the Newsletter of the College for All Texans Foundation Awards Over $3.8

November 2006
Gap Closing Gazette: the Newsletter of the College
for All Texans Foundation
Awards Over $3.8
Million to Help Close Gaps
TG has become one of the largest funders of the
Closing the Gaps effort in Texas. For the second
consecutive year, TG has awarded grants to
advance college access, student retention, and
educational research. TG's Public Benefit Grant
Program is providing this fall more than $3.8
million in competitive grants to 28 institutions
and non-profit organizations.
The mission of the College for All Texans
Foundation: Closing the Gaps is to generate the
private resources necessary to ensure the success
of the College for Texans Campaign. For more
information or to make a donation, please call
512 427- 6108 or visit
(Continued on page 2)
More news in this issue (left-click on headline):
TG President and CEO Sue McMillin (second from left)
and Asst. VP Jacob Fraire (far left) at launch of Austin
Community College’s Mobile Go Center. A TG grant is
enabling expansion of Austin Community College’s
College Connection which the new MGC, funded by
AMD and AT&T, will support. The Coordinating
Board’s Assistant Commissioner for Outreach and
Success Catherine Dikes (third from left) and Don
Brown (far right) join the celebration and help hold the
MGC key presented to ACC by TSTC-Waco.
AMD Funds New Mobile Go Center for
Central Texas to be Operated by Austin
Community College
TG Provides $300,000 for College GForce to Help Students in Go Centers
Tarrant County College Begins
Operation of Mobile Go Center
Summer Bridge Program at Texas A&M
International University
Americorps*VISTA and Recent Retirees
to Help Go Centers
UTPA’s Mobile Go Center Sets the Pace:
Reaches Over 6000 in First Seven
Five Gap Closing Programs Win Texas
Higher Education Star Award
Fall 2006 Higher Education Enrollment
Grows But at Lower Rate Than in
Several Previous Years
Mobile Go Center Photo Gallery
Foundation Information
TG Awards Over $3.8 Million
in Grants (cont’d from page 1)
Recipients will use the grant funds to enhance
opportunities and access to higher education and
improve student success in preparing for and
earning a college degree.
“Since TG's founding 25 years ago, we have
believed that everyone who aspires to complete
a college degree should have the opportunity to
do so," said Sue McMillin, president and CEO
for TG, a nonprofit company that provides
federal student loan guarantees and helps
millions of students finance higher education
each year. "Through TG's Public Benefit Grant
Program, we're pleased that we can help
educational partners and like-minded
organizations reach out to students and
In determining the recipients, TG required each
nonprofit organization to declare its intent to use
grant funding to improve access to, or
participation in, postsecondary education,
college retention, and student success.
TG intends that the primary beneficiaries of
these efforts, either directly or indirectly, be
students who are from low- to moderate-income
families, with priority awarded to proposals that
addressed the needs of first-generation college
students, students from high schools with low
college-going rates, and/or students who are
underrepresented in higher education.
The grant funds will help organizations carry
out efforts that include financial aid, in the form
of need-based grants to students; student
mentoring and internships; pre-college outreach
to students and parents; academic support and
instruction; student retention; student transfer
guidance and support; and education research.
TG funds have been instrumental to the
development of Mobile Go Centers. They have
enabled UT-Pan American to operate its Mobile
Go Center, the College for All Texans
Foundation to construct its initial three MGCs,
and South Texas Tech Prep-Laredo Community
College to acquire a MGC.
During the first year of funding in 2005-2006,
TG awarded $1.8 million through its
competitive grant program. As then, the current
grant funds are offered in addition the Charley
Wootan Grant Program, established by TG in
2000, that provides $1 million each year in
need-based aid to students enrolled in
postsecondary education.
Earlier this year, TG's Public Benefit Grant
Program also set aside $500,000 to help students
whose education was interrupted by Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita. The TG Textbook Awards
program provided 1,000 students with grants to
purchase textbooks and education-related
supplies for the 2006 summer session or fall
For more information: Contact Jacob Fraire at (800) 2529743, ext. 4964, or via e-mail at
Return to top
AMD Funds Mobile Go Center
for Central Texas: Launched by
Austin Community College on
November 16
AMD, to help close the educational gaps in
Austin and Central Texas, has funded the state’s
fifth Mobile Go Center. Like other MGCs, the
new unit is a long, enclosed trailer equipped
with laptop computers connected to the Internet
by a dish antenna and satellite system. The
MGC can be pulled
to a wide range of
locations to connect
students, parents
and others with
information about
preparing for,
applying to, paying
for and succeeding
in college.
AMD’s Allyson Peerman and
Ward Tisdale next to one of
AMD’s logos on the MGC
The AMD grant enabled construction of the
MGC and provided it with all equipment—
including laptops with AMD processors-except its satellite Internet system. That system
is made possible by funds from the AT&T
Foundation’s eight-year grant for technology
used on MGCs and in some fixed-site Go
The AT&T Foundation grant, announced early
in 2005, kick-started the entire Mobile Go
Center Project.
College Connection is a unique outreach
program which the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board recently recognized with its
Star Award for contributions to Closing the
Gaps (see p. 7). The program’s primary goal is
to place college enrollment services squarely in
front of all ACC area high school seniors to
create the expectation of postsecondary
education. Every College Connection
participating senior who graduates receives an
ACC acceptance letter along with his/her high
school diploma.
Like all the partner institutions operating Mobile
Go Centers, ACC will use the MGC to carry and
convey the broad “Education. Go Get It/ La
Educación. Saber es Poder” message.
Austin Community College’s Mobile Go Center, pictured
above, has its own website,
with an operating calendar and an invitation to request
Donors and school leaders from across the
region gathered at ACC's Eastview Campus on
November 16 to launch the new Mobile Go
Center and to announce a major expansion of
the College Connection program.
Austin Community College will use the MGC
in its acclaimed
College Connection
program. It will
bring support and
information about
college preparation,
financial aid and
related subjects to
students, parents,
and others,
especially those
from families with
historically low college-going rates who live in
the communities within ACC’s eight-county
service area.
For more information: Richard Armenta, PhD, at Austin
Community College (512)223-7955 or via e-mail at; or Dewy Brooks at the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board (512) 427-6289,
or via email at
Return to top
TG Grant for College for
Texans: $300,000 for Collegiate
G-Force to Help Students in Go
An award made under TG’s Public Benefit
Grant Program (see p. 1) will strengthen the
impact of Go Centers in Texas’ three regions
with the largest populations.
The TG funds will provide grants of up to
$1,000 to at least 300 Collegiate G-Force
members in 2006-2007 in the Dallas-Fort Worth
Metroplex, the Houston and Gulf Coast region,
and South Texas. The grants make it possible
for far more college students to encourage more
high school students to prepare for, pursue, and
succeed in college.
The Coordinating Board will allocate the TG
funds to 10 institutions in the three regions.
Those colleges and universities will select the
student recipients and connect them to the Go
Centers where they will serve.
The Collegiate G-Force is composed of college
students who work in Go Centers. Under the
guidance of an adult G-Force sponsor, they help
draw high school students to Go Centers to
obtain college-going information and support.
Because of their experience in college,
Collegiate G-Force members can tutor high
school students who need academic assistance,
mentor them as they proceed along a path to
college entrance and success, and take other
steps to build a college-going culture.
The Collegiate G-Force members can serve as
role models to younger students in their
communities, and often are able to engage
students who otherwise would be overlooked by
the education system.
For more information: Chris Alvarado (512) 427-6207,
or via e-mail at
Return to top
Tarrant County College begins
operation of Mobile Go Center
Tarrant County College announced the launch
of its Mobile Go Center at a ceremony on
October 10 at historic Trimble Tech High near
downtown Fort Worth. The new MGC is the
fourth to begin service in Texas, and the third of
those owned by the College for All Texans
Foundation and deployed by partner institutions.
College for All Texans Foundation
representative Don Brown, presented the
MGC’s keys to TCCD Trustee Robyn Medina
Winnett along with the now-traditional large
key from Texas State Technical College. The
large key symbolizes the contribution to the
College for Texans Campaign of TSTC Waco’s
transformation of the bare trailer into a ready-togo Mobile Go Center.
Trustee Winnett accepted the MGC for Tarrant
County College District and pledged that it
would be used fully to reach and help students
necessary to close gaps.
Gary Terry, regional vice president of external
affairs, AT&T Texas conveyed his and his
company’s support for the Mobile Go Center
project. The AT&T Foundation’s grant provided
funds for the MGC’s computers and telecommunications equipment. Several other Texas
foundations contributed grants that paid for
construction of the new MGC.
AT&T’s Linda
Caram and Gary
Terry with
Trustee Robyn
Winnett (holding
key), and Don
“The Mobile Go Center will enable Tarrant
County College and other Texas colleges and
universities to reach potential students where
they live, work and attend school,” said Dr.
Leonardo de la Garza, Tarrant County College
chancellor. “The mobility of the Go Center is
especially valuable in expanding our outreach
efforts throughout Tarrant County.”
our youth to
attend and
graduate from
college is of
importance to
our community,”
said State Rep.
Lon Burnam.
“The Texas Legislature has helped facilitate this
through the College for Texans Campaign, and
the Mobile Go Centers are key to fulfilling the
objectives of that campaign.”
Following this Mobile Go Center launch, TCC
will coordinate its schedule throughout the
county in a variety of settings (festivals,
sporting events, supermarket or mall parking
lots, and schools that do not have Go Centers) in
an effort to reach parents and middle school and
high school students who might not otherwise
plan to attend college.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram published the
following editorial on Tarrant County College’s
new Mobile Go Center on October 26:
On your mark ...
It's difficult to find a statistical variable more powerful
than the correlation between higher education and
income potential: Go to college, make more money and
have a better quality of life.
The problem is that many students -- particularly lowincome students who often come from families whose
parents did not attend college -- sometimes have very
little idea about where to find information about how to
apply for college, what it costs, what qualifying tests are
required or what kind of financial assistance is available.
This is not a healthy situation. The Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board calculates that it will have
to boost higher education enrollment by at least 630,000
students -- a 60 percent increase over enrollment in
2000 -- over the next 20 years (plus substantially raise
the annual number of graduates to more than 210,000)
just for the state to keep pace economically with the
nation and the world. The problem comes in tandem with
rising tuition costs.
The fix? Help one student at a time.
That's what was going on one recent morning outside
Fort Worth's Trimble Tech High School as students waited
to explore the 34-foot-long Mobile Go Center that Tarrant
County College parked at the campus' 89-year-old
Inside, students found 10 laptop computers, satellite
connections to the Internet, informational materials and
pre-college counseling assistance.
The Go Center will be visiting public school campuses,
sporting events, festivals and mall parking lots all over
North Texas.
The go-get-them strategy could pay enormous dividends
in expanded college enrollment. Though TCC probably
will pick up its fair share of students, the Go Center will
provide information about institutions nationwide.
Think of it as "driving" access to higher education and a
more prosperous future for both students and the region.
For more information: Dewy Brooks at the THECB
(512) 427-6289, or via e-mail at, or Fidel Castillo at
Tarrant County College (817) 515- 5180, or via e-mail at
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Texas A&M International hosts
College Readiness Summer
Bridge Program
Funded partly by a federal First Generation
College Student grant through the Coordinating
Board, Texas A&M International University
hosted the College Readiness Summer Bridge
Program for 263 incoming high school juniors
in June 2006. Students were housed at Texas
A&M International’s Residential Learning
Community under the supervision of residential
assistants who offered mentoring and tutoring to
all participants.
Participants were students from Laredo
Independent School District and United
Independent School District entering grade 12,
whose 10th grade TAKS scores were between
2100 and 2199 in English/Language Arts and
Math. The goal of the program was to increase
student TAKS scores to reach the College
Readiness Index (CRI) score of 2200.
Students were offered courses in the areas of
reading, writing, and mathematics in an effort to
increase TAKS scores and to prepare students
for the Texas Higher Education Assessment
(THEA). At the end of the program, the THEA
was administered to all participants. The 40
participants with the highest THEA scores were
awarded concurrent enrollment scholarships by
Texas A&M International University.
Participants are being invited to meetings during
their junior and senior years to raise their level
of awareness about college, career, and work
readiness, as well as financial aid and
admissions requirements.
The College Readiness Summer Bridge
Program was free to all participants. Students
were provided with free housing, meals,
instruction in academics, school supplies, and
on-campus amenities.
In addition to the First Generation College
Grant, the program was made possible by inkind financial contributions from Texas A&M
International University and the United
Independent School District.
A further report on the extent of success of the
pilot program will be provided in January, 2007.
For more information, contact Belinda Perez-Hernandez
at (512) 427-6209 or by e-mail at
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Americorps*VISTA and Recent
Retirees to Help Go Centers
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board is partnering with Americorps*VISTA
(Volunteers in Service to America) and
Communities in Schools - San Antonio, as well
as with Texas Campus Compact and the Retired
Senior Volunteer Program, to explore a new
way to initiate and staff Go Centers.
New Go Centers are planned for early 2007 in
10 elementary, middle, and high schools in
which Communities in Schools is active in or
near San Antonio. An AmeriCorps* VISTA
member will be assigned to the CIS-SA Go
Center in each of the targeted San Antonio
schools to assist students who might not
otherwise aim for college by promoting college
awareness and development in their schools and
the surrounding community.
The AmeriCorps*VISTA members will be
trained to conduct academic engagement
programs using high school and college students
and community volunteers to help close gaps in
higher education participation and success.
Their objective is to ensure that CIS-SA
students and parents know that college is
affordable, possible, and desirable.
Several of the VISTA members and many of the
community volunteers are expected to come
from the ranks of recent retirees and college
students in service learning programs at St.
Mary’s University, Our Lady of the Lake
University, the University of Texas at San
Antonio, and St. Philip’s College.
For more information contact Jennifer Tywater, VISTA
Leader, at (512) 427-6198 or by e-mail at
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UTPA’s Mobile Go Center Sets
the Pace: Reaches Over 6000 in
First Seven Months
As reported in previous issues of the Gap
Closing Gazette, UT-Pan American was the
state’s first institution to begin operating a
Mobile Go Center, taking advantage of a wellequipped trailer it already owned and a welldirected grant from TG.
From the MGC’s initial visit on March 31 to the
South Texas Career Fair in Kingsville (where 86
students and parents came aboard) through its
appearance seven months later on October 30 in
the McAllen Independent School District, more
than 6000 people were assisted. In a single
week-long stay at Freer High School, the MGC
served 455 students.
Over the same period, UT-Pan American
deployed its MGC to 110 sites: 27 community
events, 26 single-day visits to schools, 51 weeklong visits, and 6 for training staff members.
UTPA’s report to TG summarized its MGC
experience as follows: “Through all of these
efforts, the interest in the community continues
to grow and new possibilities for partnerships
keep developing. While our initial plan of
taking the unit out to schools for ‘Education: Go
Get It!’ weeks proved challenging, the greater
need for such services in the community became
apparent. Thus, we were forced to rethink our
delivery model and successfully incorporated
one-day school and community events into the
MGC usage.”
More good news: TG has awarded an additional
grant to UT-Pan American to continue operating
its Mobile Go Center.
For more information, contact Lisa Prieto at (956) 2927562 or by e-mail at or Felipe
Salinas at (956) 381-2526 or by e-mail at
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Five Gap Closing Programs
Win Texas Higher Education
Star Award
chosen. Selection of the five Star Award
recipients was based on the recommendations of
a nine-member panel that included three
Coordinating Board members; three Texas
business, education, and community leaders;
and three out-of-state educational
The 2006 Star Award winners are:
Austin Community College – College
Connection Program. Through this partnership
between Austin Community College
(ACC) and 15 school districts, with support
from private industry and foundations, high
school seniors receive admission and enrollment
services on their high school campuses. As a
result, virtually all of Central Texas’ 6,400 high
school seniors received an admissions
acceptance letter to ACC with their high school
diplomas. ACC’s enrollment from College
Connection school districts increased nearly 38
Five exemplary higher education gap-closing
programs received the Texas Higher Education
Star Award from the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board at an award ceremony in
Austin on November 6.
“The winners represent the state’s most
effective efforts for closing the education gaps
that challenge our state,” said Commissioner of
Higher Education Raymund A. Paredes. “The
Coordinating Board is proud to recognize the
people and the institutions that develop and
implement these programs, as well as the
organizations and others who support them.”
The awards ceremony was part of the
Coordinating Board’s 2006 Governing Boards
Conference for higher education regents
and trustees. The annual meeting allows the
governing board members to focus on how to
continue and improve the state’s efforts to
achieve the goals of the higher education plan,
Closing the Gaps by 2015 (See the plan at ).
For this year’s competition, the Board received
52 applications, from which eight finalists were
From left, ACC President Steve Kinslow, CB Chairman
Bob Shepard, ACC VP Mary Hensley, College Connection
Director Luanne Preston, Commissioner of Higher
Education Raymund Paredes.
percent on average from fall 2003 to fall 2005.
The increase was nearly 100 percent for two
school districts. In addition, the program is an
effective tool for encouraging students to go to
other colleges and universities. Overall collegegoing rates for participating high schools
increased more than 9 percent during
the same two-year period.
For more information: Mary Hensley, (512) 223-7618.
Stephen F. Austin State University –
Academic Assistance and Resource Center. The
Academic Assistance and Resource Center
(AARC) offers one-on-one peer tutoring,
student-led study groups, supplemental
instruction, and related services leading to
increased intellectual development and
academic success among participating students.
Average grades for student participants were
nearly half a grade point higher than for other
students, and college persistence rates for
participants improved as well. Students benefit
from these services throughout their years in
college, and earn degrees at higher rates. For the
university’s Class of 1999, the six-year
graduation rates for students who received
services from the Center was 48 percent,
compared to 35 percent for other students – who
had higher SAT scores on average.
For more information, contact:Robin Redmon Wright,
(936) 468-1463.
Tarrant County College District – SureStart
Program. SureStart, a learning community for
under-prepared, first-time in-college students,
offers early intervention to students who are at
risk of dropping out of college. Through the
program, students who need better reading skills
take a developmental education reading course.
From left, CB Chair Bob Shepard, TCC representatives
Lily Tercero, Penny Matthes, Jacquelyn Warmsley, Sharon
Wettengel, Charles DeSassure, and Commissioner
Raymund Paredes
They take their first college classes together,
allowing them to bond and support each other.
As a result, SureStart students are more successful in college. On average, they complete 29
semester credit hours of courses annually,
compared to only 21 for a control group. In
addition, on average, SureStart students have
earned a 2.19 grade point average, compared to
1.78 for the control group.
For more information,contact:
Penny Matthes, (817) 515-3575
The University of Texas at El Paso –
Chemistry Peer Leader Program. “Two Plus
Two Workshops” are a key element of this
effort, which has increased student success in
science, engineering, and math at UT-El Paso.
Two hours of workshops – small-group, peerled, team-based activities – are substituted for
one hour of a large-section lecture per week in a
first-semester general chemistry course. Since
the program was implemented in fall 2000, the
“C-or-better” passing rate has improved from
the historic average of nearly 53 percent to
nearly 74 percent. As a result, an additional 150
students are passing this “gatekeeper” course
annually, allowing many more students to
continue their education into science,
engineering, and math majors.
For more information, contact: James E. Becvar, (915)
YES College Preparatory Schools – YES
College Preparatory Schools. Admission to a
four-year higher education institution is a high
school graduation requirement at YES College
Preparatory Schools, based in Houston. A
comprehensive college counseling program is a
key element, beginning in middle school with
college campus visits, which total more than
20 by the time students are seniors. During their
junior year, students take a SAT/ACT
preparatory course. As seniors, students are
enrolled in a “college seminar” course, which
allows them time to work on college
applications, financial aid applications, and
discuss related issues with college counselors.
Parents also participate in college-preparatory
seminars and workshops. First-generation-incollege students account for approximately 86
percent of YES graduates, who have been
accepted to 190 colleges and universities
nationwide. Approximately 76 percent of YES
graduates persist in college, compared to
approximately 50 percent of all students
For more information, contact: Ryan Dolibois, (713) 5747595
In addition to these awards, the Coordinating
Board presented special Higher Education
Leadership Star Awards to State
Senator Florence Shapiro and State
Representative Geanie Morrison for their work
toward closing the gaps in Texas higher
education. Senator Shapiro chairs the Senate
Education Committee and Representative
Morrison chairs the House Higher
Education Committee.
For more information on the Texas Higher Education
Star Award program, contact: Glenda Barron, Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board, (512) 427-6255
or .
Return to top
Fall 2006 Higher Education
Enrollment Grows But at Lower
Rate Than in Several Previous
“Clearly, we need even greater increases to
achieve state participation goals,” said Texas
Commissioner of Higher Education Raymund
A. Paredes. He noted that Closing the Gaps by
2015, the state’s higher education plan, calls for
enrolling 1.6 million students by 2015.
The fall 2006 enrollment figures are based on a
preliminary count on the 12th class day by
higher education institutions. Historically, these
preliminary figures are approximately 6 percent
higher than the certified figures that are
obtained later in the academic year.
Preliminary fall 2005 enrollment for each Texas
higher education institution is available on the
Coordinating Board’s Web site at
For additional information, contact: Ray Grasshoff,
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, (512) 4276111, or
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Enrollment in Texas higher education increased
by 27,209 students, or 2.3 percent, to 1,211,582
students this fall, according to preliminary data
reported by colleges and universities to the
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Mobile Go Center Photo Gallery
Although this increase is more than twice the
enrollment growth reported in fall 2005, it trails
the record increases reported each year from
2001 through 2004.
Eighty percent of the total growth took place at
the state’s two-year colleges, which had 19,785
more students this fall than last fall, according
to the preliminary data.
Houston Community College
AMD-sponsored MGC for Austin
Community College while at
Houston Community College
Tarrant County College
Austin Community College
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John T. Montford, San Antonio,
Cathy Obriotti Green, San Antonio,
Ronald K. Calgaard, San Antonio,
Vice President
Milton G. Wright, Lago Vista,
Lorraine Perryman, Odessa,
A.W. “Whit” Riter, III, Tyler
Paul W. Hobby, Houston
Janie Strauss McGarr, Dallas
John F. Moss, Pecan Gap
Robert W. Shepard, Harlingen
Pamela P. Willeford, Austin
Raymund Paredes, Austin, Ex Officio
(Commissioner of Higher Education)
-----------------------Don W. Brown, Austin,
Executive Director
512 427-6108
The College for All Texans Foundation:
Closing the Gaps is a nonprofit corporation
established in 2001 as the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board’s official
nonprofit partner. The Foundation is
governed by a board of trustees, a majority
of whom are appointed by the chairman of
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board. The Foundation is exempt from
federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Foundation’s mission is to generate
the resources necessary to ensure the
success of the College for Texans
Campaign, led by the Texas Higher
Austin, Ex Officio
College for Texans is the “statewide
awareness and motivational campaign” that
the Coordinating Board was directed to
establish by the 77th Legislature under
Sections 61.951-61.954 of the Texas
Education Code. Its mission is to build a
college-going culture throughout Texas,
and its objective is to enroll an additional
430,000 academically prepared people—
beyond the 200,000 enrollment growth
projected on the basis of trends—into
Texas higher education by 2015. The
Campaign is a central part of the state’s
higher education plan, Closing the Gaps by
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