Multimedia Collaboration Content

Multimedia Project Scoring Rubric: Scoring Guidelines
The integration of media
Working together jointly to
The topics, ideas, concepts,
objects such as text,
accomplish a common
knowledge, and opinions that
Score graphics, video, animation,
intellectual purpose in a
constitute the substance of
and sound to represent and
manner superior to what
the presentation.
convey information.
might have been
Videotapes that include
accomplished working alone.
sound and images fit this
Students have used
Students were a very
Meets all criteria of the
multimedia in creative and
effective team. Division of
previous level and one or
effective ways that exploit
responsibilities capitalized on more of the following:
the particular strengths of the the strengths of each team
reflects broad research and
chosen format. All elements
member. The final product
application of critical thinking
make a contribution. There
was shaped by all members
skills; shows notable insight
are few technical problems,
and represents something
or understanding of the topic;
and none of a serious
that would not have been
compels the audience's
possible to accomplish
working alone.
Presentation blends 3 or
Students worked together as The project has a clear goal
more multimedia elements in a team on all aspects of the
related to a significant topic
a balanced, attractive, easy- project. There was an effort
or issue. Information
to-follow format. Elements
to assign roles based on the included has been compiled
include original student work. skills/talents of individual
from several relevant
With minor exceptions, all
members. All members
sources. The project is
elements contribute rather
strove to fulfill their
useful to an audience
than detract from the
presentation's overall
beyond the students who
created it.
Presentation uses 2 or more Students worked together on The project presents
media. There are some
the project as a team with
information in an accurate
technical problems, but the
defined roles to play. Most
and organized manner that
viewer is able to follow the
members fulfilled their
can be understood by the
presentation with few
intended audience. There is
Disagreements were
a focus that is maintained
resolved or managed
throughout the piece.
Presentation uses 2 or more Presentation is the result of a The project has a focus but
media, but technical
group effort, but only some
may stray from it at times.
difficulties seriously interfere members of the group
There is an organizational
with the viewer's ability to
contributed. There is
structure, though it may not
see, hear, or understand
evidence of poor
be carried through
communication, unresolved
consistently. There may be
conflict, or failure to
factual errors or
collaborate on important
inconsistencies, but they are
aspects of the work.
relatively minor.
Multimedia is absent from
Presentation was created by Project seems haphazard,
the presentation.
one student working more or hurried or unfinished. There
less alone (though may have are significant factual errors,
Multimedia score =
received guidance or help
misconceptions, or
from others).
Collaboration score =
Content score =
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