifications Documentation Responsibility BON & ACC qualifications Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of BON & ACC qualifications ADN Faculty Data Form Review of Faculty Data Form Personnel File Review of Personnel File License Verification from BON website Review license verification on BON website. ( rninq.html Oriented and Mentored College wide Deans & Department Chair meetings Department Chair Accreditation Committee Annually (May) Review of ADN Nurse Administrator Survey Health Science Department Chair Actions Report of Data Component Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Qualifications Oriented and Mentored 9 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.7: When present, nursing program coordinators and/or faculty who assist with program administration are academically and experientially qualified. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Nursing program coordinators and/or faculty who assist with program administration are academically and experientially qualified Component Coordinators & Qualifications Documentation Responsibility Personnel File Assistant Department Chair Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Personnel File ADN Faculty Data Form Review of ADN Faculty Data Form Program Coordinator CV Review of Program Coordinator CV License verification from BON website Review of License verification from BON website ( /rninq.html) ( html Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Coordinators & Qualifications 10 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.8: The nurse administrator has authority and responsibility for the development and administration of the program and has adequate time and resources to fulfill the role responsibilities. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% compliance with qualifications & responsibilities designated by the college position description and the BON rules & regulations: - Responsible and accountable for program administration - LEH & Workload The nurse administrator will agree that they have adequate time and resources to fulfill role responsibilities Component Documentation Responsibility Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Authority & Responsibility Job description Department Chair Annually (May) Review and Evaluation of Department Chair Job Description duties and responsibilities. Time & Resources Human Resources time release, LEH, & workload release for Department Chair Department Chair Annually (May) Review and Evaluation of Human Resources time release, LEH, & workload release for Department Chair Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Authority & Responsibility Time & Resources 11 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.9: The nurse administrator has the authority to prepare and administer the program budget with faculty input. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The department chair has the authority to prepare and administer the budget The department chair participates in the annual master plan budget process The faculty will have input into the program budget Component Program Budget Documentation Responsibility Department Chair job description Assistant Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) General Budget Ledgers ADN Faculty Meeting minutes Accreditation Committee Report of Data Component Review of Department Chair job description Review of Master plan budget initiatives. Program Budget Faculty Input Assessment Method Annually (May) Review of ADN Faculty Meeting minutes Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Program Budget and Faculty Input 12 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Criterion 1.10: Policies for nursing faculty and staff are comprehensive, provide for the welfare of faculty and staff, and are consistent with those of the governing organization; differences are justified by the goals and outcomes of the nursing education unit. Definition: Welfare of Faculty and Staff – policies affecting faculty and staff promulgated by the governing organization and nursing education unit including, but not limited to: non-discrimination, appointment, rank, grievance, promotion, rights and responsibilities, salaries/benefits, and workload. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of specified nursing policies will be comprehensive and consistent with those of the governing organization: - Non-discrimination - Faculty appointment - Academic rank - Grievance procedures - Promotion - Salary & benefits (full-time faculty) - Rights & responsibilities - Termination - Workload Component Non-Discrimination Faculty Appointment Academic Rank Documentation Equal Employment/Affirmative Action: k/college.php#eeo Disabilities Act: deline.htm Faculty Appointments: Faculty Titles and Placement: Responsibility Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Employee Handbook: eehandbook/ Review of Administrative Rules: Board of Trustees: Policies cies/f4.php Review of ACC Faculty Handbook: gfac/documents/adn_faculty_hand 13 book.pdf Grievance Procedures Employee Complaints: Promotion Faculty Placement & Advancement: Salary and Benefits Salary Scales: ryscales.php Leave Benefits: k/leavebenefits.php General Benefits Insurance: k/groupinsurance.php Rights and Responsibilities Ethics/Standards of Conduct: k/compliancepolicies.php#conduct Termination Due Process/Termination: Progressive Discipline/Termination: Workload Faculty Workload: ACC Faculty Handbook found on page 32 of ACC ADN Faculty Dropbox 14 Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Non-Discrimination Faculty Appointment Academic Rank Grievance Procedures . Promotion Salary & Benefits (fulltime faculty) Rights and Responsibilities Termination . Workload 15 Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity Standard 1.11: Distance education, when utilized, is congruent with the mission of the governing organization and the mission/philosophy of the nursing education unit. Definitions: Distance Education – an educational process in which the majority of the instruction occurs when a student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): This standard is not applicable to our program. The ACC ADN program does not offer distance education Component Not applicable Documentation Responsibility Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision 16 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Qualified and credentialed faculty are sufficient in number to ensure the achievement of the student learning outcomes and program outcomes. Sufficient qualified staff are available to support the nursing education unit. Criterion 2.1: Full-time faculty hold a minimum of a graduate degree with a major in nursing. (Full-and part-time faculty include those individuals teaching and/or evaluating students in classroom, clinical, or laboratory settings.) Definitions: Full-time faculty (defined by ACEN) - persons who teach and/or evaluate students and have full-time faculty employment status as defined by the governing organization and the nursing education unit. Full-time faculty (defined by ACC) - full-time refers to anyone paid on the full-time faculty pay scale. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of full –time nursing faculty will have a Master’s degree in nursing, or higher Component Qualifications Documentation Personnel File Responsibility ADNSA Frequency Cycle Bi-annually Assessment Method Transcript Evaluation Application Review Bi-annual faculty survey Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Qualifications 17 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.2: Part-time faculty hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing; a minimum of 50% of the part-time faculty also hold a graduate degree with a major in nursing. Definitions: Part-time faculty (defined by ACEN)- Persons who tech and/or evaluate students whose appointment is less than full-time as defined by the governing organization and the nursing education unit. Adjunct faculty (defined by ACC) - refers to those faculty appointed on a course-by-course basis for a term not to exceed one semester per contract period, except where the adjunct faculty member has a Multiple Semester Term Appointment, which guarantees courses during the academic year term (subject to sufficient enrollments). Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of part-time (adjunct) faculty will have a Masters Degree in Nursing or higher Component Faculty Credentials Documentation Personnel File Responsibility Frequency Cycle Department Chair At time of hire Accreditation Committee Annually (May) Assessment Method Transcript Evaluation Application Review Review of Faculty Data Form Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Faculty Credentials 18 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.3: Faculty (full-and part-time) credentials meet governing organization and state requirements. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of full-time and part-time (adjunct) faculty credentials meet governing organization and state requirements Component Faculty Credentials Documentation Responsibility Frequency Cycle Personnel File Transcript Evaluation Application Review Faculty Data Form Review of Faculty Data Form BON standards Review of SACSCOCs Requirements ACC/SACSCOC standards for credentialing Review of BON standards SACSCOC Requirements Assistant Department Chairs Annually (May) Review of ACC standards for credentialing Report of Data Component Assessment Method Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Faculty Credentials . 19 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.4: Preceptors, when utilized, are academically and experientially qualified, oriented, mentored, and monitored, and have clearly documented roles and responsibilities. (new standard) Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The Associate Degree Nursing program at Austin Community College does not utilize preceptors Component Documentation Responsibility Assessment Method None – Not Applicable Not Applicable Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Results Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision 20 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.5: The number of full-time faculty is sufficient to ensure that the student learning outcomes and program outcomes are achieved. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 75% of the nursing faculty will be full-time 100% compliance with BON guidelines re: faculty to student ratio in the clinical setting --1 faculty : 10 students --1 faculty + 1 teaching assistant: 15 students The number of full-time faculty is sufficient to ensure that the student learning outcomes and program outcomes are achieved Component Staffing & Utilization Documentation Faculty Roster Responsibility Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Annually (May) Calculate % full-time faculty College Standard Review Faculty Roster SACSCOC requirements Review College Standard Review SACSCOC requirements Staffing & Utilization BON requirements Curriculum Committee Review clinical alpha roster with faculty/student ratio for compliance Annually (May) Teaching Assignments Report of Data Component Results Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Staffing & Utilization 21 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.6: Faculty (full- and part-time) maintain expertise in their areas of responsibility and their performance reflects scholarship and evidence-based teaching and clinical practices. Definitions: Scholarship - Activities that facilitate the enhancement of expertise and achievement of goals and outcomes of the nursing education unit. This may include, but are not limited to: application of knowledge, teaching, service, practice, and research. Functions of Scholarship - Scholarship of teaching – the transfer of the science and art of nursing from the expert to the novice, building bridges between the teacher’s own understanding and the student’s learning. - Scholarship of application – the maintenance of clinical competency of faculty and the advancement of clinical knowledge, including self development to improve competency beyond the basic practice of professional nursing. - Scholarship of integration – joining of interdisciplinary ideas, research, or practice between two or more disciplines, one of which is nursing. - Scholarship of discovery (research) – the development of new and unique knowledge through conducting research or scholarly investigation. Evidenced based teaching – teaching based on actions, processes, or methodologies that are grounded in and flow from the translation of substantive and current research. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of the functions of scholarship will be demonstrated by the diversity of the nursing faculty 100% of the faculty incorporate evidenced based teaching into their teaching methodologies 100% of the faculty will comply with professional development requirements set forth by the college Component Scholarship Documentation ACC Faculty Evaluation Summary Form Responsibility Department Chair Frequency Cycle Spring & Fall Assistant Department Chair ADN Faculty Data Form; Faculty Portfolio Evidence-based teaching Theory - Course modules Professional development website Review of Faculty Evaluation Summary Forms, Faculty Data Form, and/or Faculty Portfolio Review of Bi-annual Faculty Survey Accreditation Committee Spring & Fall Review of course modules and clinical focus Review of Bi-annual Faculty Survey Clinical – Clinical focus Professional development Assessment Method Accreditation Committee Spring & Fall Review of professional development website Review of Bi-annual Faculty Survey 22 Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Scholarship Evidence-based teaching Professional development 23 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.7: The number, utilization, and credentials of staff and non-nurse faculty with the nursing education unit are sufficient to achieve the program goals and outcomes. Definitions: Non-Nurse Faculty - Non-nurses who are academically qualified and teach a nursing course such as dietician, pharmacologist, or physiologist. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The Associate Degree Nursing program at Austin Community College does not utilize non-nurse faculty or staff Component Documentation Responsibility Assessment Method None – Not applicable Not applicable Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 24 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.8: Faculty (full- and part-time) are oriented and mentored in their areas of responsibility. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of newly hired ADN full-time will attend the ACC New Faculty Orientation 100% of newly hired ADN adjunct faculty will attend the ACC New Adjunct Faculty Orientation 100% of newly hired ADN faculty (full-time and adjunct) are oriented and mentored 100% of newly hired ADN faculty (full-time and adjunct) are assigned a mentor Component New Faculty Orientation and Mentoring Documentation Responsibility Mentor/Mentee Agreements Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Mentor/Mentee Assignments Mentor/Mentee Checklists Review of Mentor/Mentee Checklists New Faculty Committee Minutes Review of New Faculty Committee Minutes Mentee Checklists Review of New Faculty Marlene Meador, Ann Hearn, Nancy Walters and Gwenn Scott and provided resourceful feedback. Shadow full time faculty for semester prior to having own clinical group. Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision New Faculty Orientation and Mentoring 25 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.9: Systematic assessment of faculty (full- and part-time) performance demonstrates competencies that are consistent with program goals and outcomes. (old standard 2.8) Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of faculty (full-time & part-time) will be evaluated annually 95% of faculty (full-time & part-time) will have a performance rating of Excellent, Very Good, or Good in the evaluative areas of instructional performance (classroom, lab, and clinical) Component Faculty Evaluation Documentation Faculty Evaluation Summary Form, and/or Responsibility Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Faculty Input Form, and/or Assessment Method Review of Faculty Evaluation Summary Form, and/or Review of Faculty Input Form, and/or Faculty Portfolio Review of Faculty Portfolio Performance Rating ACC Faculty Evaluation Summary Department Chair Faculty Rating Reports Annually (May) Review of ACC Faculty Evaluation Summary Review of Faculty Rating Reports Student Evaluations Review of Student Evaluations Report of Data Component Actions Results Faculty Evaluation . Performance Rating . Development, Maintenance, Revision 26 Standard 2: Faculty and Staff Criterion 2.10: Faculty (full- and part-time) engage in ongoing development and receive support for instructional and alternative methods of delivery. Definitions: Alternative Methods of Delivery – The way in which a nursing course, track, or program is shared with students including non-traditional means of studentfaculty interaction, length required for the program of study, and/or varying intervals of class and/or clinical schedules. Examples include but are not limited to: accelerated or condensed formats, ITV, videotape/DVD learning packages, and online delivery. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The faculty receive support in instructional and alternative methods of delivery Component Hybrid Faculty - Faculty Development Documentation Google Sites? All ADN committee minutes Responsibility Educational Resources Committee Bi-annually (May & December) Assessment Method Review of All ADN committee minutes Review of Bi-annual Faculty Survey Faculty Survey Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Hybrid Faculty - Faculty Development 27 Standard 3: Students Student policies and services support the achievement of the student learning outcomes and program outcomes of the nursing education unit. Criterion 3.1: Policies for nursing students are congruent with those of the governing organization, publically accessible, non-discriminatory, and consistently applied; differences are justified by the student learning outcomes and program outcomes. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of nursing student policies will be: - Congruent with those of the college or differences justified - Publicly accessible - Non-discriminatory - Consistently applied Component Student Policies Documentation Responsibility ADN Handbook Admissions Committee rnsg/handbooks.php Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Comparative Analysis/Policy review of ACC’s policies with those of the AND program. Course Syllabi /lighthouse/students/index.php College Catalog ACC Student Handbook Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Student Policies 28 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.2: Public information is accurate, clear, consistent, and accessible, including the program’s accreditation status and the contact information of the accrediting body. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of the information regarding the program and its accreditation status as well as accrediting body contact information is accurate and publicly accessible Component Program Information Documentation Responsibility ADN Website Admissions Committee ( /rnsg/) Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of the ADN Webpage Review of Admissions Committee Minutes – in dropbox Admissions Committee Minutes Review of ACEN website ACEN ditedprograms/programsearch. asp Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Program Information 29 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.3: Changes in policies, procedures, and program information are clearly and consistently communicated to students in a timely manner. (old standard 3.6) Expected Level of Achievement: The nursing program has a process in place to notify students about changes in policies, procedures, and program information Component Policies Documentation ADN Student Handbook Responsibility Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Student and ADN Faculty Handbook Faculty Handbooks Signed amendment forms Review of student files Signed student signature sheets for handbook Procedures ADN Student Handbook Admissions Committee Annually (May) Review of Student and ADN Faculty Handbook Faculty Handbooks Signed amendment forms Review of student files Signed student signature sheets for handbook Program Information ADN Student Handbook Admissions Committee Annually (May) Review of Student and ADN Faculty Handbook Faculty Handbooks Signed amendment forms Review of student files Signed student signature sheets for handbook Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Policies Procedures Program Information 30 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.4: Student services are commensurate with the needs of the nursing students, including those receiving instruction using alternative methods of delivery. Definitions: Alternative Methods of Delivery – The way in which a nursing course, track, or program is shared with students including non-traditional means of studentfaculty interaction, length required for the program of study, and/or varying intervals of class and/or clinical schedules. Examples include but are not limited to: accelerated or condensed formats, ITV, videotape/DVD learning packages, and online delivery. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The student services offered by the college are appropriate, available, and accessible to all students, including: - Health services – provision of information regarding Optional Student Health Insurance - Counseling services - Academic advising - Career assessment and placement - Financial aid staff/services - Individual academic tutoring - Library services Component Support Services Documentation Program Evaluations Responsibility Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Fall Spring and Summer semesters Assessment Method Reviewed Program Evaluations Reviewed Course Evaluations Course Evaluations Reviewed ADN Student Handbooks Student Handbooks Reviewed ACC ADN resource page ADN Student Handbook: rnsg/documents/adn_student_h andbook_spring_2014.pdf ACC Student Handbook: ook sg/ Reviewed ACC website for student services Reviewed ACC student resource links: 31 Reviewed ACC Student Services Organizational Charts by campus: Cypress Creek Student Services organizational chart s/cypdean.pdf Eastview Student Services organizational chart s/evcdean.pdf Round Rock Campus Student Services organizational chart s/rrcdean.pdf Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Health Services Counseling services Academic advising Career assessment & placement Financial aid staff/services Individual academic tutoring Library Services Library Services 32 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.5: Student educational records are in compliance with the policies of the governing organization and state and federal guidelines. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Policies re: maintenance of education records is in compliance with college and program policies Component Education Records Policy Documentation Responsibility ADN Faculty Handbook Admissions Committee ACC Catalog – FERPA Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Policy audit Review of ACC Catalog – FERPA page 4. ACC Records Management m Review of Records Management website Texas Administrative Code Review of BON-TAC Rule 2.15.12 Rule 215.12 $ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rl oc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti =22&pt=11&ch=215&rl=12 Review of Administrative Rules related to records Administrative Rules 3.03.14 - Records Management Program 4.htm Storage audit 3.03.014 – Disposition of College Records 4GuidelineDisposition.htm 3.03.014 – Records Center 4GuidelineRecordsCenter.htm Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 33 Educational Records Policy 34 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.6: Compliance with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act Title IV eligibility and certification requirements is maintained, including default rates and the results of financial or compliance audits. Definitions: Title IV of the Higher Education Reauthorization Act established rules and regulations for Student Financial Assistance Programs that went into effect October 1, 1998 (ACC institution code = 012015). Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Compliance with the Higher Education Reauthorization Active Title IV eligibility and certification requirements is maintained Component Compliance HER Title IV eligibility Documentation Responsibility Financial Aid Office Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Default rate review Student loan default rate Student Handbook Financial/Compliance Audits ook/ Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Student loan default rate 35 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.6.1: A written, comprehensive student loan repayment program addressing student loan information, counseling, monitoring, and cooperation with lenders is available. (old standard 3.4.1) Definition: Student Loan Repayment Program / Mapping Your Future: o -is a neutral, non-proprietary, and non-commercial resource of information and services for students, families, and schools; o -has no requirements for those who use Mapping Your Future to participate in any loan program, or use any guarantor or lender; o -is a charitable, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; o -is a non-commercial website which does not accept any advertising; o -is supported by a wide range of organizations with no marketing advantage to any one specific company or agency to support Mapping Your Future o -contributes to national student loan default prevention efforts by providing information and services to students and their families, including: borrow conservatively, consider all options for funding higher education, and iii. understand rights and responsibilities Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): A written, comprehensive student loan repayment program addressing student loan information, counseling, monitoring, and cooperation with lenders is available Component Student Loan Repayment Program Documentation Responsibility ACC web site Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review web site and college catalog College catalog Financial Aid Office Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 36 Student Loan Repayment Program Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.6.2: Students are informed of their ethical responsibilities regarding financial assistance. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): The college’s student loan repayment program provides information regarding ethical responsibility regarding repayment of loans Component Ethical Responsibilities re: Student loans Documentation Responsibility ACC web site Admissions Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review college’s student loan repayment program on the web site and college catalog Review of Exit Counseling Documents College catalog Financial Aid Office Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Ethical Responsibilities re: Student loans 37 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.6.3: Financial aid records are maintained in compliance with policies of the governing organization, state, and federal guidelines. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Policies re: maintenance of financial records is in compliance with college policies Component Financial Records Policy Documentation Responsibility ADN Faculty Handbook Admissions Committee ACC Records Management s/index.htm Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Policy audit Review of Records Management website Review of BON-TAC Rule 2.15.12 Texas Administrative Code Rule 215.12 b/readtac$ext.TacPage?sl=R& app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc =&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=2 2&pt=11&ch=215&rl=12 Review of Administrative Rules related to records Administrative Rules 3.03.14 - Records Management Program e/3.03.014.htm Storage audit 3.03.014 – Disposition of College Records e/3.03.014GuidelineDisposition .htm 3.03.014 – Records Center e/3.03.014GuidelineRecordsCe nter.htm Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 38 Financial Records Policy 39 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.7: Records reflect that program complaints and grievances receive due process and include evidence of resolution. (old standard 1.9) Definitions: Complaints and Grievances – a formal allegation against a party or program usually expressed in a written, signed statement. A grievance is a wrong or hardship suffered which is the grounds for complaint; the formal expression of a grievance is a complaint. The record of student complaints must include all complaints filed during the time period since the last accreditation review. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): 100% of complaints about the program are addressed, available for review, and include evidence of resolution Component Complaints Documentation Complaint File Responsibility Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method File Review ADN Handbook Health Science Grievance Policy ACC Grievance Policy Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Complaints 40 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.8: Orientation to technology is provided and technological support is available to students. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): Orientation to technology is provided and technological support is available to students Component Tech Support Documentation Responsibility Student Theory Course Evaluation Educational Resources Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Student Theory Course Evaluation Survey ACC Website Review of ACC Website ( /rnsg/) Review of ACC Student Handbook ACC Student Handbook Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Tech Support 41 Standard 3: Students Criterion 3.9: Information related to technology requirements and policies specific to distance education is clear, accurate, consistent, and accessible. (old standard 3.8) Definitions: Distance Education – an educational process in which the majority of the instruction occurs when a student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Expected Level of Achievement (ELA): This standard is not applicable to our program. The ACC ADN program does not offer distance education Component Documentation Not applicable Responsibility Assessment Method Not applicable Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 42 Standard 4: Curriculum The curriculum supports the achievement of the identified student learning outcomes and program outcomes of the nursing education unit consistent with safe practice in contemporary health care environments. Criterion 4.1: The curriculum incorporates established professional standards, guidelines, and competencies, and has clearly articulated student learning outcomes and program outcomes consistent with contemporary practice. Expected Level of Achievement: 100% of the faculty will strongly agree or agree that the theory and clinical nursing courses: o Have clearly articulated program outcomes and course objectives o Incorporate professional standards , guidelines, and competencies Component Curriculum Documentation Curriculum Design Responsibility Curriculum Committee Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of Curriculum Curriculum Committee meeting minutes Review of Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes Program Educational Outcomes Course Syllabi Review of Program Educational Outcomes Course Syllabi Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Curriculum Program Outcomes and course objectives Professional standards, guidelines, competencies 43 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.2: The student learning outcomes are used to organize the curriculum, guide the delivery of instruction, direct learning activities, and evaluate student progress. Expected Levels of Achievement: The educational outcomes are used to: - organize the curriculum - guide the delivery of instruction - direct learning activities - evaluate student progress Component Curriculum development Documentation Responsibility Curriculum Committee Course syllabi Program Educational Outcomes Course Syllabi Frequency Cycle Annually - May Assessment Method Comparative Analysis of Course Syllabi Clinical Evaluation Tools Comparative Analysis of Clinical Evaluation Tools Curriculum committee minutes Review of Curriculum Committee Minutes ADN website Review of ADN website Conceptual Framework ( /rnsg/ ) Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Curriculum Development Program Educational Outcomes Course objectives Course Syllabi Conceptual Framework 44 NEED A FLOW CHART OF HOW ALL OF THESE SUPPORT OUTCOMES 45 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.3: The curriculum is developed by the faculty and regularly reviewed to ensure integrity, rigor and currency. Expected Levels of Achievement: The curriculum is developed by the faculty and regularly reviewed to ensure integrity, rigor and currency Component Curriculum development Documentation FOC and curriculum committee minutes Responsibility Curriculum Committee End of Year Reports from Committee Annually - May Assessment Method Review of FOC and curriculum committee minutes Review End of Year Reports from Committees Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Curriculum development 46 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.4: The curriculum includes general education courses, included in the degree plan, that enhance professional nursing knowledge and practice. Expected Levels of Achievement: 100% compliance with SACS general education requirements The curriculum includes general education courses, included in the degree plan, that enhance professional nursing knowledge and practice Component Curriculum (general education) courses Documentation Current degree plans Responsibility Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Annually - May SACS General Education Requirements Review of current degree plans Review of SACS Report of Data Component Assessment Method Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Curriculum (general education) courses Where are the attachments? We need them!!! Need to have chart with general ed courses and rationale for use Insert attachments here – need word versions of the degree plans 47 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.5: The curriculum includes cultural, ethnic, and socially diverse concepts and may also include experiences from regional, national, or global perspectives. Expected Level of Achievement: The curriculum includes cultural, ethnic, and socially diverse concepts and may also include experiences from regional, national, or global perspectives Component Curriculum (Cultural/Ethical/Socially Diverse) Documentation Degree plans Responsibility Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Annually (May) Review of degree plans Course Syllabi Review of course syllabi & modules Course Modules Course projects Review of course projects Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Curriculum (Cultural/Ethical/Socially Diverse) 48 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.6: The curriculum and instructional processes reflect educational theory, inter-professional collaboration, research, and current standards of practice. (EVC) Expected Level of Achievement: The curriculum and instructional processes reflect educational theory, inter-professional collaboration, research, and current standards of practice Each Level in ADN Program will participate in simulated learning experience Component Documentation Responsibilities Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Curriculum/Instruction Curriculum Committee reflects: ANNUALLY Review: (MAY) Course Objectives Educational Theory Course Objectives Inter-professional Collaboration Course Modules Research Level Meeting Minutes Standards of Practice Simulation objectives Simulation Bi-annual Faculty Survey Report of Data Component Course Modules Level Meeting Minutes Simulation objectives Bi-annual Faculty Survey Actions Results Development , Maintenance, Revisions Educational Theory Inter-professional Collaboration Research Standards of Practice Simulation 49 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.7: Evaluation methodologies are varied, reflect established professional and practice competencies, and measure the achievement of student learning outcomes. (old standard 4.5) Expected Level of Achievement: Evaluation methodologies are varied, reflect established professional and practice competencies, and measure the achievement of student learning outcomes Component Evaluation Methodologies Documentation Responsibility Student clinical evaluations Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Annually May Assessment Method Review of Clinical assignments Grading Rubrics Student evals Careplans Grading rubrics Exams Exams Report of Data Component Results Actions Development, Maintenance, Revision Student evaluations Varied Methodologies Professional and Practice Competencies Achievement 50 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.8: The length of time and the credit hours required for program completion are congruent with the attainment of identified student learning outcomes and program outcomes and consistent with the policies of the governing organization, state and national standards, and best practices. Expected Level of Achievement: The ADN program will have between 60 and 72 hours in its curriculum which is consistent with the national standards for AD nursing Component Documentation Responsibility Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Review of degree plan Program length Degree Plan Credit hours College requirements for graduation Review of college requirements for graduation ADN curriculum Review of THECB requirements for AD Nursing curricula Program Outcomes (Student Learning) Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of ADN curriculum Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Program length and credit hours Program Outcomes (Student Learning) 51 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.9: Practice learning environments support the achievement of student learning and program outcomes. Expected Level of Achievement: Practice learning environments support the achievement of student learning and program outcomes Component Student learning environments Documentation Student Clinical Course Evaluation Responsibility Educational Resources Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Student Evaluations (each semester) List of Clinical sites by level Assessment Method Student clinical course evaluations Review of List of Clinical sites by level Clinical site review (each semester) Report of Data Component Results Actions Development ,Maintenance, Revision Student learning environments 1) Student clinical course evaluation Results of Student Clinical Course Evaluations demonstrate that practice environment support the achievement of student learning and program outcomes. 2) List of clinical sites by level – (make a table with all of these sites listed by level) 52 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.10: Students participate in clinical experiences that are evidence –based and reflect contemporary practice and nationally established patient health and safety goals. Expected Level of Achievement: Students participate in clinical experiences that are evidence –based and reflect contemporary practice and nationally established patient health and safety goals Hospital nationally established patient health and safety goals are incorporated into the curriculum Component Clinical experiences Documentation Clinical syllabi Evidence- based and contemporary practice Clinical objectives and foci Responsibility Curriculum Committee Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of clinical syllabi, objectives, and clinical foci National patient health and safety goals Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Clinical experiences Evidence- based and contemporary practice National patient health and safety goals 53 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.11: Written agreements for clinical practice agencies are current, specify expectations for all parties, and ensure the protection of students. Expected Level of Achievement: 100% of clinical affiliation agreements are current and specify expectations and ensure protection of students Component Clinical practice agencies Documentation Affiliation agreements Responsibility ADNSA Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Affiliation agreements Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Clinical practice agencies 54 Standard 4: Curriculum Criterion 4.12: Learning activities, instructional materials, and evaluation methods are appropriate for all delivery formats and consistent with the student learning outcomes. (old standard 4.9) Expected Level of Achievement: Learning activities, instructional materials, and evaluation methods are appropriate for all delivery formats and consistent with the student learning outcomes Component Learning activities Instructional materials Evaluation methods Documentation Course syllabi Course objectives Responsibility Accreditation Committee (this committee to get this Criterion started) Course projects Frequency Cycle Annually-May Assessment Method Review of course Syllabi Objectives Projects Evaluations Course evaluations Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Learning Activities Instructional materials Evaluation methods 55 Standard 5: Resources Fiscal, physical, and learning resources are sustainable and sufficient to ensure the achievement of the student learning outcomes and program outcomes of the nursing education unit. Criterion 5.1: Fiscal resources (personnel, supplies, materials, equipment, and services) are sustainable, sufficient to ensure the achievement of the student learning outcomes and program outcomes, and commensurate with the resources of the governing organization. Definition: Fiscal Resources: The financial support required for securing the personnel, supplies, materials, equipment, and services necessary to ensure the achievement of the program outcomes. Expected Level of Achievement: The fiscal resources will: - Support the number of faculty needed for student enrollment - Purchase equipment and supplies - Supplement faculty development - Be commensurate with resources of the governing organization Component Fiscal Resources Documentation Program/college budget Responsibility Department Chair Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Comparative analysis Review of FOC minutes FOC minutes Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Fiscal Resources 56 Standard 5: Resources Criterion 5.2: Physical resources (classrooms, laboratories, offices, etc.) are sufficient to ensure the achievement of the nursing education unit outcomes, and meet the needs of the faculty, staff, and students. Definition: Physical Resources: Classrooms, laboratories, offices, and other common spaces that are used by the program. Expected Level of Achievement: Physical resources (classrooms, laboratories, offices, etc.) are sufficient to ensure the achievement of the nursing education unit outcomes, and meet the needs of the faculty, staff, and students 75% of students surveyed strongly agree or agree that the physical resources are appropriate to support the achievement of program outcomes 90% of faculty surveyed strongly agree or agree that the physical resources are appropriate to meet the needs of the faculty and staff Component Instructional Space Non-instructional Space Documentation Student Overall Program Evaluation Responsibility Educational Resources Committee ADN Faculty Survey Students-Every Semester Faculty-Annually Assessment Method Review Student Overall Program Evaluation Review ADN Faculty Survey Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Actions Results Development, Maintenance, and Revisions Instructional Space Non-instructional Space 57 Standard 5: Resources Criterion 5:3: Learning resources and technology are selected with faculty input and are comprehensive, current, and accessible to faculty and students. (old standard 5.3) Definition: Learning Resources: the materials, activities, and technologies that facilitate the development of student knowledge and skills. - Examples include, but are not limited to: library resources, nursing skills laboratory, nursing tutor Expected Level of Achievement: Learning resources and technology are selected with faculty input and are comprehensive, current, and accessible to faculty and students 75% of the students surveyed strongly agree or agree that the learning resources (library resources, nursing skills laboratory, and nursing tutor) are comprehensive, current, and accessible Component Documentation Library Resources Theory Course Evaluations Nursing Skills Laboratory Educational Resources Committee Meeting Minutes Responsibility Educational Resources Committee Nursing Tutor Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Annually (May) Theory Course Evaluations Students (Every Semester) Review of Educational Resources Committee Meeting Minutes FOC Meeting Minutes Review of FOC Meeting Minutes Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Library Resources Nursing Skills Laboratory Nursing Tutor 58 Standard 5: Resources Criterion 5.4: Fiscal, physical, technological, and learning resources are sufficient to meet the needs of the faculty and students engaged in alternative methods of delivery. Definition: Alternative methods of delivery: The way in which a nursing course, track, or program is shared with students including non-traditional means of student-faculty interaction, length required for the program of study, and/or varying intervals of class and/or clinical schedules. Examples include, but are not limited to: accelerated or condensed formats, ITV, videotape/DVD learning packages, and online delivery Fiscal Resources: The financial support required for securing the personnel, supplies, materials, equipment, and services necessary to ensure the achievement of the program outcomes. Physical Resources: Classrooms, laboratories, offices, and other common spaces that are used by the program. Learning Resources: the materials, activities, and technologies that facilitate the development of student knowledge and skills. - Examples include, but are not limited to: library resources, nursing skills laboratory, nursing tutor Expected Level of Achievement: The Associate Degree Nursing program at Austin Community College does not utilize alternative methods of delivery Component Documentation Responsibility Frequency Cycle Assessment Method Not Applicable Actions Report of Data Component Results Development, Maintenance, Revision 59 Standard 6: Outcomes Program evaluation demonstrates that students and graduates have achieved the student learning outcomes, program outcomes, and role-specific graduate competencies of the nursing education unit. Criterion 6.1: The systematic plan for evaluation of the nursing education unit emphasizes the ongoing assessment and evaluation of each of the following: - Student learning outcomes; - Program outcomes; - Role-specific graduate competencies; and - The Accrediting Body Standards The systematic plan of evaluation contains specific, measurable expected levels of achievement; appropriate assessment methods; and a minimum of three (3) years of data for each component within the plan. Expected Level of Achievement: A written plan for systematic program evaluation is published for faculty use and is used to guide all of the ADN Faculty Committee’s end of year reports 100% of required elements are included in the systematic plan of evaluation Component Documentation Responsibility Frequency Cycle Assessment method Written plan for systematic program review Systematic Plan of Evaluation Accreditation Committee Each semester Comparative analysis of SPE data Report of Data Component Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Written plan for systematic program review 60 Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.2: Systematic plan of evaluation findings are aggregated and trended by program option, location, and date of completion and are sufficient to inform program decision making for the maintenance and improvement of the student learning outcomes and the program outcomes. Expected Levels of Achievement: Trended and aggregated evaluation findings are utilized to maintain or improve student learning outcomes and program outcomes Component Evaluation Findings Documentation Responsibility Curriculum Committee SPE Findings of data in End of Year Reports Course Evaluation Response Forms from Levels Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of SPE Review of End of Year Committee Reports Review of Course Evaluation Response Forms from Levels Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision Written plan for systematic program review 61 Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.3: Systematic plan of evaluation findings are shared with communities of interest. Expected Level of Achievement: 100% of the evaluation findings are available for sharing with communities of interest Component Communities of interest Documentation Responsibility Minutes from the advisory committee meetings Department Chair Minutes from the HWACT meetings Report of Data Component Results Frequency Cycle Annually (May) Assessment Method Review of minutes from the advisory committee meetings Review of minutes from the HWACT meetings Actions Development, Maintenance, Revision Communities of interest 62 Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.4: The program demonstrates evidence of achievement in meeting the program outcomes. Expected Level of Achievement: The program demonstrates evidence of achievement in meeting the program outcomes, including: - Performance on licensure exam - Program completion - Graduate Program Satisfaction - Employer Program Satisfaction - Job Placement Rates Component Outcomes Documentation See 6.4.1 – 6.4.5 Responsibility Accreditation Committee Frequency Cycle End of Spring & Fall Semesters Report of Data Component Outcomes Actions Results See 6.4.1 – 6.4.5 Assessment Method See 6.4.1 – 6.4.5 Development, Maintenance, Revision See 6.4.1 – 6.4.5 63 Standard 6: Outcomes Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.4.1 Performance on licensure exam: The program’s 3 year mean for the licensure exam pass rate will be at or above the national mean for the same 3 year period. Expected Level of Achievement: Annual NCLEX program pass rate will be > or equal 95%. The program’s 3 year mean pass rate will be > or equal to the national mean Component NCLEX Pass Rates Documentation BON NCLEX reports National Means: BON Website Responsibility Accreditation Committee Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle End of Spring & Fall Semesters Assessment Method Analysis of NCLEX pass rates Actions Results Development, Maintenance, Revision NCLEX Pass Rates National Means: 64 Criterion 6.4.2: Program Completion: Expected levels of achievement for program completion are determined by the faculty and reflect student demographics and program options. Expected Level of Achievement: Expected levels of achievement for program completion are determined by the faculty Expected levels of achievement for program completion reflect the student demographics Expected levels of achievement reflect program options 80% of Traditional Track graduates will complete the program within 2.5 80% of Mobility graduates will complete program within 2 years Component Expected Levels of Achievement in SPE (program completion) Documentation ADN FOC minutes Responsibility Accreditation Committee Frequency Cycle End of Spring & Fall Semesters Assessment Method Review of ADN FOC minutes Datatel Review of Datatel Actions Report of Data Component Results Development, Maintenance, Revision ELA determined by faculty Student demographics Program options Completion rate - RRC - Hybrid - CEC - EVC - Mobility Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.4.3: Graduate Program Satisfaction: Qualitative and quantitative measures address graduates six to twelve months post-graduation. 65 Expected Level of Achievement: 90% of graduating students surveyed will strongly agree or agree that they were satisfied with their educational experience in the nursing program Component Graduate Program Satisfaction Documentation Graduate Survey Responsibility Accreditation Committee Frequency Cycle Annually-May Assessment Method Graduate Survey in survey monkey Alumni Reunion Luncheon? Report of Data Component Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Graduate Program Satisfaction - EVC - Mobility - RRC - Hybrid 66 - CEC Overall Program Satisfaction 67 Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.4.4: Employer Program Satisfaction: Qualitative and quantitative measures address employer satisfaction with graduate preparation for entry level positions six to twelve months post-graduation. (old standard 6.5.3 & 6.4) Expected Level of Achievement: 90% of employers surveyed will strongly agree or agree that they are satisfied with the graduates educational preparation for entry level Registered Nurse positions Component Employer Program Satisfaction with Graduates Documentation Employer Survey Responsibility Accreditation Committee Report of Data Component Frequency Cycle Annually-May Assessment Method Employer Survey in survey monkey Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Employer Program Satisfaction with Graduates 68 Standard 6: Outcomes Criterion 6.4.5: Job placement Rates: Expected levels of achievement are determined by the faculty and are addressed through quantified measures six to twelve months post-graduation. Definition: Job Placement Rates: % of graduates who seek employment within 6 months to 12 months of graduation who are employed as a Registered Nurse Expected Level of Achievement: Expected levels of achievement for job placement rates are determined by the faculty 90% of graduates who seek employment within 6 months to 12 months of graduating will be employed as a registered nurse Component Post-Graduation Employment Documentation FOC minutes Responsibility Accreditation Committee Frequency Cycle Each Semester Graduate Employment form Graduate Employment form Report of Data Component Assessment Method FOC minutes Actions Results Development ,Maintenance, Revision Post-Graduation Employment - RRC - Hybrid - CEC - EVC - Mobility 69